插入时的 Postgres 错误-ERROR: 编码“ UTF8”: 0x00的字节序列无效

在将 mysql 中的数据插入 postgres 时,出现以下错误。

我必须手动删除所有空字符从我的输入数据? 有什么办法能让 Postgres 帮我这么做吗?

ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00
164935 次浏览

PostgreSQL doesn't support storing NULL (\0x00) characters in text fields (this is obviously different from the database NULL value, which is fully supported).

Source: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/sql-syntax-lexical.html#SQL-SYNTAX-STRINGS-UESCAPE

If you need to store the NULL character, you must use a bytea field - which should store anything you want, but won't support text operations on it.

Given that PostgreSQL doesn't support it in text values, there's no good way to get it to remove it. You could import your data into bytea and later convert it to text using a special function (in perl or something, maybe?), but it's likely going to be easier to do that in preprocessing before you load it.

You can first insert data into blob field and then copy to text field with the folloing function

ref record;
i integer;
FOR ref IN SELECT id, blob_field FROM table LOOP

--  find 0x00 and replace with space
i := position(E'\\000'::bytea in ref.blob_field);
ref.bob_field := set_byte(ref.blob_field, i-1, 20);
i := position(E'\\000'::bytea in ref.blobl_field);

UPDATE table SET field = encode(ref.blob_field, 'escape') WHERE id = ref.id;

End; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


SELECT blob2text();

Just regex out null bytes:


If you are using Java, you could just replace the x00 characters before the insert like following:

myValue.replaceAll("\u0000", "")

The solution was provided and explained by Csaba in following post:



in Java you can actually have a "0x0" character in your string, and that's valid unicode. So that's translated to the character 0x0 in UTF8, which in turn is not accepted because the server uses null terminated strings... so the only way is to make sure your strings don't contain the character '\u0000'.

Only this regex worked for me:

sed 's/\\0//g'

So as you get your data do this: $ get_data | sed 's/\\0//g' which will output your data without 0x00

If you need to store null characters in text fields and don't want to change your data type other than text then you can follow my solution too:

Before insert:

myValue = myValue.replaceAll("\u0000", "SomeVerySpecialText")

After select:

myValue = myValue.replaceAll("SomeVerySpecialText","\u0000")

I've used "null" as my SomeVerySpecialText which I am sure that there will be no any "null" string in my values at all.

This kind of error can also happen when using COPY and having an escaped string containing NULL values(00) such as:


If you use COPY without specifying the format 'CSV' postgres by default will assume format 'text'. This has a different interaction with backlashes, see text format.

If you're using COPY or a file_fdw make sure to specify format 'CSV' to avoid this kind of errors.