$lastCreatedModel = $model->create($dataArray);
dd($lastCreatedModel); // will output the new output
echo $lastCreatedModel->key; // will output the value from the last created Object
Model::get()->last();` // the most recent entry
Model::all()->last();` // the most recent entry
Model::get()->first();` // the oldest entry
Model::all()->first();` // the oldest entry
Model::orderBy('id', 'desc')->last(); // the most recent record
Model::latest('id')->first(); // the most recent record
Model::latest('id')->limit(1)->get(); // the most recent record
Model::orderBy('id', 'desc')->limit(1)->get(); // the most recent entry
Model::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); // the most recent entry
Model::orderBy('id', 'asc')->first(); // the oldest entry
Model::orderBy('id', 'asc')->limit(1)->get(); // the oldest entry
Model::orderBy('id', 'asc')->first(); // the oldest entry