

我需要使用一个方法制作一个整数到罗马数字的转换器。之后,我必须用这个程序用罗马数字写出1到3999,所以不再需要硬编码。我下面的代码是非常基本的; 它是一个基本的 I/O 循环,在使用我们在课堂上为 getIntegerFromUser制作的包时,它提供了一种退出的方法。

有没有一种方法可以将值赋给 String,然后在调用该方法时将它们相加?

更新: 我从我的教授那里得到了一些伪代码来帮助我,虽然我明白他想说什么,但是我在使用 if时遇到了一些麻烦。我将需要许多,许多 if语句,以便我的转换器将正确处理罗马数字格式或有一种方式,我可以更有效地做到这一点?我更新了代码以反映占位符方法。

更新(2012年10月28日) : 我让它工作了,以下是我最后使用的:

public static String IntegerToRomanNumeral(int input) {
if (input < 1 || input > 3999)
return "Invalid Roman Number Value";
String s = "";
while (input >= 1000) {
s += "M";
input -= 1000;        }
while (input >= 900) {
s += "CM";
input -= 900;
while (input >= 500) {
s += "D";
input -= 500;
while (input >= 400) {
s += "CD";
input -= 400;
while (input >= 100) {
s += "C";
input -= 100;
while (input >= 90) {
s += "XC";
input -= 90;
while (input >= 50) {
s += "L";
input -= 50;
while (input >= 40) {
s += "XL";
input -= 40;
while (input >= 10) {
s += "X";
input -= 10;
while (input >= 9) {
s += "IX";
input -= 9;
while (input >= 5) {
s += "V";
input -= 5;
while (input >= 4) {
s += "IV";
input -= 4;
while (input >= 1) {
s += "I";
input -= 1;
return s;
267164 次浏览

我很好奇这事会怎么收场。我会开始研究1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10到 I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,IX,X 的映射... 然后你可能会研究罗马数字的规则: I,II,III 是由串联产生的 V、 X、 L、 C、 D 和 M 是5、10、50、100、500和1000的符号 罗马人认为,他们可以节省空间写数字,而不是写,例如三四用四(意思是: 5减1...) 你可能需要研究这些规则,例如在 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_numerals,并在代码中捕获它们,例如在一个类“ RomanNumbers”中 如果你想作弊,你可以点击这个链接: http://www.moxlotus.Alternatifs.eu/program-Converter.html rel = “ nofollow”> http://www.moxlotus.alternatifs.eu/programmation-converter.html

Java Notes 6.0网站:

* An object of type RomanNumeral is an integer between 1 and 3999.  It can
* be constructed either from an integer or from a string that represents
* a Roman numeral in this range.  The function toString() will return a
* standardized Roman numeral representation of the number.  The function
* toInt() will return the number as a value of type int.
public class RomanNumeral {

private final int num;   // The number represented by this Roman numeral.

/* The following arrays are used by the toString() function to construct
the standard Roman numeral representation of the number.  For each i,
the number numbers[i] is represented by the corresponding string, letters[i].

private static int[]    numbers = { 1000,  900,  500,  400,  100,   90,
50,   40,   10,    9,    5,    4,    1 };

private static String[] letters = { "M",  "CM",  "D",  "CD", "C",  "XC",
"L",  "XL",  "X",  "IX", "V",  "IV", "I" };

* Constructor.  Creates the Roman number with the int value specified
* by the parameter.  Throws a NumberFormatException if arabic is
* not in the range 1 to 3999 inclusive.
public RomanNumeral(int arabic) {
if (arabic < 1)
throw new NumberFormatException("Value of RomanNumeral must be positive.");
if (arabic > 3999)
throw new NumberFormatException("Value of RomanNumeral must be 3999 or less.");
num = arabic;

* Constructor.  Creates the Roman number with the given representation.
* For example, RomanNumeral("xvii") is 17.  If the parameter is not a
* legal Roman numeral, a NumberFormatException is thrown.  Both upper and
* lower case letters are allowed.
public RomanNumeral(String roman) {

if (roman.length() == 0)
throw new NumberFormatException("An empty string does not define a Roman numeral.");

roman = roman.toUpperCase();  // Convert to upper case letters.

int i = 0;       // A position in the string, roman;
int arabic = 0;  // Arabic numeral equivalent of the part of the string that has
//    been converted so far.

