var myArray = ko.observableArray(["Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma"]);
myArray.subscribe(function(changes) {
// For this example, we'll just print out the change info
}, null, "arrayChange");
class ZoneDefinition {
Name: KnockoutObservable<String>;
class DefinitionContainer
ZoneDefinitions: KnockoutObservableArray<ZoneDefinition>;
constructor(zoneDefinitions?: ZoneDefinition[]){
this.ZoneDefinitions = ko.observableArray(zoneDefinitions);
// you'll get an error if you don't use the generic version of subscribe
// and you need to use the KnockoutArrayChange<T> interface as T
this.ZoneDefinitions.subscribe<KnockoutArrayChange<ZoneDefinition>[]>(function (changes) {
changes.forEach(function (change) {
if (change.status === 'added') {
// do something with the added value
// can use change.value to get the added item
// or change.index to get the index of where it was added
} else if (change.status === 'deleted') {
// do something with the deleted value
// can use change.value to get the deleted item
// or change.index to get the index of where it was before deletion
}, null, "arrayChange");