



df1 = DataFrame([[1],[2],[3],[4],[5]], index=['one','two','three','four','five'], columns=['number'])

one         1
two         2
three       3
four        4
five        5

df2 = DataFrame([['a'],['b'],['c'],['d'],['e']], index=['one','too','three','fours','five'], columns=['letter'])

one        a
too        b
three      c
fours      d
five       e

Then I want to get the resulting DataFrame

       number letter
one         1      a
two         2      b
three       3      c
four        4      d
five        5      e
104628 次浏览

Http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/dev/merging.html 没有一个钩子函数来动态执行这个操作。

我只需要执行一个单独的步骤,并在两个数据框中的一个中使用 dillib getclose _ match 来创建一个新列,并在模糊匹配列上执行 merge/join 操作

与@locojay 建议类似,你可以将 difflibget_close_matches应用于 df2的索引,然后应用 join:

In [23]: import difflib

In [24]: difflib.get_close_matches
Out[24]: <function difflib.get_close_matches>

In [25]: df2.index = df2.index.map(lambda x: difflib.get_close_matches(x, df1.index)[0])

In [26]: df2
one        a
two        b
three      c
four       d
five       e

In [31]: df1.join(df2)
number letter
one         1      a
two         2      b
three       3      c
four        4      d
five        5      e


如果这些是柱子,那么你可以用同样的方法来处理这个柱子,然后是 merge:

df1 = DataFrame([[1,'one'],[2,'two'],[3,'three'],[4,'four'],[5,'five']], columns=['number', 'name'])
df2 = DataFrame([['a','one'],['b','too'],['c','three'],['d','fours'],['e','five']], columns=['letter', 'name'])

df2['name'] = df2['name'].apply(lambda x: difflib.get_close_matches(x, df1['name'])[0])

提醒一下,这基本上是可行的,除非没有找到匹配项,或者两列中都有 NaNs。与直接应用 get_close_matches不同,我发现应用以下函数更容易。NaN 替代品的选择将在很大程度上取决于您的数据集。

def fuzzy_match(a, b):
left = '1' if pd.isnull(a) else a
right = b.fillna('2')
out = difflib.get_close_matches(left, right)
return out[0] if out else np.NaN

I would use Jaro-Winkler, because it is one of the most performant and accurate approximate string matching algorithms currently available [科恩等人。], [温克勒].

这就是我对 水母套餐中的 Jaro-Winkler 的做法:

def get_closest_match(x, list_strings):

best_match = None
highest_jw = 0

for current_string in list_strings:
current_score = jellyfish.jaro_winkler(x, current_string)

if(current_score > highest_jw):
highest_jw = current_score
best_match = current_string

return best_match

df1 = pandas.DataFrame([[1],[2],[3],[4],[5]], index=['one','two','three','four','five'], columns=['number'])
df2 = pandas.DataFrame([['a'],['b'],['c'],['d'],['e']], index=['one','too','three','fours','five'], columns=['letter'])

df2.index = df2.index.map(lambda x: get_closest_match(x, df1.index))



    number  letter
one     1   a
two     2   b
three   3   c
four    4   d
five    5   e

我编写了一个 Python 包来解决这个问题:

pip install fuzzymatcher

You can find the repo here and docs 给你.


给定两个数据帧 df_leftdf_right,您想要模糊连接,您可以编写以下代码:

from fuzzymatcher import link_table, fuzzy_left_join

# Columns to match on from df_left
left_on = ["fname", "mname", "lname",  "dob"]

# Columns to match on from df_right
right_on = ["name", "middlename", "surname", "date"]

# The link table potentially contains several matches for each record
fuzzymatcher.link_table(df_left, df_right, left_on, right_on)


fuzzymatcher.fuzzy_left_join(df_left, df_right, left_on, right_on)

你可以使用 D6tjoin

import d6tjoin.top1

索引号索引号右字母 0 one 1 one a 122 B 2333 C 344 D 455 E


  • check join quality, pre and post join
  • 自定义相似度函数,例如编辑距离与汉明距离
  • 指定最大距离
  • 多核计算机多核计算机


