In fully optimized code, there is no 100% surefire way to determine the caller to a certain method. The compiler may employ a tail call optimization whereas the compiler effectively re-uses the caller's stack frame for the callee.
To see an example of this, set a breakpoint on any given method using gdb and look at the backtrace. Note that you don't see objc_msgSend() before every method call. That is because objc_msgSend() does a tail call to each method's implementation.
While you could compile your application non-optimized, you would need non-optimized versions of all of the system libraries to avoid just this one problem.
And this is just but one problem; in effect, you are asking "how do I re-invent CrashTracer or gdb?". A very hard problem upon which careers are made. Unless you want "debugging tools" to be your career, I would recommend against going down this road.
//Add this private instance method to the class you want to trace from
//Go back 2 frames to account for calling this helper method
//If not using a helper method use 1
NSArray* stack = [NSThread callStackSymbols];
if (stack.count > 2)
NSLog(@"Caller: %@", [stack objectAtIndex:2]);
//Add this line to the method you want to trace from
[self trace];
In the output window you will see something like the following.
You can also parse this string to extract more data about the stack frame.
2 = Thread id
My App = Your app name
0x0004e8ae = Memory address of caller
-[IINClassroomInit buildMenu] = Class and method name of caller
+86 = Number of bytes from the entry point of the caller that your method was called
Back in the days there where no dot syntax in objective-C, so nowadays it could look like.
#define __UGLY__CALLEE__(idx) fprintf(stderr,"\n%s <- %s",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,(NSThread.callStackSymbols.count>idx?((NSString*)NSThread.callStackSymbols[idx]).UTF8String:"no callStackSymbol with this index"))
just prints what is needed, no extra re-creation of NSArray or Mutables. Apart from the characters to output and an index to chose this lets you repeat with different stack symbols and prints without timestamp. Extra formatting the output does not only loose performance until you get what you need to know about your method calls it also makes the thing kinda un-flexible. And most important not introducing another method call to self just to ask for the last callee.