如何在纯 C/C + + (cout/printf)中显示进度指示器?

我正在用 C + + 编写一个控制台程序来下载一个大文件。我知道文件的大小,我开始一个工作线程下载它。我想展示一个进度指示器,让它看起来更酷。

在 cout 或 printf 中,如何在不同的时间、但在相同的位置显示不同的字符串?

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You can print a carriage return character (\r) to move the output "cursor" back to the beginning of the current line.

For a more sophisticated approach, take a look at something like ncurses (an API for console text-based interfaces).

You can use a "carriage return" (\r) without a line-feed (\n), and hope your console does the right thing.

With a fixed width of your output, use something like the following:

float progress = 0.0;
while (progress < 1.0) {
int barWidth = 70;

std::cout << "[";
int pos = barWidth * progress;
for (int i = 0; i < barWidth; ++i) {
if (i < pos) std::cout << "=";
else if (i == pos) std::cout << ">";
else std::cout << " ";
std::cout << "] " << int(progress * 100.0) << " %\r";

progress += 0.16; // for demonstration only
std::cout << std::endl;


[>                                                                     ] 0 %
[===========>                                                          ] 15 %
[======================>                                               ] 31 %
[=================================>                                    ] 47 %
[============================================>                         ] 63 %
[========================================================>             ] 80 %
[===================================================================>  ] 96 %

Note that this output is shown one line below each other, but in a terminal emulator (I think also in Windows command line) it will be printed on the same line.

At the very end, don't forget to print a newline before printing more stuff.

If you want to remove the bar at the end, you have to overwrite it with spaces, to print something shorter like for example "Done.".

Also, the same can of course be done using printf in C; adapting the code above should be straight-forward.

Take a look at boost progress_display


I think it may do what you need and I believe it is a header only library so nothing to link

Another way could be showing the "Dots" or any character you want .The below code will print progress indicator [sort of loading...]as dots every after 1 sec.

PS : I am using sleep here. Think twice if performance is concern.

using namespace std;
int main()
int count = 0;
cout << "Will load in 10 Sec " << endl << "Loading ";
for(count;count < 10; ++count){
cout << ". " ;
cout << endl << "Done" <<endl;
return 0;

I know I am a bit late in answering this question, but I made a simple class that does exactly what you want. (keep in mind that I wrote using namespace std; before this.):

class pBar {
void update(double newProgress) {
currentProgress += newProgress;
amountOfFiller = (int)((currentProgress / neededProgress)*(double)pBarLength);
void print() {
currUpdateVal %= pBarUpdater.length();
cout << "\r" //Bring cursor to start of line
<< firstPartOfpBar; //Print out first part of pBar
for (int a = 0; a < amountOfFiller; a++) { //Print out current progress
cout << pBarFiller;
cout << pBarUpdater[currUpdateVal];
for (int b = 0; b < pBarLength - amountOfFiller; b++) { //Print out spaces
cout << " ";
cout << lastPartOfpBar //Print out last part of progress bar
<< " (" << (int)(100*(currentProgress/neededProgress)) << "%)" //This just prints out the percent
<< flush;
currUpdateVal += 1;
std::string firstPartOfpBar = "[", //Change these at will (that is why I made them public)
lastPartOfpBar = "]",
pBarFiller = "|",
pBarUpdater = "/-\\|";
int amountOfFiller,
pBarLength = 50, //I would recommend NOT changing this
currUpdateVal = 0; //Do not change
double currentProgress = 0, //Do not change
neededProgress = 100; //I would recommend NOT changing this

An example on how to use:

int main() {
pBar bar;
//Main loop:
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { //This can be any loop, but I just made this as an example
//Update pBar:
bar.update(1); //How much new progress was added (only needed when new progress was added)
//Print pBar:
bar.print(); //This should be called more frequently than it is in this demo (you'll have to see what looks best for your program)
cout << endl;
return 0;

Note: I made all of the classes' strings public so the bar's appearance can be easily changed.