使用 fuzzywuzzy

由于没有 fuzzywuzzy包的示例,这里有一个我编写的函数,它将根据您可以作为用户设置的阈值返回所有匹配:


df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Key':['Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange', 'Strawberry']})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Key':['Aple', 'Mango', 'Orag', 'Straw', 'Bannanna', 'Berry']})

# df1
0       Apple
1      Banana
2      Orange
3  Strawberry

# df2
0      Aple
1     Mango
2      Orag
3     Straw
4  Bannanna
5     Berry


def fuzzy_merge(df_1, df_2, key1, key2, threshold=90, limit=2):
:param df_1: the left table to join
:param df_2: the right table to join
:param key1: key column of the left table
:param key2: key column of the right table
:param threshold: how close the matches should be to return a match, based on Levenshtein distance
:param limit: the amount of matches that will get returned, these are sorted high to low
:return: dataframe with boths keys and matches
s = df_2[key2].tolist()

m = df_1[key1].apply(lambda x: process.extract(x, s, limit=limit))
df_1['matches'] = m

m2 = df_1['matches'].apply(lambda x: ', '.join([i[0] for i in x if i[1] >= threshold]))
df_1['matches'] = m2

return df_1

在数据框架上使用我们的函数: < em > # 1

from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
from fuzzywuzzy import process

fuzzy_merge(df1, df2, 'Key', 'Key', threshold=80)

Key       matches
0       Apple          Aple
1      Banana      Bannanna
2      Orange          Orag
3  Strawberry  Straw, Berry

在数据框架上使用我们的函数: < em > # 2

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Col1':['Microsoft', 'Google', 'Amazon', 'IBM']})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Col2':['Mcrsoft', 'gogle', 'Amason', 'BIM']})

fuzzy_merge(df1, df2, 'Col1', 'Col2', 80)

Col1  matches
0  Microsoft  Mcrsoft
1     Google    gogle
2     Amazon   Amason
3        IBM



pip install fuzzywuzzy


conda install -c conda-forge fuzzywuzzy

我使用了 Fuzzymatcher 软件包,这对我来说效果很好。

use the below command to install

pip install fuzzymatcher

Below is the sample Code (already submitted by RobinL above)

from fuzzymatcher import link_table, fuzzy_left_join

# Columns to match on from df_left
left_on = ["fname", "mname", "lname",  "dob"]

# Columns to match on from df_right
right_on = ["name", "middlename", "surname", "date"]

# The link table potentially contains several matches for each record
fuzzymatcher.link_table(df_left, df_right, left_on, right_on)


  1. 错误: 浮点除以零—— > 请参阅 链接 来解决这个问题
  2. OperationalError: 没有这样的模块: ft4—— > 下载 sqlite3.dll 并替换 Python 或蟒蛇中的 DLL 文件 DLL 文件夹。


  1. 工作速度更快。 在我的例子中,我将一个数据帧与3000行数据帧与另一个数据帧与170,000条记录进行了比较。这也使用了跨文本的 SQLite3搜索。所以比许多
  2. Can check across multiple columns and 2 dataframes. In my case, I was looking for closest match based on address and company name. Sometimes, company name might be same but address is the good thing to check too.
  3. 给出同一记录中所有最接近的匹配的得分。你选择截止得分。


  1. 原来的软件包安装是错误的
  2. 需要安装 C + + 和可视化工作室
  3. 对于64位水蟒/Python 不起作用

There is a package called fuzzy_pandas that can use levenshtein, jaro, metaphone and bilenco methods. With some great examples 给你

import pandas as pd
import fuzzy_pandas as fpd

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Key':['Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange', 'Strawberry']})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Key':['Aple', 'Mango', 'Orag', 'Straw', 'Bannanna', 'Berry']})

results = fpd.fuzzy_merge(df1, df2,


  Key    Key
0 Apple  Aple
1 Banana Bannanna
2 Orange Orag

一般方法: fuzzy_merge

对于一个更一般的场景,我们希望合并来自两个数据框架的列,其中包含略有不同的字符串,下面的函数使用 difflib.get_close_matchesmerge,以模仿熊猫的 merge的功能,但模糊匹配:

