使用 Graphviz 时,按照边缘显示标签

我正在使用 Graphviz 2.30。水平定位标签工程,但在少数情况下,一个修改的角度将是理想的。


ABB -> ABACUS[label="applied", fontname="Arial", fontsize=15, labelangle=110];

在使用 Graphviz digraph时,如何使标签与边缘保持一致(即平行)。

由于保密协议,整个 digraph将不会被张贴。此外,旋转将只应用于少数标签。

我读过类似的线程,如 这个另一个(或一个线程关于排列,例如) ,但没有任何帮助,关于我的问题。

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Edit: another answer found an option that now exists to align text with edges.

Your best option may be to export the graph as an SVG and use Illustrator or Inkscape to fine-tune it. This is only practical when producing a few graphs.

I frequently have to tweak the output from Graphviz and Gephi; they give me a good starting point though.

Using dot2latex allows you to specify lblstyle attribute. The value of lblstyle is used by PGF/TikZ in pdf generation.

One can specify parallel labels like this:

digraph G {
edge [lblstyle="above, sloped"];
a -> b [label="ab"];
b -> c [label="bc"];
c -> a [label="ca"];

To generate the pdf

$ dot2tex --tikzedgelabel file.dot > file.tex
$ pdflatex file.tex

The result is

enter image description here