while (i < roman.length()) {

char letter = roman.charAt(i);        // Letter at current position in string.
int number = letterToNumber(letter);  // Numerical equivalent of letter.

i++;  // Move on to next position in the string

if (i == roman.length()) {
// There is no letter in the string following the one we have just processed.
// So just add the number corresponding to the single letter to arabic.
arabic += number;
else {
// Look at the next letter in the string.  If it has a larger Roman numeral
// equivalent than number, then the two letters are counted together as
// a Roman numeral with value (nextNumber - number).
int nextNumber = letterToNumber(roman.charAt(i));
if (nextNumber > number) {
// Combine the two letters to get one value, and move on to next position in string.
arabic += (nextNumber - number);
else {
// Don't combine the letters.  Just add the value of the one letter onto the number.
arabic += number;

}  // end while

if (arabic > 3999)
throw new NumberFormatException("Roman numeral must have value 3999 or less.");

num = arabic;

} // end constructor

* Find the integer value of letter considered as a Roman numeral.  Throws
* NumberFormatException if letter is not a legal Roman numeral.  The letter
* must be upper case.
private int letterToNumber(char letter) {
switch (letter) {
case 'I':  return 1;
case 'V':  return 5;
case 'X':  return 10;
case 'L':  return 50;
case 'C':  return 100;
case 'D':  return 500;
case 'M':  return 1000;
default:   throw new NumberFormatException(
"Illegal character \"" + letter + "\" in Roman numeral");

* Return the standard representation of this Roman numeral.
public String toString() {
String roman = "";  // The roman numeral.
int N = num;        // N represents the part of num that still has
//   to be converted to Roman numeral representation.
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
while (N >= numbers[i]) {
roman += letters[i];
N -= numbers[i];
return roman;

* Return the value of this Roman numeral as an int.
public int toInt() {
return num;

String convert(int i){

String ones = "";
String tens = "";
String hundreds = "";
String thousands = "";
String result ;

boolean error = false;

Vector v = new Vector();

//assign passed integer to temporary value temp
int temp=i;

//flags an error if number is greater than 3999
if (temp >=4000) {
error = true;

/*loops while temp can no more be divided by 10.
Lets say i = 3254, then temp is also 3254 at line 14.

3254/10 = 25    /   \ 3254%10 = 4
/     \
now temp = 25       325     4  - here 4 is added to the vector v's 0th index.
/ \
now temp = 32     32   5  - here 5 is added to the vector v's 1st index.
/  \
now temp = 3    3    2  - here 2 is added to the vector v's 2nd index, and loop exits
/ \        since temp/10 = 0
0   3  - here 3 is not added to the vector v's 3rd index as loop exits when
temp/10 = 0.

while (temp/10 != 0) {
if (temp / 10 != 0 && temp <4000) {
temp = temp / 10;
}else {

//therefore you have to add temp one last time to the vector

//as in the example now you have 4,5,2,3 respectively in v's 0,1,2,3 indices.

for (int j = 0; j < v.size(); j++) {

//you see that v's 0th index has number of ones. So make them roman ones here.
if (j==0) {
switch (v.get(0).toString()){
case "0" : ones = ""; break;
case "1" : ones = "I"; break;
case "2" : ones = "II"; break;
case "3" : ones = "III"; break;
case "4" : ones = "IV"; break;
case "5" : ones = "V"; break;
case "6" : ones = "VI"; break;
case "7" : ones = "VII"; break;
case "8" : ones = "VIII"; break;
case "9" : ones = "IX"; break;

//in the second iteration of the loop (when j==1)
//index 1 of v is checked. Now you understand that v's 1st index
//has the tens
} else if (j == 1) {
switch (v.get(1).toString()){
case "0" : tens = ""; break;
case "1" : tens = "X"; break;
case "2" : tens = "XX"; break;
case "3" : tens = "XXX"; break;
case "4" : tens = "XL"; break;
case "5" : tens = "L"; break;
case "6" : tens = "LX"; break;
case "7" : tens = "LXX"; break;
case "8" : tens = "LXXX"; break;
case "9" : tens = "XC"; break;
} else if(j == 2){  //and hundreds
switch (v.get(2).toString()){
case "0" : hundreds = ""; break;
case "1" : hundreds = "C"; break;
case "2" : hundreds = "CC"; break;
case "3" : hundreds = "CCC"; break;
case "4" : hundreds = "CD"; break;
case "5" : hundreds = "D"; break;
case "6" : hundreds = "DC"; break;
case "7" : hundreds = "DCC"; break;
case "8" : hundreds = "DCCC"; break;
case "9" : hundreds = "CM"; break;
}   else if(j == 3){ //and finally thousands.
switch (v.get(3).toString()){
case "0" : thousands = ""; break;
case "1" : thousands = "M"; break;
case "2" : thousands = "MM"; break;
case "3" : thousands = "MMM"; break;


