使用 Laravel 的雄辩 ORM 使用 LIKE 进行数据库搜索

我想使用 Eloquent 的活动记录构建来构建一个搜索查询,但它将是一个 LIKE 搜索。我已经找到了 User::find($term)User::find(1),但是这并没有生成一个 like 语句。我不是在寻找一个直接的答案,但是如果有人能至少给我一个方向去看看,那就太好了!

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You're able to do database finds using LIKE with this syntax:

Model::where('column', 'LIKE', '%value%')->get();

If you need to frequently use LIKE, you can simplify the problem a bit. A custom method like () can be created in the model that inherits the Eloquent ORM:

public  function scopeLike($query, $field, $value){
return $query->where($field, 'LIKE', "%$value%");

So then you can use this method in such way:

User::like('name', 'Tomas')->get();

FYI, the list of operators (containing like and all others) is in code:


protected $operators = array(
'=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '<>', '!=',
'like', 'not like', 'between', 'ilike',
'&', '|', '^', '<<', '>>',
'rlike', 'regexp', 'not regexp',


Joel Larson's answer is correct. Got my upvote.

I'm hoping this answer sheds more light on what's available via the Eloquent ORM (points people in the right direct). Whilst a link to documentation would be far better, that link has proven itself elusive.

Use double quotes instead of single quote eg :

where('customer.name', 'LIKE', "%$findcustomer%")

Below is my code:

public function searchCustomer($findcustomer)
$customer = DB::table('customer')
->where('customer.name', 'LIKE', "%$findcustomer%")
->orWhere('customer.phone', 'LIKE', "%$findcustomer%")

return View::make("your view here");

If you do not like double quotes like me, this will work for you with single quotes:

$value = Input::get('q');
$books = Book::where('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $value . '%')->limit(25)->get();

return view('pages/search/index', compact('books'));