| Truncate | Delete |
| We can't Rollback after performing | We can Rollback after delete. |
| Truncate. | |
| | |
| Example: | Example: |
| TRUNCATE TABLE tranTest | DELETE FROM tranTest |
| SELECT * FROM tranTest | SELECT * FROM tranTest |
| SELECT * FROM tranTest | SELECT * FROM tranTest |
| Truncate reset identity of table. | Delete does not reset identity of table. |
| It locks the entire table. | It locks the table row. |
| Its DDL(Data Definition Language) | Its DML(Data Manipulation Language) |
| command. | command. |
| We can't use WHERE clause with it. | We can use WHERE to filter data to delete. |
| Trigger is not fired while truncate. | Trigger is fired. |
| Syntax : | Syntax : |
| 1) TRUNCATE TABLE table_name | 1) DELETE FROM table_name |
| | 2) DELETE FROM table_name WHERE |
| | example_column_id IN (1,2,3) |
DELETE is a DML command
DELETE you can rollback
Delete = Only Delete- so it can be rolled back
In DELETE you can write conditions using WHERE clause
Syntax – Delete from [Table] where [Condition]
TRUNCATE is a DDL command
You can't rollback in TRUNCATE, TRUNCATE removes the record permanently
Truncate = Delete+Commit -so we can't roll back
You can't use conditions(WHERE clause) in TRUNCATE
Syntax – Truncate table [Table]
但是,根据提供程序的功能,DELETE不仅可以用于从表中删除行,还可以用于从VIEW或OPENROWSET或OPENQUERY的结果中删除行。< / p >
对于TRUNCATE,你不能这样做。< / p >