if (error) {
result = "Error!";
result = thousands + hundreds + tens + ones;

return result;



import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;


  public static String RomanNumerals(int Int) {
LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> roman_numerals = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();
roman_numerals.put("M", 1000);
roman_numerals.put("CM", 900);
roman_numerals.put("D", 500);
roman_numerals.put("CD", 400);
roman_numerals.put("C", 100);
roman_numerals.put("XC", 90);
roman_numerals.put("L", 50);
roman_numerals.put("XL", 40);
roman_numerals.put("X", 10);
roman_numerals.put("IX", 9);
roman_numerals.put("V", 5);
roman_numerals.put("IV", 4);
roman_numerals.put("I", 1);
String res = "";
for(Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : roman_numerals.entrySet()){
int matches = Int/entry.getValue();
res += repeat(entry.getKey(), matches);
Int = Int % entry.getValue();
return res;
public static String repeat(String s, int n) {
if(s == null) {
return null;
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
return sb.toString();


  for (int i = 1;i<256;i++) {
System.out.println("i="+i+" -> "+RomanNumerals(i));


  i=1 -> I
i=2 -> II
i=3 -> III
i=4 -> IV
i=5 -> V
i=6 -> VI
i=7 -> VII
i=8 -> VIII
i=9 -> IX
i=10 -> X
i=11 -> XI
i=12 -> XII
i=13 -> XIII
i=14 -> XIV
i=15 -> XV
i=16 -> XVI
i=17 -> XVII
i=18 -> XVIII
i=19 -> XIX
i=20 -> XX
i=21 -> XXI
i=22 -> XXII
i=23 -> XXIII
i=24 -> XXIV
i=25 -> XXV
i=26 -> XXVI
i=27 -> XXVII
i=28 -> XXVIII
i=29 -> XXIX
i=30 -> XXX
i=31 -> XXXI
i=32 -> XXXII
i=33 -> XXXIII
i=34 -> XXXIV
i=35 -> XXXV
i=36 -> XXXVI
i=37 -> XXXVII
i=38 -> XXXVIII
i=39 -> XXXIX
i=40 -> XL
i=41 -> XLI
i=42 -> XLII
i=43 -> XLIII
i=44 -> XLIV
i=45 -> XLV
i=46 -> XLVI
i=47 -> XLVII
i=48 -> XLVIII
i=49 -> XLIX
i=50 -> L
i=51 -> LI
i=52 -> LII
i=53 -> LIII
i=54 -> LIV
i=55 -> LV
i=56 -> LVI
i=57 -> LVII
i=58 -> LVIII
i=59 -> LIX
i=60 -> LX
i=61 -> LXI
i=62 -> LXII
i=63 -> LXIII
i=64 -> LXIV
i=65 -> LXV
i=66 -> LXVI
i=67 -> LXVII
i=68 -> LXVIII
i=69 -> LXIX
i=70 -> LXX
i=71 -> LXXI
i=72 -> LXXII
i=73 -> LXXIII
i=74 -> LXXIV
i=75 -> LXXV
i=76 -> LXXVI
i=77 -> LXXVII
i=78 -> LXXVIII
i=79 -> LXXIX
i=80 -> LXXX
i=81 -> LXXXI
i=82 -> LXXXII
i=83 -> LXXXIII
i=84 -> LXXXIV
i=85 -> LXXXV
i=86 -> LXXXVI
i=87 -> LXXXVII
i=88 -> LXXXVIII
i=89 -> LXXXIX
i=90 -> XC
i=91 -> XCI
i=92 -> XCII
i=93 -> XCIII
i=94 -> XCIV
i=95 -> XCV
