--it needs to be a functor
instance Functor f => Functor (Free f) where
fmap f (Pure a) = Pure (f a)
fmap f (Roll x) = Roll (fmap (fmap f) x)
--this is the same thing as (++) basically
concatFree :: Functor f => Free f (Free f a) -> Free f a
concatFree (Pure x) = x
concatFree (Roll y) = Roll (fmap concatFree y)
instance Functor f => Monad (Free f) where
return = Pure -- just like []
x >>= f = concatFree (fmap f x) --this is the standard concatMap definition of bind
-- this is essentially the same as \x -> [x]
liftFree :: Functor f => f a -> Free f a
liftFree x = Roll (fmap Pure x)
-- this is essentially the same as folding a list
foldFree :: Functor f => (f r -> r) -> Free f r -> r
foldFree _ (Pure a) = a
foldFree f (Roll x) = f (fmap (foldFree f) x)
这里有一个更简单的答案:一个单子是当单子上下文被join :: m (m a) -> m a分解时“计算”的东西(回想一下>>=可以定义为x >>= y = join (fmap y x))。这就是Monads如何通过一个连续的计算链携带上下文:因为在系列中的每个点上,来自前一个调用的上下文与下一个调用一起折叠。
它是通用的,因为蓝色的⁰X只是一个X。free blue X是一个blue< em > < / em > blue< em > n < / em >X也就是一个blue< em > < / em > + n < em > < / em >X。它实现了“崩溃”,因此根本不实现崩溃,内部蓝色是任意嵌套的。