For a C solution with an adjustable progress bar width, you can use the following:

#define PBSTR "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||"
#define PBWIDTH 60

void printProgress(double percentage) {
int val = (int) (percentage * 100);
int lpad = (int) (percentage * PBWIDTH);
int rpad = PBWIDTH - lpad;
printf("\r%3d%% [%.*s%*s]", val, lpad, PBSTR, rpad, "");

It will output something like this:

 75% [||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||               ]

Here is a simple one I made:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;

int main() {
// Changing text color (GetStdHandle(-11), colorcode)
SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(-11), 14);

int barl = 20;
cout << "[";
for (int i = 0; i < barl; i++) {
cout << ":";
cout << "]";

// Reset color
SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(-11), 7);

May be this code will helps you -

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

void show_progress_bar(int time, const std::string &message, char symbol)
std::string progress_bar;
const double progress_level = 1.42;

std::cout << message << "\n\n";

for (double percentage = 0; percentage <= 100; percentage += progress_level)
progress_bar.insert(0, 1, symbol);
std::cout << "\r [" << std::ceil(percentage) << '%' << "] " << progress_bar;
std::cout << "\n\n";

int main()
show_progress_bar(100, "progress" , '#');

Simple, you can just use string's fill constructor:

#include <iostream> //for `cout`
#include <string>   //for the constructor
#include <iomanip>  //for `setprecision`

using namespace std;

int main()
const int cTotalLength = 10;
float lProgress = 0.3;
cout <<
"\r[" <<                                            //'\r' aka carriage return should move printer's cursor back at the beginning of the current line
string(cTotalLength * lProgress, 'X') <<        //printing filled part
string(cTotalLength * (1 - lProgress), '-') <<  //printing empty part
"] " <<
setprecision(3) << 100 * lProgress << "%";          //printing percentage
return 0;

Which would print:

[XXX-------] 30%

If you need it in pure C

and you would like to be able to customize the size and filler characters at runtime:

#include <stdio.h>  //for `printf`
#include <stdlib.h> //for `malloc`
#include <string.h> //for `memset`

int main()
const int cTotalLength = 10;
char* lBuffer = malloc((cTotalLength + 1) * sizeof *lBuffer); //array to fit 10 chars + '\0'
lBuffer[cTotalLength] = '\0'; //terminating it

float lProgress = 0.3;

int lFilledLength = lProgress * cTotalLength;

memset(lBuffer, 'X', lFilledLength); //filling filled part
memset(lBuffer + lFilledLength, '-', cTotalLength - lFilledLength); //filling empty part
printf("\r[%s] %.1f%%", lBuffer, lProgress * 100); //same princip as with the CPP method

//or you can combine it to a single line if you want to flex ;)
//printf("\r[%s] %.1f%%", (char*)memset(memset(lBuffer, 'X', lFullLength) + lFullLength, '-', cTotalLength - lFullLength) - lFullLength, lProgress * 100);


return 0;

but if you don't need to customize it at runtime:

#include <stdio.h>  //for `printf`
#include <stddef.h> //for `size_t`

int main()
const char cFilled[] = "XXXXXXXXXX";
const char cEmpty[]  = "----------";
float lProgress = 0.3;

size_t lFilledStart = (sizeof cFilled - 1) * (1 - lProgress);
size_t lEmptyStart  = (sizeof cFilled - 1) * lProgress;

printf("\r[%s%s] %.1f%%",
cFilled + lFilledStart, //Array of Xs starting at `cTotalLength * (1 - lProgress)` (`cTotalLength * lProgress` characters remaining to EOS)
cEmpty  + lEmptyStart,  //Array of -s starting at `cTotalLength * lProgress`...
lProgress * 100 //Percentage

return 0;

I needed to create a progress bar and some of the answers here would cause the bar to blink or display the percentage short of 100% when done. Here is a version that has no loop other than one that simulates cpu work, it only prints when the next progress unit is incremented.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> // for setw, setprecision, setfill
#include <chrono>
#include <thread> // simulate work on cpu

int main()
int batch_size = 4000;
int num_bars = 50;
int batch_per_bar = batch_size / num_bars;

int progress = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < batch_size; i++) {
if (i % batch_per_bar == 0) {
std::cout << std::setprecision(3) <<
// fill bar with = up to current progress
'[' << std::setfill('=') << std::setw(progress) << '>'
// fill the rest of the bar with spaces
<< std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(num_bars - progress + 1)
// display bar percentage, \r brings it back to the beginning
<< ']' << std::setw(3) << ((i + 1) * 100 / batch_size) << '%'
<< "\r";

// simulate work