i=96 -> XCVI
i=97 -> XCVII
i=98 -> XCVIII
i=99 -> XCIX
i=100 -> C
i=101 -> CI
i=102 -> CII
i=103 -> CIII
i=104 -> CIV
i=105 -> CV
i=106 -> CVI
i=107 -> CVII
i=108 -> CVIII
i=109 -> CIX
i=110 -> CX
i=111 -> CXI
i=112 -> CXII
i=113 -> CXIII
i=114 -> CXIV
i=115 -> CXV
i=116 -> CXVI
i=117 -> CXVII
i=118 -> CXVIII
i=119 -> CXIX
i=120 -> CXX
i=121 -> CXXI
i=122 -> CXXII
i=123 -> CXXIII
i=124 -> CXXIV
i=125 -> CXXV
i=126 -> CXXVI
i=127 -> CXXVII
i=128 -> CXXVIII
i=129 -> CXXIX
i=130 -> CXXX
i=131 -> CXXXI
i=132 -> CXXXII
i=133 -> CXXXIII
i=134 -> CXXXIV
i=135 -> CXXXV
i=136 -> CXXXVI
i=137 -> CXXXVII
i=138 -> CXXXVIII
i=139 -> CXXXIX
i=140 -> CXL
i=141 -> CXLI
i=142 -> CXLII
i=143 -> CXLIII
i=144 -> CXLIV
i=145 -> CXLV
i=146 -> CXLVI
i=147 -> CXLVII
i=148 -> CXLVIII
i=149 -> CXLIX
i=150 -> CL
i=151 -> CLI
i=152 -> CLII
i=153 -> CLIII
i=154 -> CLIV
i=155 -> CLV
i=156 -> CLVI
i=157 -> CLVII
i=158 -> CLVIII
i=159 -> CLIX
i=160 -> CLX
i=161 -> CLXI
i=162 -> CLXII
i=163 -> CLXIII
i=164 -> CLXIV
i=165 -> CLXV
i=166 -> CLXVI
i=167 -> CLXVII
i=168 -> CLXVIII
i=169 -> CLXIX
i=170 -> CLXX
i=171 -> CLXXI
i=172 -> CLXXII
i=173 -> CLXXIII
i=174 -> CLXXIV
i=175 -> CLXXV
i=176 -> CLXXVI
i=177 -> CLXXVII
i=178 -> CLXXVIII
i=179 -> CLXXIX
i=180 -> CLXXX
i=181 -> CLXXXI
i=182 -> CLXXXII
i=183 -> CLXXXIII
i=184 -> CLXXXIV
i=185 -> CLXXXV
i=186 -> CLXXXVI
i=187 -> CLXXXVII
i=188 -> CLXXXVIII
i=189 -> CLXXXIX
i=190 -> CXC
i=191 -> CXCI
i=192 -> CXCII
i=193 -> CXCIII
i=194 -> CXCIV
i=195 -> CXCV
i=196 -> CXCVI
i=197 -> CXCVII
i=198 -> CXCVIII
i=199 -> CXCIX
i=200 -> CC
i=201 -> CCI
i=202 -> CCII
i=203 -> CCIII
i=204 -> CCIV
i=205 -> CCV
i=206 -> CCVI
i=207 -> CCVII
i=208 -> CCVIII
i=209 -> CCIX
i=210 -> CCX
i=211 -> CCXI
i=212 -> CCXII
i=213 -> CCXIII
i=214 -> CCXIV
i=215 -> CCXV
i=216 -> CCXVI
i=217 -> CCXVII
i=218 -> CCXVIII
i=219 -> CCXIX
i=220 -> CCXX
i=221 -> CCXXI
i=222 -> CCXXII
i=223 -> CCXXIII
i=224 -> CCXXIV
i=225 -> CCXXV
i=226 -> CCXXVI
i=227 -> CCXXVII
i=228 -> CCXXVIII
i=229 -> CCXXIX
i=230 -> CCXXX
i=231 -> CCXXXI
i=232 -> CCXXXII
i=233 -> CCXXXIII
i=234 -> CCXXXIV
i=235 -> CCXXXV
i=236 -> CCXXXVI
i=237 -> CCXXXVII
i=238 -> CCXXXVIII
i=239 -> CCXXXIX
i=240 -> CCXL
i=241 -> CCXLI
i=242 -> CCXLII
i=243 -> CCXLIII
i=244 -> CCXLIV
i=245 -> CCXLV
i=246 -> CCXLVI
i=247 -> CCXLVII
i=248 -> CCXLVIII
i=249 -> CCXLIX
i=250 -> CCL
i=251 -> CCLI
i=252 -> CCLII
i=253 -> CCLIII
i=254 -> CCLIV
i=255 -> CCLV

