Approvent 按钮对 bitbucket. org 上的 changeset 有什么作用?

当使用 Bitbucket 进行源代码管理时,在提交页面的右上角会出现一个“ Approved”按钮:

Bitbucket Approve Button


enter image description here

这就是它的全部功能吗? 这个按钮的目的是什么? 它只是一个社交功能吗?

12547 次浏览

One use case is when a pull request gets a certain number of approvals, then it gets merged, either automatically or manually.

Thus it becomes easy to filter all the pull requests which are ready to be merged.

It's quite a common feature in code review tools. I have found it to be almost identical in GitLab too.

The question was about commits, not pull request. I just created a new pull request from an approved commit and there was no automatic approval on the pull request from the same reviewer who approved the commit. Social feature indeed.