public void doSomething()
int i = 10;
doSomethingElse(i); // passes i by references since doSomethingElse() receives it
// by reference, but the syntax makes it appear as if i is passed
// by value
public void doSomethingElse(int& i) // receives i as a reference
cout << i << endl;
public void doSomething()
int i = 10;
public void doSomethingElse(int* i)
cout << *i << endl;
char* x;
/* Allocate 6 bytes of memory for me and point x to the first of them. */
x = (char*) malloc(6);
x[0] = 'H';
x[1] = 'e';
x[2] = 'l';
x[3] = 'l';
x[4] = 'o';
x[5] = '\0';
printf("String \"%s\" at address: %d\n", x, x);
/* Delete the allocation (reservation) of the memory. */
/* The char pointer x is still pointing to this address in memory though! */
/* Same as malloc but here the allocated space is filled with null characters!*/
x = (char *) calloc(6, sizeof(x));
x[0] = 'H';
x[1] = 'e';
x[2] = 'l';
x[3] = 'l';
x[4] = 'o';
x[5] = '\0';
printf("String \"%s\" at address: %d\n", x, x);
/* And delete the allocation again... */
/* We can set the size at declaration time as well */
char xx[6];
xx[0] = 'H';
xx[1] = 'e';
xx[2] = 'l';
xx[3] = 'l';
xx[4] = 'o';
xx[5] = '\0';
printf("String \"%s\" at address: %d\n", xx, xx);
c++构造的问题,人们通常用来代替指针非常依赖于您所使用的工具集,这是好当你有你需要的所有控制源代码,但是如果你编译一个静态库与visual studio 2008为例,尝试使用visual studio 2010中你会得到大量的链接器错误,因为新项目与一个新版本的STL不是向后兼容的。如果你编译了一个DLL,并提供了一个人们在不同工具集中使用的导入库,事情就会变得更糟,因为在这种情况下,你的程序迟早会莫名其妙地崩溃。
MyType *p = NULL; //empty pointer
//we never reach here, because the pointer points to nothing
//now, let's allocate some memory
p = new MyType[50000];
if(p) //if the memory was allocated, this test will pass
//we can do something with our allocated array
for(size_t i=0; i!=50000; i++)
MyType &v = *(p+i); //get a reference to the ith object
//do something with it
delete[] p; //we're done. de-allocate the memory