使用 Java树木地图和递归的简洁实现:

import java.util.TreeMap;

public class RomanNumber {

private final static TreeMap<Integer, String> map = new TreeMap<Integer, String>();

static {

map.put(1000, "M");
map.put(900, "CM");
map.put(500, "D");
map.put(400, "CD");
map.put(100, "C");
map.put(90, "XC");
map.put(50, "L");
map.put(40, "XL");
map.put(10, "X");
map.put(9, "IX");
map.put(5, "V");
map.put(4, "IV");
map.put(1, "I");


public final static String toRoman(int number) {
int l =  map.floorKey(number);
if ( number == l ) {
return map.get(number);
return map.get(l) + toRoman(number-l);



public void testRomanConversion() {

for (int i = 1; i<= 100; i++) {
System.out.println(i+"\t =\t "+RomanNumber.toRoman(i));


我的解决方案是函数 getRoman:

public  String getRoman(int number) {

String riman[] = {"M","XM","CM","D","XD","CD","C","XC","L","XL","X","IX","V","IV","I"};
int arab[] = {1000, 990, 900, 500, 490, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1};
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
int i = 0;
while (number > 0 || arab.length == (i - 1)) {
while ((number - arab[i]) >= 0) {
number -= arab[i];
return result.toString();


平均转换时间: 0.05 ms (基于将所有数字1-3999转换并除以3999)

public static String getRomanNumeral(int arabicNumber) {

if (arabicNumber > 0 && arabicNumber < 4000) {

final LinkedHashMap<Integer, String> numberLimits =
new LinkedHashMap<>();

numberLimits.put(1, "I");
numberLimits.put(4, "IV");
numberLimits.put(5, "V");
numberLimits.put(9, "IX");
numberLimits.put(10, "X");
numberLimits.put(40, "XL");
numberLimits.put(50, "L");
numberLimits.put(90, "XC");
numberLimits.put(100, "C");
numberLimits.put(400, "CD");
numberLimits.put(500, "D");
numberLimits.put(900, "CM");
numberLimits.put(1000, "M");

String romanNumeral = "";

while (arabicNumber > 0) {
int highestFound = 0;
for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> current : numberLimits.entrySet()){
if (current.getKey() <= arabicNumber) {
highestFound = current.getKey();
romanNumeral += numberLimits.get(highestFound);
arabicNumber -= highestFound;

return romanNumeral;

} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(arabicNumber
+ " is not a valid Roman numeral.");

首先,您必须考虑到罗马数字只在 < 1-4000的区间内) ,但是这可以通过一个简单的 if 和一个抛出的异常来解决。然后,您可以尝试在给定的整数中找到最大的集合罗马数字,如果找到,则从原始数字中减去该集合罗马数字,并将其添加到结果中。重复使用新获得的数字,直到达到零。

基于 OP 自身解决方案的替代解决方案,利用 enum。此外,还包括解析器和往返测试。

public class RomanNumber {
public enum Digit {
M(1000, 3),
CM(900, 1),
D(500, 1),
CD(400, 1),
C(100, 3),
XC(90, 1),
L(50, 1),
XL(40, 1),
X(10, 3),
IX(9, 1),
V(5, 1),
IV(4, 1),
I(1, 3);

public final int value;
public final String symbol = name();
public final int maxArity;

private Digit(int value, int maxArity) {
this.value = value;
this.maxArity = maxArity;

private static final Digit[] DIGITS = Digit.values();

public static String of(int number) {
if (number < 1 || 3999 < number) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
"Roman numbers are only defined for numbers between 1 and 3999 (%d was given)",

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Digit digit : DIGITS) {
int value = digit.value;
String symbol = digit.symbol;

while (number >= value) {
number -= value;

return sb.toString();

public static int parse(String roman) {
if (roman.isEmpty()) {
throw new NumberFormatException("The empty string does not comprise a valid Roman number");

int number = 0;
int offset = 0;
for (Digit digit : DIGITS) {
int value = digit.value;
int maxArity = digit.maxArity;
String symbol = digit.symbol;

for (int i = 0; i < maxArity && roman.startsWith(symbol, offset); i++) {
number += value;
offset += symbol.length();
if (offset != roman.length()) {
throw new NumberFormatException(String.format(
"The string '%s' does not comprise a valid Roman number",
return number;

