If my app crashes, it hangs for a couple of seconds before I'm told by Android that the app crashed and needs to close. So I was thinking of catching all exceptions in my app with a general:
try {
// ...
} catch(Exception e) {
// ...
And make a new Activity
that explains that the application crashed instantly (and also giving users an opportunity to send a mail with the error details), instead of having that delay thanks to Android. Are there better methods of accomplishing this or is this discouraged?
Update: I am using a Nexus 5 with ART enabled and I am not noticing the delay I used to experience with apps crashing (the "hanging" I was talking about originally). I think since everything is native code now, the crash happens instantly along with getting all the crash information. Perhaps the Nexus 5 is just quick :) regardless, this may not be a worry in future releases of Android (given that ART is going to be the default runtime in Android L).