did you mean to check if what the user entered is a URL? It can be as simple as a regular expression, for example checking if the string contain www. (this is the way that yahoo messenger checks if the user status is a link or not)
Hope that help
If you want to check in Swift my solution given below:
func isValidUrl(url: String) -> Bool {
let urlRegEx = "^(https?://)?(www\\.)?([-a-z0-9]{1,63}\\.)*?[a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]{0,61}[a-z0-9]\\.[a-z]{2,6}(/[-\\w@\\+\\.~#\\?&/=%]*)?$"
let urlTest = NSPredicate(format:"SELF MATCHES %@", urlRegEx)
let result = urlTest.evaluate(with: url)
return result
Why not instead simply rely on Foundation.framework?
That does the job and does not require RegexKit :
NSURL *candidateURL = [NSURL URLWithString:candidate];
// WARNING > "test" is an URL according to RFCs, being just a path
// so you still should check scheme and all other NSURL attributes you need
if (candidateURL && candidateURL.scheme && candidateURL.host) {
// candidate is a well-formed url with:
// - a scheme (like http://)
// - a host (like stackoverflow.com)
According to Apple documentation :
URLWithString: Creates and returns an NSURL object initialized with a
provided string.
+ (id)URLWithString:(NSString *)URLString
URLString : The string with which to initialize the NSURL object. Must conform to RFC 2396. This method parses URLString according to RFCs 1738 and 1808.
Return Value
An NSURL object initialized with URLString. If the string was malformed, returns nil.
Instead of writing your own regular expressions, rely on Apple's. I have been using a category on NSString that uses NSDataDetector to test for the presence of a link within a string. If the range of the link found by NSDataDetector equals the length of the entire string, then it is a valid URL.
- (BOOL)isValidURL {
NSUInteger length = [self length];
// Empty strings should return NO
if (length > 0) {
NSError *error = nil;
NSDataDetector *dataDetector = [NSDataDetector dataDetectorWithTypes:NSTextCheckingTypeLink error:&error];
if (dataDetector && !error) {
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, length);
NSRange notFoundRange = (NSRange){NSNotFound, 0};
NSRange linkRange = [dataDetector rangeOfFirstMatchInString:self options:0 range:range];
if (!NSEqualRanges(notFoundRange, linkRange) && NSEqualRanges(range, linkRange)) {
return YES;
else {
NSLog(@"Could not create link data detector: %@ %@", [error localizedDescription], [error userInfo]);
return NO;
func validateUrl (stringURL : NSString) -> Bool {
var urlRegEx = "((https|http)://)((\\w|-)+)(([.]|[/])((\\w|-)+))+"
let predicate = NSPredicate(format:"SELF MATCHES %@", argumentArray:[urlRegEx])
var urlTest = NSPredicate.predicateWithSubstitutionVariables(predicate)
return predicate.evaluateWithObject(stringURL)
For Test:
var boolean1 = validateUrl("http.s://www.gmail.com")
var boolean2 = validateUrl("https:.//gmailcom")
var boolean3 = validateUrl("https://gmail.me.")
var boolean4 = validateUrl("https://www.gmail.me.com.com.com.com")
var boolean6 = validateUrl("http:/./ww-w.wowone.com")
var boolean7 = validateUrl("http://.www.wowone")
var boolean8 = validateUrl("http://www.wow-one.com")
var boolean9 = validateUrl("http://www.wow_one.com")
var boolean10 = validateUrl("http://.")
var boolean11 = validateUrl("http://")
var boolean12 = validateUrl("http://k")
I have created inherited class of UITextField which can handle all kind of validation using regex string. In this you just need to give them all the regex string in sequence and their message that you want to show when validation get failed. You can check my blog for more info, it will really help you
Lefakir's solution has one issue.
His regex can't match with "http://instagram.com/p/4Mz3dTJ-ra/".
Url component has combined numerical and literal character. His regex fail such urls.
Extending @Anthony's answer to swift, I wrote a category on String which returns an optional NSURL. The return value is nil if the String can not be validated to be a URL.
import Foundation
// A private global detector variable which can be reused.
private let detector = try! NSDataDetector(types: NSTextCheckingType.Link.rawValue)
extension String {
func URL() -> NSURL? {
let textRange = NSMakeRange(0, self.characters.count)
guard let URLResult = detector.firstMatchInString(self, options: [], range: textRange) else {
return nil
// This checks that the whole string is the detected URL. In case
// you don't have such a requirement, you can remove this code
// and return the URL from URLResult.
guard NSEqualRanges(URLResult.range, textRange) else {
return nil
return NSURL(string: self)
Oddly enough, I didn't really find a solution here that was very simple, yet still did an okay job for handling http / https links.
Keep in mind, THIS IS NOT a perfect solution, but it worked for the cases below. In summary, the regex tests whether the URL starts with http:// or https://, then checks for at least 1 character, then checks for a dot, and then again checks for at least 1 character. No spaces allowed.