/** TESTS */
public static void main(String[] args) {

/* Demonstrating round-trip for all possible inputs. */

for (int number = 1; number <= 3999; number++) {
String roman = of(number);
int parsed = parse(roman);
if (parsed != number) {
"ERROR: number: %d, roman: %s, parsed: %d\n",

/* Some illegal inputs. */

int[] illegalNumbers = { -1, 0, 4000, 4001 };
for (int illegalNumber : illegalNumbers) {
try {
"ERROR: Expected failure on number %d\n",
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Failed as expected.

String[] illegalRomans = { "MMMM", "CDCD", "IM", "T", "", "VV", "DM" };
for (String illegalRoman : illegalRomans) {
try {
"ERROR: Expected failure on roman %s\n",
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// Failed as expected.

我认为如果你仔细研究罗马数字理论,你就不需要对4、9、40等数字进行映射,因为这个理论告诉我们,如果罗马数字是 IV = 5-1 = 4,因此,当前缀小于后续数字时,你必须从后续数字中减去前一个数字,才能得到实际值,这就是我在解决这个问题的代码中所包含的内容,看一下,如果有必要,指出任何错误,我按照这张表设计了我的逻辑 -http://literacy.kent.edu/Minigrants/Cinci/romanchart.htm

import java.util.Set;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.BufferedReader;

public class RomanStringToIntegerConversion {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)));
String[] romanString = br.readLine().split("");

HashMap<String, Integer> romanToIntegerMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
romanToIntegerMap.put("I", 1);
romanToIntegerMap.put("V", 5);
romanToIntegerMap.put("X", 10);
romanToIntegerMap.put("L", 50);
romanToIntegerMap.put("C", 100);
romanToIntegerMap.put("D", 500);
romanToIntegerMap.put("M", 1000);

int numLength = romanString.length;
Set<Integer> lessIndices = new HashSet<Integer>();

for(int i = 0; i < numLength; ++i){
if(i+1 < numLength){
if(romanToIntegerMap.get(romanString[i]) < romanToIntegerMap.get(romanString[i+1]))

int num = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < numLength;){
num = num + romanToIntegerMap.get(romanString[i]);
num = num + romanToIntegerMap.get(romanString[i+1]) - romanToIntegerMap.get(romanString[i]);
System.out.println("The integer representation of the roman numeral is : " + num);


package roman;

public class RomanNumbers {

public static final int[] decimal = {1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 40, 50, 90, 100, 400, 500, 900, 1000};
public static final String[] letters = {"I", "IV", "V", "IX", "X", "XL", "L", "XC", "C", "CD", "D", "CM", "M"};

public static String stringToRoman(int num) {
String roman = "";

if (num < 1 || num > 3999) {
System.out.println("Invalid roman number value!");

while (num > 0) {
int maxFound = 0;
for (int i=0; i < decimal.length; i++) {
if (num >= decimal[i]) {
maxFound = i;
roman += letters[maxFound];
num -= decimal[maxFound];

return roman;


package roman;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.junit.Test;

public class RomanNumbersTest {

public void testReturn1() {
String actual = RomanNumbers.stringToRoman(1);
String expected = "I";
assertEquals(expected, actual);

public void testReturn5() {
String actual = RomanNumbers.stringToRoman(5);
String expected = "V";
assertEquals(expected, actual);

public void testReturn2() {
String actual = RomanNumbers.stringToRoman(2);
String expected = "II";
assertEquals(expected, actual);

public void testReturn4() {
String actual = RomanNumbers.stringToRoman(4);
String expected = "IV";
assertEquals(expected, actual);

public void testReturn399() {
String actual = RomanNumbers.stringToRoman(399);
String expected = "CCCXCIX";
assertEquals(expected, actual);

public void testReturn3992() {
String actual = RomanNumbers.stringToRoman(3992);
String expected = "MMMCMXCII";
assertEquals(expected, actual);

我注意到从整数到罗马数字很容易翻译,因为每个数字总是有1,5和10(例如,VX表示1-10,XLC表示10-100等等) ,这就是为什么我做了一个罗马数字的数组来得到正确的字母。

