function y = transmog(x)
%TRANSMOG Transmogrifies a matrix X using reverse orthogonal eigenvectors
% Usage:
% y = transmog(x)
当您在命令行输入“ help transmog”时,您将看到此注释标头中的所有注释,其中包含列出的其他函数的注释标头的超链接。
function hLine=myplot(x,y,plotColor,markerType)
% set defaults for optional paramters
if nargin<4, markerType='none'; end
if nargin<3, plotColor='k'; end
hL = plot(x,y,'linetype','-', ...
'color',plotColor, ...
'marker',markerType, ...
% return handle of plot object if required
if nargout>0, hLine = hL; end
function iNeedle = findClosest(hay,needle)
%FINDCLOSEST find the indicies of the closest elements in an array.
% Given two vectors [A,B], findClosest will find the indicies of the values
% in vector A closest to the values in vector B.
[hay iOrgHay] = sort(hay(:)'); %#ok must have row vector
% Use histogram to find indices of elements in hay closest to elements in
% needle. The bins are centered on values in hay, with the edges on the
% midpoint between elements.
[iNeedle iNeedle] = histc(needle,[-inf hay+[diff(hay)/2 inf]]); %#ok
% Reversing the sorting.
iNeedle = iOrgHay(iNeedle);
需要知道的一件非常重要的事情是 simset命令的 DstWorkspace和 SrcWorkspace选项。这些模块控制“ To Workspace”和“ From Workspace”块从何处获取并放置它们的结果。Dstworkspace默认为当前工作区(例如,如果你从一个函数内部调用 sim,“ To Workspace”块将显示为可从同一个函数内部访问的变量) ,但是 SrcWorkspace默认为基础工作区,如果你想封装对 sim的调用,你需要将 SrcWorkspace设置为 current,这样就有了一个干净的界面来提供/检索模拟输入参数和输出。例如:
function Y=run_my_sim(t,input1,params)
% runs "my_sim.mdl"
% with a From Workspace block referencing I1 as an input signal
% and parameters referenced as fields of the "params" structure
% and output retrieved from a To Workspace block with name O1.
opt = simset('SrcWorkspace','current','DstWorkspace','current');
I1 = struct('time',t,'signals',struct('values',input1,'dimensions',1));
Y = struct;
Y.t = sim('my_sim',t,opt);
Y.output1 = O1.signals.values;
% quick functions
f = @(x) 3*x.^2 + 2*x + 7;
t = (0:0.001:1);
% closures (linfunc below is a function that returns a function,
% and the outer functions arguments are held for the lifetime
% of the returned function.
linfunc = @(m,b) @(x) m*x+b;
C2F = linfunc(9/5, 32);
F2C = linfunc(5/9, -32*5/9);
function result = multiply(a, b)
if nargin == 0 %no inputs provided, run using defaults for a and b
a = 1;
b = 2;
result = a*b;
function av = runningAverage(x)
% The number of values entered so far - declared persistent.
persistent n;
% The sum of values entered so far - declared persistent.
persistent sumOfX;
if x == 'reset' % Initialise the persistent variables.
n = 0;
sumOfX = 0;
av = 0;
else % A data value has been added.
n = n + 1;
sumOfX = sumOfX + x;
av = sumOfX / n; % Update the running average.
ans = 0
>> runningAverage(5)
ans = 5
>> runningAverage(10)
ans = 7.5000
>> runningAverage(3)
ans = 6
>> runningAverage('reset')
ans = 0
>> runningAverage(8)
ans = 8