I needed to do this too, found this question from years ago but question title and text don't quite match up, and using Uri.EscapeDataString or UrlEncode (don't use that one please!) doesn't usually make sense unless we are talking about passing URLs as parameters to other URLs.
(For example, passing a callback URL when doing open ID authentication, Azure AD, etc.)
Hoping this is more pragmatic answer to the question: I want to make a string into a URL using C#, there must be something in the .NET framework that should help, right?
Yes - two functions are helpful for making URL strings in C#
String.Format for formatting the URL
Uri.EscapeDataString for escaping any parameters in the URL
This code
Uri.EscapeDataString("search for cats"),
Uri.EscapeDataString("https://mysite/myapp/?state=from idp"))
Which can be safely copied and pasted into a browser's address bar, or the src attribute of a HTML A tag, or used with curl, or encoded into a QR code, etc.
HttpUtility.UrlEncode("https://mywebsite.com/api/get me this file.jpg")
//Output: "https%3a%2f%2fmywebsite.com%2fapi%2fget+me+this+file.jpg"
Uri.EscapeUriString("https://mywebsite.com/api/get me this file.jpg");
//Output: "https://mywebsite.com/api/get%20me%20this%20file.jpg"
Uri.EscapeDataString("https://mywebsite.com/api/get me this file.jpg");
//Output: "https%3A%2F%2Fmywebsite.com%2Fapi%2Fget%20me%20this%20file.jpg"
//When your url has a query string:
Uri.EscapeUriString("https://mywebsite.com/api/get?id=123&name=get me this file.jpg");
//Output: "https://mywebsite.com/api/get?id=123&name=get%20me%20this%20file.jpg"
Uri.EscapeDataString("https://mywebsite.com/api/get?id=123&name=get me this file.jpg");
//Output: "https%3A%2F%2Fmywebsite.com%2Fapi%2Fget%3Fid%3D123%26name%3Dget%20me%20this%20file.jpg"