在我的示例中,我每次遍历整个数字1,每次使用模运算符得到最后一个数字。然后,在 switch 语句中从当前数字形成 Roman Numerals,并将其添加到 asRomanNumerals 字符串的开头。在数字被翻译之后,它从数字中被移除,并且用于在数组中查找字母的索引随着2(IVX-> XLC)的增加而增加。

public static void main(String[] args) {

// number is the one to be translated into Roman Numerals
int number = 2345;
number = Math.min(3999, Math.max(1, number)); // wraps number between 1-3999
String asRomanNumerals = "";

// Array including numerals in ascending order
String[] RN = {"I", "V", "X", "L", "C", "D", "M" };
int i = 0; // Index used to keep track which digit we are translating
while (number > 0) {
switch(number % 10) {
case 1: asRomanNumerals = RN[i] + asRomanNumerals; break;
case 2: asRomanNumerals = RN[i] + RN[i] + asRomanNumerals; break;
case 3: asRomanNumerals = RN[i] + RN[i] + RN[i] + asRomanNumerals; break;
case 4: asRomanNumerals = RN[i] + RN[i + 1] + asRomanNumerals; break;
case 5: asRomanNumerals = RN[i + 1] + asRomanNumerals; break;
case 6: asRomanNumerals = RN[i + 1] + RN[i] + asRomanNumerals; break;
case 7: asRomanNumerals = RN[i + 1] + RN[i] + RN[i] + asRomanNumerals; break;
case 8: asRomanNumerals = RN[i + 1] + RN[i] + RN[i] + RN[i] +asRomanNumerals; break;
case 9: asRomanNumerals = RN[i] + RN[i + 2] + asRomanNumerals; break;
number = (int) number / 10;
i += 2;

我写了一个非常简单的解决方案。我们所要做的就是除法,找出一个特定字母(或字母组合)出现的次数,然后将其附加到 StringBuilder 对象 sb。我们还应该跟踪其余的数字(num)。

public static String intToRoman(int num) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int times = 0;
String[] romans = new String[] { "I", "IV", "V", "IX", "X", "XL", "L",
"XC", "C", "CD", "D", "CM", "M" };
int[] ints = new int[] { 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 40, 50, 90, 100, 400, 500,
900, 1000 };
for (int i = ints.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
times = num / ints[i];
num %= ints[i];
while (times > 0) {
return sb.toString();
enum Numeral {
I(1), IV(4), V(5), IX(9), X(10), XL(40), L(50), XC(90), C(100), CD(400), D(500), CM(900), M(1000);
int weight;

Numeral(int weight) {
this.weight = weight;

public static String roman(long n) {

if( n <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();

StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();

final Numeral[] values = Numeral.values();
for (int i = values.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
while (n >= values[i].weight) {
n -= values[i].weight;
return buf.toString();

public static void test(long n) {
System.out.println(n + " = " + roman(n));

public static void main(String[] args) {

这是我作业的结果。它不能确保输入在正确的范围内,我可能应该使用 StringBuilder(当我查找它的时候!)而且不是一个单一的方法。但是如果有人读到这里,我希望得到正面和负面的反馈!

import java.util.Scanner;
*Main() allows user input and tests 1-3999
*toRoman() breaks the number down into digits and passes them to romanLogic()
*romanLogic() converts each digit into a the numerals that represent it.
public class RomanNumerals
public static void main(String args[]){
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("give us an integer < 4000: ");
System.out.println("the roman numeral version is: " + toRoman(in.nextInt()));
for (int i = 1; i<=3999; i++){
System.out.println(i +" === "+ toRoman(i));
public static String toRoman(int i){
String output = "";
int digits = i%10;
int tens = (i%100)/10;
int hundreds = (i%1000)/100;
int thousands = (i%10000)/1000;
return (romanLogic(thousands, "M","","")+
public static String romanLogic(int i, String ones, String fives, String tens){
String result = "";
if (i == 0){
return result;
} else {
if ((i>=4)&&(i<=8)){
result += fives;
if (i==9){
result += tens;
if(i%5 < 4){
while(i%5 > 0){
result += ones;
if(i%5 == 4){
result = ones + result;
return result;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.*;


try {

Scanner input = new Scanner(new File("lettered.in"));

int dataCollect = input.nextInt();

int sum = 0;

