HAProxy 将 http 重定向到 https (ssl)

我正在使用 HAProxy 进行负载平衡,并且只希望我的站点支持 https。因此,我希望将端口80上的所有请求重定向到端口443。


编辑: 我们希望在 https 上重定向到相同的 URL,保留查询参数。因此,http://foo.com/bar将重定向到 https://foo.com/bar

193213 次浏览

If you want to rewrite the url, you have to change your site virtualhost adding this lines:

### Enabling mod_rewrite
Options FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on

### Rewrite http:// => https://
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}$1 [R=301,NC,L]

But, if you want to redirect all your requests on the port 80 to the port 443 of the web servers behind the proxy, you can try this example conf on your haproxy.cfg:

# Global #
maxconn 100
spread-checks 50
nbproc 4

# Defaults #
maxconn 100
log global
mode http
option dontlognull
retries 3
contimeout 60000
clitimeout 60000
srvtimeout 60000

# Frontend: HTTP-IN #
frontend http-in
bind *:80
option logasap
option httplog
option httpclose
log global
default_backend sslwebserver

backend sslwebserver
option httplog
option forwardfor
option abortonclose
log global
balance roundrobin
# Server List
server sslws01 webserver01:443 check
server sslws02 webserver02:443 check
server sslws03 webserver03:443 check

I hope this help you

According to http://parsnips.net/haproxy-http-to-https-redirect/ it should be as easy as configuring your haproxy.cfg to contain the follow.

# Redirect to secured
frontend unsecured *:80
redirect location https://foo.bar.com

# frontend secured
frontend  secured *:443
mode  tcp
default_backend      app

# round robin balancing between the various backends
backend app
mode  tcp
balance roundrobin
server  app1 check
server  app2 check
server  app3 check
server  app4 check

Why don't you use ACL's to distinguish traffic? on top of my head:

acl go_sslwebserver path bar
use_backend sslwebserver if go_sslwebserver

This goes on top of what Matthew Brown answered.

See the ha docs , search for things like hdr_dom and below to find more ACL options. There are plenty of choices.

I found this to be the biggest help:

Use HAProxy 1.5 or newer, and simply add the following line to the frontend config:

redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }
frontend unsecured *:80
mode http
redirect location https://foo.bar.com

To redirect all traffic:

redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }

To redirect a single url (In case of multiple frontend/backend)

redirect scheme https if { hdr(Host) -i www.mydomain.com } !{ ssl_fc }

Like Jay Taylor said, HAProxy 1.5-dev has the redirect scheme configuration directive, which accomplishes exactly what you need.

However, if you are unable to use 1.5, and if you're up for compiling HAProxy from source, I backported the redirect scheme functionality so it works in 1.4. You can get the patch here: http://marc.info/?l=haproxy&m=138456233430692&w=2

I don't have enough reputation to comment on a previous answer, so I'm posting a new answer to complement Jay Taylor's answer. Basically his answer will do the redirect, an implicit redirect though, meaning it will issue a 302 (temporary redirect), but since the question informs that the entire website will be served as https, then the appropriate redirect should be a 301 (permanent redirect).

redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }

It seems a small change, but the impact might be huge depending on the website, with a permanent redirect we are informing the browser that it should no longer look for the http version from the start (avoiding future redirects) - a time saver for https sites. It also helps with SEO, but not dividing the juice of your links.

A slight variation of user2966600's solution...

To redirect all except a single URL (In case of multiple frontend/backend):

redirect scheme https if !{ hdr(Host) -i www.mydomain.com } !{ ssl_fc }

The best guaranteed way to redirect everything http to https is:

frontend http-in
bind *:80
mode http
redirect scheme https code 301

This is a little fancier using ‘code 301′, but might as well let the client know it’s permanent. The ‘mode http’ part is not essential with default configuration, but can’t hurt. If you have mode tcp in defaults section (like I did), then it’s necessary.

Add this into the HAProxy frontend config:

acl http      ssl_fc,not
http-request redirect scheme https if http

HAProxy - Redirecting HTTP Requests

In newer versions of HAProxy it is recommended to use

http-request redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }

to redirect http traffic to https.

Can be done like this -

  frontend http-in
bind *:80
mode http
redirect scheme https code 301

Any traffic hitting http will redirect to https

redirect statement is legacy

use http-request redirect instead

acl http      ssl_fc,not
http-request redirect scheme https if http


frontend incoming_requsts
bind *:80
bind *:443 ssl crt *path_to_cert*.**pem**
**http-request redirect scheme https unless { ssl_fc }**
default_backend k8s_nodes
  acl host-example hdr(host) -i www.example.com

# for everything not https
http-request redirect scheme https code 301 unless { ssl_fc }

# for anything matching acl
http-request redirect scheme https code 301 if host-example !{ ssl_fc }