没有三元运算符(condition ? then : else),因为
// Traditional usage
var max = a
if (a < b) max = b
// With else
var max: Int
if (a > b) {
max = a
} else {
max = b
// As expression
val max = if (a > b) a else b
class TestKotlinTernaryConditionalOperator {
fun testAndOrInfixFunctions() {
Assertions.assertThat(true and "yes" or "no").isEqualTo("yes")
Assertions.assertThat(false and "yes" or "no").isEqualTo("no")
Assertions.assertThat("A" and "yes" or "no").isEqualTo("yes")
Assertions.assertThat("" and "yes" or "no").isEqualTo("no")
Assertions.assertThat(1 and "yes" or "no").isEqualTo("yes")
Assertions.assertThat(0 and "yes" or "no").isEqualTo("no")
Assertions.assertThat(Date() and "yes" or "no").isEqualTo("yes")
Assertions.assertThat(null as Date? and "yes" or "no").isEqualTo("no")
infix fun <E> Boolean?.and(other: E?): E? = if (this == true) other else null
infix fun <E> CharSequence?.and(other: E?): E? = if (!(this ?: "").isEmpty()) other else null
infix fun <E> Number?.and(other: E?): E? = if (this?.toInt() ?: 0 != 0) other else null
infix fun <E> Any?.and(other: E?): E? = if (this != null) other else null
infix fun <E> E?.or(other: E?): E? = this ?: other
val columns: List<String> = ...
val band = Band().apply {
name = columns[0]
album = columns[1]
year = columns[2].takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }?.let { it.toInt() } ?: 0
data class Ternary<T>(val target: T, val result: Boolean)
infix fun <T> Boolean.then(target: T): Ternary<T> {
return Ternary(target, this)
infix fun <T> Ternary<T>.or(target: T): T {
return if (this.result) this.target else target
val collection: List<Int> = mutableListOf(1, 2, 3, 4)
var exampleOne = collection.isEmpty() then "yes" or "no"
var exampleTwo = (collection.isNotEmpty() && collection.contains(2)) then "yes" or "no"
var exampleThree = collection.contains(1) then "yes" or "no"