Rob Pike explains why Go has := during his talk "Origins of Go" (2010).
:= was a pseudo operator in another language codesigned by Pike called Newsquek (1989).
Which had Pascal-ish notation and ability to infer type for declare and initialize idiom (page 15)
// variable: [type] = value
x: int = 1
x := 1
Marginal note: Robert Griesemer brings up:= operator answering the question "What would be one thing you take out from Go?" during QA session at Google I/O 2013. Referring to it as convenient but problematic.
:= is a shorthand operator for initializing a variable. In Go, the following operations are equivalent:
var myNumb String = "one"
myNumb := "one"
The implied question now is: "Why did go design the shorthand notation := to have a : before the =?". The reason is to prevent prevalent typos. If the shorthand assignment operator was just =, then you could have the following situation:
var myNumb String = "one"
myNumb = "two"
Now did the user who created that code intend to reassign two to myNumb, or did he mistype myNumb instead of correctly typing myNumbTwo? By including the colon in :=, the programmer would have to commit two errors (forget the colon and forget the var) in order to have a bug, hence decreasing the probability of doing so drastically.