怎样在 curl 中使用 PATCH 动词

我正在尝试对服务器进行 PATCH 调用:

curl --data status=closed -X PATCH https://api.viafoura.com/v2/dev.viafoura.com/pages/7000000043515

这是发送 PATCH 请求的正确方式吗?我得到一个错误说,没有状态参数设置。我猜测—— data 仅用于 POST 请求,因此服务器找不到 status 参数。

这是回应(仅供参考) :

{"http_status":400,"error":"Parameter validation errors","validation_errors":{"status":{"error":"Request missing status parameter."}}}

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An alternative way is as follow, this is through a POST call though

curl --data status=closed https://api.viafoura.com/v2/dev.viafoura.com/pages/7000000043515?verb=PATCH

I am guessing this is not a general way and only applies to this specific instance.

Your command line should work. As you can see in the PATCH RFC5789, the HTTP request is similar what curl sends (use --trace-ascii to get to see the full curl communication). You might want to change the Content-Type (using --header).

The mentioned missing status parameter is probably referring to contents in the request-body. Your "status=closed" data is possibly not in the right format (JSON?) or it is incomplete.

This is the format you should use:

curl --request PATCH https://api.viafoura.com/v2/dev.viafoura.com/pages/7000000043515?status=closed

That API seems to want the status parameter as a query parameter on the url, not part of the PATCH body.

At this point the server is going to return a 401 error: "You must be logged in to modify page settings." Assumedly you have to login first with something like this:

curl --request POST "https://api.viafoura.com/v2/dev.viafoura.com/users/login?password=TeNn!sNum8er1&email=novak@example.com"

I've used the credentials from their documentation in that example, which I figured would work on their dev server, but its currently returning an "Incorrect password" error.

If you have valid credentials, though, you should get back a session cookie which you can then use to authenticate your PATCH request.

I was trying to PATCH to a tastypie resource with a similar curl request. For me the problem was the data had to be passed in like so:

curl --data '{"field": "new_value"}' -X PATCH

Notice how what I pass to the data flag is inside of what looks like a dictionary passed as a string, rather than putting the param directly as in the question. Of course a param works too as already answered, but hopefully this helps some people.

This is something which worked for me in my sample app.

curl --data 'id=57&equipment_type_name=57 edited' -X PATCH http://localhost:5009/equipment-type/update
"info": "Equipment type updation.",
"response": {
"status": "success",
"message": "updateEquipmentType",
"result": {
"data": [
"update_status": 1
"fieldCount": 0,
"affectedRows": 0,
"insertId": 0,
"serverStatus": 2,
"warningCount": 0,
"message": "",
"protocol41": true,
"changedRows": 0

For those who run it on Windows, with a complex patch expression for more than one property.
The following worked for me:

curl -X PATCH "http://localhost:5001/tenants/test02" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d [{"""op""":"""replace""","""value""":"""100""","""path""":"""/employmentEndSettings/daysLoginActive"""},{"""op""":"""replace""","""value""":"""retiree""","""path""":"""/employmentEndSettings/userRoleAfter"""}]