想象一下这样一种情况: 您拥有一个对象列表,并且希望根据对象中直接存储的属性按层次结构重新组织它。在下面的示例中,我使用 articles函数生成与 XML 编码的报纸中的文章相关的元数据对象列表。articles生成一个 XML 元素列表,然后逐个映射它们,生成包含关于它们的一些有趣信息的对象。在前端,我希望让用户通过章节/小节/标题来浏览文章。因此,我使用 reduce获取文章列表,并返回一个反映节/小节/文章层次结构的字典。
from lxml import etree
from Reader import Reader
class IssueReader(Reader):
def articles(self):
arts = self.q('//div3') # inherited ... runs an xpath query against the issue
subsection = etree.XPath('./ancestor::div2/@type')
section = etree.XPath('./ancestor::div1/@type')
header_text = etree.XPath('./head//text()')
return map(lambda art: {
'text_id': self.id,
'path': self.getpath(art)[0],
'subsection': (subsection(art)[0] or '[none]'),
'section': (section(art)[0] or '[none]'),
'headline': (''.join(header_text(art)) or '[none]')
}, arts)
def by_section(self):
arts = self.articles()
def extract(acc, art): # acc for accumulator
section = acc.get(art['section'], False)
if section:
subsection = acc.get(art['subsection'], False)
if subsection:
section[art['subsection']] = [art]
acc[art['section']] = {art['subsection']: [art]}
return acc
return reduce(extract, arts, {})
>>> call = lambda s, func: func(s)
>>> s = "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog"
>>> reduce(call, fs, s)
'The Slow Blue Fox Jumps Over The Industrious Dog'
from datetime import date, timedelta
def checked(d1, d2):
We assume the date list is sorted.
If d2 & d1 are different by 1, everything up to d2 is consecutive, so d2
can advance to the next reduction.
If d2 & d1 are not different by 1, returning d1 - 1 for the next reduction
will guarantee the result produced by reduce() to be something other than
the last date in the sorted date list.
Definition 1: 1/1/14, 1/2/14, 1/2/14, 1/3/14 is consider consecutive
Definition 2: 1/1/14, 1/2/14, 1/2/14, 1/3/14 is consider not consecutive
#if (d2 - d1).days == 1 or (d2 - d1).days == 0: # for Definition 1
if (d2 - d1).days == 1: # for Definition 2
return d2
return d1 + timedelta(days=-1)
# datelist = [date(2014, 1, 1), date(2014, 1, 3),
# date(2013, 12, 31), date(2013, 12, 30)]
# datelist = [date(2014, 2, 19), date(2014, 2, 19), date(2014, 2, 20),
# date(2014, 2, 21), date(2014, 2, 22)]
datelist = [date(2014, 2, 19), date(2014, 2, 21),
date(2014, 2, 22), date(2014, 2, 20)]
if datelist[-1] == reduce(checked, datelist):
print "dates are consecutive"
print "dates are not consecutive"