为什么我们使用 DataSource 而不是 DriverManager?

我正在阅读 JavaJDBC 规范(vr.4) ,我遇到了这样的声明:

DataSource ー该接口是在 JDBC 2.0可选项中引入的 它比 DriverManager 更受欢迎,因为它允许 关于基础数据源的详细信息将对 申请

我试图理解的是 ConnectionDataSource之间的区别,以及它为什么存在。我的意思是,上面的代码块说数据源的细节对于应用程序来说是透明的,但是在属性文件中外部化数据库属性,比如用户名、密码、 URL 等,然后使用 DriverManager 工作,难道不是同样的方法吗?

创建 DataSource接口仅仅是为了使用一种通用的方法来返回可以合用的连接吗?在 JavaEE 中,应用程序服务器是否实现了这个接口以及部署用于引用数据源而不是连接的应用程序?

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  • hampers the application performance as the connections are created/closed in java classes.
  • does not support connection pooling.


  • improves application performance as connections are not created/closed within a class, they are managed by the application server and can be fetched while at runtime.
  • it provides a facility creating a pool of connections
  • helpful for enterprise applications

Better scalability and maintenance

For DriverManager you need to know all the details (host, port, username, password, driver class) to connect to DB and to get connections. Externalizing those in a properties file doesn't change anything about the fact that you need to know them.

Using a DataSource you only need to know the JNDI name. The AppServer cares about the details and is not configured by the client application's vendor, but by an admin where the application is hosted.


Suppose you need to create connections yourself, how would you deal with changing load, sometime you have 10 users sometime you have 1000, you can't just get a connection whenever you need one and later 'release' it so the Database server does not get out of connections, which leads you to connection pooling. DriverManager does not provide it, DataSource does.

If you are going to program a connection pool yourself then you have to use DriverManager, otherwise go with DataSource.

We can get connection using a datasource as follows. Use the connection to perform any database query.

DataSource datasource = (DataSource) new InitialContext().lookup(dataSourceName);
Connection connection = datasource.getConnection();

Below code shows two way for getting connection.

There is no need to know about URL in case of mySqlDataSource as this line is commented.

public class MySqlDataSourceTest {

public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {

/************** using MysqlDataSource starts **************/
MysqlDataSource d = new MysqlDataSource();
//  d.setUrl("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/manavrachna");
Connection c =  (Connection) d.getConnection();
/************** using MysqlDataSource ends**************/

/************** using DriverManager start **************/
Connection c=(Connection) DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/manavrachna","root","root");
/************** using DriverManager ends **************/

Statement st=(Statement) c.createStatement();
ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select id from employee");



DataSource objects can provide connection pooling and distributed transactions, so you may have to use DataSource if you need one of or both these features.


  • DataSource is a way of externalizing the info needed to connect to a database server: server name or address, user name, user password, settings specific to your particular database engine, etc.
  • DriverManager is fine during your initial learning. But when deploying to production, you’ll not want to hard-code connection info within your codebase. In real work, use DataSource instead of DriverManager to access the externalized configuration info (address, name, password, etc.).
  • Connection is your live connection to the database. A DataSource object will make use of a DriverManager to get a Connection object for you to use in making queries to the database.


Let's look at the specifics of your Question.

What I am trying to understand is what the difference is between a Connection and a DataSource

A Connection object represents a live session with your database server, going back and forth to make queries and get results.

A DataSource object holds the credentials needed to get a connection to the database. Typically, a DataSource holds a user name recognized by the database server, a password for that user, and various settings to customize any future sessions with the database. A DataSource is not "open" or "closed"; it merely holds the info needed to make a Connection which is open or closed.

why it exists

Connection exists as the conduit for conversation with a database server.

DataSource exists as a way to avoid hard-coding connection info (user name, password, options) within your app’s code base. In real work, after you deploy your app you’ll not want to have to edit your code, recompile, and redeploy just because the DBA rotated passwords.

As a programmer, you do not want to be affected by deployment issues such as the database server’s machine network address, user names, user passwords, and such. You’ll want that info externalized outside of your codebase.

externalizing database properties such as username, password, url etc in a property file and then use DriverManager work in the same way?

No. Your code would still be hard-coded to look for that property file. But there are other ways for DBAs and SysAdmins to configure and communicate that connection info (user name, passwords, server address, etc.). The Java programmer should not make assumptions about the choices and changes to be made during deployment.

The principal way to externalize that info is to place the info within a directory server. There are many directory server implementations. These are commonly accessed via a standardized interface, such as the LDAP interface.

Java provides a facility for your Java-based app to interact with a directory service through the standardized interface. This facility is known as 👉 Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI).

Through JNDI, your app can ask a directory service to provide a DataSource object with your necessary connection info. By using JNDI, your app need not make assumptions about how your DBAs/SysAdmins chose to deliver this connection info to your app. Indeed, as a programmer you need know nothing about their deployment choices and changes.

is the DataSource interface created only to have a common way of returning connections that can be pooled etc?

The connections returned by a call to DataSource#getConnection may or may not be part of a connection pool. As the Java programmer, you generally do not care. At deployment time, the DBAs/SysAdmins may initially deploy with non-pooled connections. Then later they may change to using pooled connections. Again, you need not care, and there is no need to edit your code, recompile, and redeploy. The DBAs can change the pooling without your involvement.

In Java EE, does the application server implement this interface and the applications deployed to have a reference to a datasource instead of a connection?

FYI, Java EE is now known as Jakarta EE, after Oracle Corp transferred responsibility to the Eclipse Foundation.

You can use JDBC and DataSource objects in any kind of Java app: console, desktop (JavaFX/Swing/SWT), web app, microservice, etc.

By "this interface", if you mean the DataSource interface… No, the Jakarta EE implementation such as Tomcat, Jetty, Glassfish, Payara, WildFly, JBoss, Open Liberty, does not implement DataSource. Typically the DataSource0 provides an implementation, or your connection pool implementation does.

Again, this is configured at deployment by the DBA/SysAdmin rather than you the programmer during development. You should not bundle a JDBC driver with your Jakarta EE app. Instead configure your dependency manager (Maven, Gradle, etc.) to make a driver available transiently, only during development for your work, but not in the final artifact (.war file etc.) for deployment.

The Jakarta EE implementation handles getting your app a DataSource object. The implementation may itself act as the directory service; for example Tomcat can hold the connection info within its own configuration files, and then deliver that info to your app as a DataSource object. Or the DBAs/SysAdmins may configure the Jakarta EE implementation to connect to a separate directory server implementation such as Microsoft Active Directory or OpenLDAP. Again, all these details are none of your concern as the Java programmer.

the applications deployed to have a reference to a datasource instead of a connection?

In a Jakarta EE deployment, the Jakarta EE implementation delivers a DataSource object to your app. Your app code then calls getConnection when needing to talk to the database server. Your app code then closes the resulting Connection object when done talking to the database server.

Tip: Use try-with-resources syntax to automatically close connections, statements, and other JDBC resources. As mentioned above, the DataSource object is not a resource in that sense, and is never opened or closed itself.