我一直有这样的印象,即使在 ASP.NET 中,使用 ThreadPool 处理短期的后台任务(比如说非关键的)也被认为是最佳实践,但是后来我遇到了 这篇文章,它似乎给出了相反的建议——理由是你应该离开 ThreadPool 来处理与 ASP.NET 相关的请求。
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(s => PostLog(logEvent))
new Thread(() => PostLog(logEvent)){ IsBackground = true }.Start()
The first method has the advantage of being managed and bounded, but there's the potential (if the article is correct) that the background tasks are then vying for threads with ASP.NET request-handlers. The second method frees up the ThreadPool, but at the cost of being unbounded and thus potentially using up too many resources.
Clarification: I'm just asking in the scope of small non-critical asynchronous tasks (eg, remote logging), not expensive work items that would require a separate process (in these cases I agree you'll need a more robust solution).