... (in setUpClass)
server = Thread(target=lambda: app.run(host=hostname, port=port, threaded=True))
server.daemon = True
wait_for_boot(hostname, port) # curls a health check endpoint
log_names = ['werkzeug']
app_logs = map(lambda logname: logging.getLogger(logname), log_names)
file_handler = logging.FileHandler('log/app.test.log', 'w')
for app_log in app_logs:
for hdlr in app_log.handlers[:]: # remove all old handlers
Unfortunately the * Running on localhost:9151 and the first health check is still printed to standard out, but when running lots of tests it cleans up the output a ton.
"So why log_names?", you ask. In my case there were some extra logs I needed to get rid of. I was able to find which loggers to add to log_names via:
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
import logging
The first point: In according to official Flask documentation, you shouldn't run Flask application using app.run(). The best solution is using uwsgi, so you can disable default flask logs using command "--disable-logging"