如何删除一个项目(从工作区)在 PHPStorm?

如何删除(而不是简单地关闭) PHPStorm 中的项目?

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**Two Approaches for PHPSTORM 2018.3 Version **

A. Eternal Removal or Deletion from Hardware and Phpstorm IDE

  Please visit the folder 'PhpstormProjects' and delete the project file manually. If you do so, you will see the folder disappear from Phpstorm explore window. This might be weird, but true.

B. Remove from the recent project panel of Phpstorm 2018.3 (The folder after such removal will hide and a creation of the same name of project will restore the removed from the recent project panel.)

    1. Click  File > Close project

2. From Recent projects, select project, press the fn(on normal keyboard -       key between right Alt and Ctrl, not windows key)+Delete

I know this post is a little old, but for MAC OS X phpStorm 6*, on the welcome to JetBrains PhpStorm page (under the recent projects use arrow keys up/down to select the project you want to remove, the hold the fn+delete.


in phpStorm 7 on windows, selecting project/delete does delete the files erc but does NOT remove it from the "recent Projects" list. I found that highlighting it, then pressing Backspace is the key combination to remove it from the list! Maybe it has changed in v7.

Apparently jetbrains can't decide on one way?

For me on Windows 7 highlighting the project and then windowkey + del did the trick

Follow this simple steps:

  1. Just close project by using file menu.
  2. Select project name from Recent Projects at left side panel by using up/down arrow keys.
  3. Now just press Del key on keyboard.
  1. Click File > Close project
  2. From Recent projects, select project, press the Fn + Delete on your keyboard

If you want delete a project entirely, delete the ".idea" folder within the project under Finder. This folder is hidden by default (i:e that's because it starts with a dot "." ). You will need to enable "View Hidden Files/Folders" in Finder

Backspace did the trick for me (Windows 7 + PHPStorm 7.1.3). You might want to try Fn+Backspace as well.

In my PhpStorm 7.1 (OSx), there is a "Clear List" link in the menu, under 'File' > 'Open Recent' that clears your entire list.

Actually you cannot DELETE a project by pressing "delete" or "backspace" (or clicking the "x" in the upper right corner) in the recent projects list. These operations will only remove the project from being listed in the recent projects list.

You can check this out by looking at the project folders in the directory that WebStorm creates under your user name.

By the way I have WebStorm v.10 running on Win 7 x64 and none of the steps listed here by other users allow me to actually delete a project. The only way I have found out is manual.

This would work in at least Windows 7:

Navigate to the "WebstormProjects" directory under your Windows user name, and delete the project directory. This will remove it from the recent projects list the next time you launch WebStorm.

  1. Select the project in project view
  2. Edit -> Remove project from view

Alternatively hit Delete.

(Default Keymap Settings)

I had multiple projects opened in same window. Removed the one project by right click -> 'Remove from Project View'

It only removes from list, not from hard drive.

For 2017/2018/2019/2020 versions, go to:

File->Open Recent->Manage Projects...

and click the X (that appears when hovering over an option) to delete it from the Projects list. This just removes the reference; it doesn't delete files from the disk.

year 2019. PhpStorm v2018.3.5 - can't detach the project after attached. There's no "Close Project" in File menu, and no "Remove from Project View" in context menu as documentation says. Seems like a bug.

Just can't get rid of that extra project I've attached. Only one thing helped: removal of the .idea sub directory.

important note: it's about project Attach when you can't remove it from the Project view.


Here's how to remove accidentally attached project from the current Project view:

  1. .idea/modules.xml

you can either edit that file (remove that new/added entry, easy to find) or remove that entire file (don't worry, it will be re-created on restart).

  1. Also it could've been added to .idea/vcs.xml (don't remove it, just find the corresponding <mapping ...> entry in it and remove, it's under VscDirectoryMappings)

  2. Also it can be listed in .idea/<projectname>.iml file (find it in module > component > orderEntry, see module-name attribute), remove from there too.

  3. restart the PhpStorm.

you will see no attached projects again.

I didn't find any UI options to do this (Mac OS Catalina, PhpStorm 2020.1, same on previous/older versions).