// Volatile to make sure we are not foiled by CPU caches
static volatile ALBackendRequestManager *sharedInstance;
// There's no need to call this directly, as method swizzling in sharedInstance
// means this will get called after the singleton is initialized.
+ (MySingleton *)simpleSharedInstance
return (MySingleton *)sharedInstance;
+ (MySingleton*)sharedInstance
if (sharedInstance == nil)
sharedInstance = [[MySingleton alloc] init];
// Replace expensive thread-safe method
// with the simpler one that just returns the allocated instance.
SEL origSel = @selector(sharedInstance);
SEL newSel = @selector(simpleSharedInstance);
Method origMethod = class_getClassMethod(self, origSel);
Method newMethod = class_getClassMethod(self, newSel);
method_exchangeImplementations(origMethod, newMethod);
return (MySingleton *)sharedInstance;
@abstract Helps define the interface of a singleton.
@param TYPE The type of this singleton.
@param NAME The name of the singleton accessor. Must match the name used in the implementation.
Typcially the NAME is something like 'sharedThing' where 'Thing' is the prefix-removed type name of the class.
#define SingletonInterface(TYPE, NAME) \
@abstract Helps define the implementation of a singleton.
@param TYPE The type of this singleton.
@param NAME The name of the singleton accessor. Must match the name used in the interface.
Typcially the NAME is something like 'sharedThing' where 'Thing' is the prefix-removed type name of the class.
#define SingletonImplementation(TYPE, NAME) \
static TYPE *__ ## NAME; \
+ (void)initialize \
{ \
static BOOL initialized = NO; \
if(!initialized) \
{ \
initialized = YES; \
__ ## NAME = [[TYPE alloc] init]; \
} \
} \
+ (TYPE *)NAME \
{ \
return __ ## NAME; \