import difflib

def fuzzy_merge(df1, df2, left_on, right_on, how='inner', cutoff=0.6):
df_other= df2.copy()
df_other[left_on] = [get_closest_match(x, df1[left_on], cutoff)
for x in df_other[right_on]]
return df1.merge(df_other, on=left_on, how=how)

def get_closest_match(x, other, cutoff):
matches = difflib.get_close_matches(x, other, cutoff=cutoff)
return matches[0] if matches else None

Here are some use cases with two sample dataframes:


key   number
0    one       1
1    two       2
2  three       3
3   four       4
4   five       5


key_close  letter
0                    three      c
1                      one      a
2                      too      b
3                    fours      d
4  a very different string      e


fuzzy_merge(df1, df2, left_on='key', right_on='key_close')

key  number key_close letter
0    one       1       one      a
1    two       2       too      b
2  three       3     three      c
3   four       4     fours      d


fuzzy_merge(df1, df2, left_on='key', right_on='key_close', how='left')

key  number key_close letter
0    one       1       one      a
1    two       2       too      b
2  three       3     three      c
3   four       4     fours      d
4   five       5       NaN    NaN

对于右连接,我们将在左侧数据帧中的所有非匹配键放到 None:

fuzzy_merge(df1, df2, left_on='key', right_on='key_close', how='right')

key  number                key_close letter
0    one     1.0                      one      a
1    two     2.0                      too      b
2  three     3.0                    three      c
3   four     4.0                    fours      d
4   None     NaN  a very different string      e

还要注意,如果在截止值内没有匹配的项目,则 difflib.get_close_matches 将返回一个空列表。在共享示例中,如果我们将 df2中的最后一个索引更改为:


one                          a
too                          b
three                        c
fours                        d
a very different string      e

我们会得到一个 index out of range错误:

df2.index.map(lambda x: difflib.get_close_matches(x, df1.index)[0])

IndexError: 列表索引超出范围

为了解决这个问题,以上函数 get_closest_match将返回最接近的匹配索引的列表返回的 difflib.get_close_matches 除非它实际上包含任何匹配。

对于更复杂的用例来匹配具有许多列的行,您可以使用 recordlinkage包。recordlinkage提供了所有的工具,以模糊匹配行之间的 pandas数据帧,这有助于减少重复您的数据合并时。我写了一篇关于 给你包的详细文章

if the join axis is numeric this could also be used to match indexes with a specified tolerance:

def fuzzy_left_join(df1, df2, tol=None):
index1 = df1.index.values
index2 = df2.index.values

diff = np.abs(index1.reshape((-1, 1)) - index2)
mask_j = np.argmin(diff, axis=1)  # min. of each column
mask_i = np.arange(mask_j.shape[0])

df1_ = df1.iloc[mask_i]
df2_ = df2.iloc[mask_j]

if tol is not None:
mask = np.abs(df2_.index.values - df1_.index.values) <= tol
df1_ = df1_.loc[mask]
df2_ = df2_.loc[mask]

df2_.index = df1_.index

out = pd.concat([df1_, df2_], axis=1)
return out

我已经使用 fuzzywuzz在一个非常小的方式,同时匹配现有的行为和关键字的 mergepandas

Just specify your accepted threshold for matching (between 0 and 100):

from fuzzywuzzy import process

def fuzzy_merge(df, df2, on=None, left_on=None, right_on=None, how='inner', threshold=80):

def fuzzy_apply(x, df, column, threshold=threshold):
if type(x)!=str:
return None

match, score, *_ = process.extract(x, df[column], limit=1)[0]

if score >= threshold:
return match

return None

if on is not None:
left_on = on
right_on = on

# create temp column as the best fuzzy match (or None!)
df2['tmp'] = df2[right_on].apply(

merged_df = df.merge(df2, how=how, left_on=left_on, right_on='tmp')

del merged_df['tmp']

return merged_df


df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Key':['Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange', 'Strawberry']})

df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Key':['Aple', 'Mango', 'Orag', 'Straw', 'Bannanna', 'Berry']})

fuzzy_merge(df, df2, on='Key', threshold=80)

