I am running a Flask/Gunicorn Python app on a Heroku Cedar dyno. The app returns JSON responses
to its clients (it's an API server
, really).
Once in a while clients get 0-byte responses. It's not me returning them, however. Here is a snippet of my app's log:
Mar 14 13:13:31 d.0b1adf0a-0597-4f5c-8901-dfe7cda9bce0 app[web.1] [2013-03-14 13:13:31 UTC] apisrv - api_get_credits_balance(): session_token=[MASKED]
The first line above is me starting to handle the request.
Mar 14 13:13:31 d.0b1adf0a-0597-4f5c-8901-dfe7cda9bce0 app[web.1] [2013-03-14 13:13:31 UTC] apisrv 1252148511 api_get_credits_balance(): returning [{'credits_balance': 0}]
The second line is me returning a value (to Flask -- it's a Flask "Response" object).
Mar 14 13:13:31 d.0b1adf0a-0597-4f5c-8901-dfe7cda9bce0 app[web.1] " - - [14/Mar/2013:13:13:31] "POST /get_credits_balance?session_token=MASKED HTTP/1.1" 200 22 "-" "Appcelerator Titanium/3.0.0.GA (iPhone/6.1.2; iPhone OS; en_US;)"
The third line is Gnicorn's, where you can see the Gunicorn got the 200 status and 22 bytes HTTP body ("200 22
However, the client got 0 bytes. Here is the Heroku router log:
Mar 14 13:13:30 d.0b1adf0a-0597-4f5c-8901-dfe7cda9bce0 heroku[router] at=info method=POST path=/get_credits_balance?session_token=MASKED host=matchspot-apisrv.herokuapp.com fwd="" dyno=web.1 queue=0 wait=0ms connect=1ms service=19ms status=200 bytes=0
Why does Gunicorn return 22 bytes, but Heroku sees 0, and indeed passes back 0 bytes to the client? Is this a Heroku bug?