All answers here seem to assume that items is an array. However, in AngularJS, it might as well be an object. In that case, neither filtering with limitTo nor array.slice will work. As one possible solution, you can convert your object to an array, if you don't mind losing the object keys. Here is an example of a filter to do just that:
To repeat 7 times, try to use a an array with length=7, then track it by$index:
<span ng-repeat="a in (((b=[]).length=7)&&b) track by $index" ng-bind="$index + 1 + ', '"></span>
b=[] create an empty Array «b», .length=7 set it's size to «7», &&b let the new Array «b» be available to ng-repeat, track by $index where «$index» is the position of iteration. ng-bind="$index + 1" display starting at 1.