Using thefuzz

使用 SeatGeek 的优秀软件包 thefuzz,这个软件包充分利用了莱文斯坦距离。这适用于列中保存的数据。它以行而不是列的形式添加匹配,以保持整洁的数据集,并允许将额外的列轻松地拉到输出数据框。


df1 = pd.DataFrame({'col_a':['one','two','three','four','five'], 'col_b':[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]})

col_a   col_b
0   one     1
1   two     2
2   three   3
3   four    4
4   five    5

df2 = pd.DataFrame({'col_a':['one','too','three','fours','five'], 'col_b':['a','b','c','d','e']})

col_a   col_b
0   one     a
1   too     b
2   three   c
3   fours   d
4   five    e


def fuzzy_match(
df_left, df_right, column_left, column_right, threshold=90, limit=1
# Create a series
series_matches = df_left[column_left].apply(
lambda x: process.extract(x, df_right[column_right], limit=limit)            # Creates a series with id from df_left and column name _column_left_, with _limit_ matches per item

# Convert matches to a tidy dataframe
df_matches = series_matches.to_frame()
df_matches = df_matches.explode(column_left)     # Convert list of matches to rows
['match_string', 'match_score', 'df_right_id']
] = pd.DataFrame(df_matches[column_left].tolist(), index=df_matches.index)       # Convert match tuple to columns
df_matches.drop(column_left, axis=1, inplace=True)      # Drop column of match tuples

# Reset index, as in creating a tidy dataframe we've introduced multiple rows per id, so that no longer functions well as the index
if df_matches.index.name:
index_name = df_matches.index.name     # Stash index name
index_name = 'index'        # Default used by pandas
df_matches.rename(columns={index_name: 'df_left_id'}, inplace=True)       # The previous index has now become a column: rename for ease of reference

# Drop matches below threshold
df_matches.loc[df_matches['match_score'] < threshold].index,

return df_matches

Use function and merge data

import pandas as pd
from thefuzz import process

df_matches = fuzzy_match(

df_output = df1.merge(
suffixes=['_df1', '_df2']

df_output.set_index('df_left_id', inplace=True)       # For some reason the first merge operation wrecks the dataframe's index. Recreated from the value we have in the matches lookup table

df_output = df_output[['col_a_df1', 'col_b_df1', 'col_b_df2']]      # Drop columns used in the matching
df_output.index.name = 'id'

id  col_a_df1   col_b_df1   col_b_df2
0   one         1           a
1   two         2           b
2   three       3           c
3   four        4           d
4   five        5           e

提示 : 如果您也可以选择安装 python-Levenshtein包,那么使用 thefuzz进行模糊匹配会快得多。

TheFuzz is the new version of a fuzzywuzzy


  1. 使用应用程序逐行前进
  2. 使用更快的并行,加速和可视化默认应用功能(与彩色进度条)
  3. 使用来自集合的 OrderedDect 消除 merge 输出中的重复项并保持初始顺序
  4. thefuzz.process.extract中增加 limit以查看更多合并选项(存储在相似度为% 的元组列表中)

“ *”您可以使用 thefuzz.process.extractOne而不是 thefuzz.process.extract仅返回一个最佳匹配项(不需要指定任何 极限)。但是,请注意,几个结果可能具有相同的相似度,您将只能得到其中的一个。

不知怎么的,快递员在开始真正的申请之前,要花上一两分钟。如果需要处理小型表,可以跳过这一步,而只使用 进度 _ 申请

from thefuzz import process
from collections import OrderedDict
import swifter

def match(x):
matches = process.extract(x, df1, limit=6)
matches = list(OrderedDict((x, True) for x in matches).keys())
print(f'{x:20} : {matches}')

return str(matches)

df1 = df['name'].values
df2['matches'] = df2['name'].swifter.apply(lambda x: match(x))