String lineInput = "";

for (int i = 0; i <= dataCollect; i++) {

while (input.hasNext()) {

lineInput = input.next();
char lineArray[] = lineInput.toCharArray();

for (int j = 0; j < lineArray.length; j++) {

switch(lineArray[j]) {
case 'A': {
sum += 1;
case 'B': {
sum += 10;
case 'C': {
sum += 100;
case 'D': {
sum += 1000;
case 'E': {
sum += 10000;
case 'F': {
sum += 100000;
case: 'G': {
sum += 1000000;
case 'X': {
sum = 0;
default: {}
} catch (FileNotFoundException fileNotFound) {
System.out.println("File has not been found.");


using System;

using System.Text;

public class Test

public static string ToRoman(int number)
StringBuilder br=new StringBuilder("");
return br.ToString();
public static void Main()


private static String convertToRoman(int mInt) {
String[] rnChars = { "M",  "CM", "D", "C",  "XC", "L",  "X", "IX", "V", "I" };
int[] rnVals = {  1000, 900, 500, 100, 90, 50, 10, 9, 5, 1 };
String retVal = "";

for (int i = 0; i < rnVals.length; i++) {
int numberInPlace = mInt / rnVals[i];
if (numberInPlace == 0) continue;
retVal += numberInPlace == 4 && i > 0? rnChars[i] + rnChars[i - 1]:
new String(new char[numberInPlace]).replace("\0",rnChars[i]);
mInt = mInt % rnVals[i];
return retVal;


public class RomanNumerals {

private static int [] arabic = {50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1};

private static String [] roman = {"L", "XL", "X", "IX", "V", "IV", "I"};

public static String convert(int arabicNumber) {

StringBuilder romanNumerals = new StringBuilder();
int remainder = arabicNumber;

for (int i=0;i<arabic.length;i++) {

while (remainder >= arabic[i]) {
remainder -= arabic[i];

return romanNumerals.toString();

实际上还有另一种方法来看待这个问题,不是数字问题,而是一元问题,从罗马数字的基本字符“ I”开始。所以我们只用 I 表示数字,然后用罗马字符的升值替换字符。

public String getRomanNumber(int number) {
return join("", nCopies(number, "I"))
.replace("IIIII", "V")
.replace("IIII", "IV")
.replace("VV", "X")
.replace("VIV", "IX")
.replace("XXXXX", "L")
.replace("XXXX", "XL")
.replace("LL", "C")
.replace("LXL", "XC")
.replace("CCCCC", "D")
.replace("CCCC", "CD")
.replace("DD", "M")
.replace("DCD", "CM");

我特别喜欢这种解决这个问题的方法,而不是使用大量的 if 和 while 循环或表查找。当你认为问题不是一个数字问题时,它实际上也是一个退出直观的解决方案。

我喜欢 André Kramer Orten 的回答,非常优雅,我特别喜欢它避免循环的方式,我想到了另一种处理方式,也避免了循环。


这里的好处是,您可以指定精确的转换,这取决于您是否需要加法或减法数字形式,即 III 与 IV。在这里,我用“减法形式”来表示5x-1(4、9、14、19、40、90等)中的所有数字

通过简单地使用进一步的加法或减法形式(例如“ IV”、“ V”或“ MMMM”、“ MMMMM”)扩展数千个数组来允许更大的数量也是微不足道的


public class RomanNumeralGenerator {
static final int MIN_VALUE = 1;
static final int MAX_VALUE = 3999;
static final String[] RN_M = {"", "M", "MM", "MMM"};
static final String[] RN_C = {"", "C", "CC", "CCC", "CD", "D", "DC", "DCC", "DCCC", "CM"};
static final String[] RN_X = {"", "X", "XX", "XXX", "XL", "L", "LX", "LXX", "LXXX", "XC"};
static final String[] RN_I = {"", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX"};

public String generate(int number) {
if (number < MIN_VALUE || number > MAX_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The number must be in the range [%d, %d]",

return new StringBuilder()
.append(RN_M[number / 1000])
.append(RN_C[number % 1000 / 100])
.append(RN_X[number % 100 / 10])
.append(RN_I[number % 10])
private String convertToRoman(int num) {
String result = "";
while(num > 0){
if(num >= 1000){
result += "M";
num -= 1000;
}else if(num >= 900){
result += "CM";
num -= 900;
else if(num >= 500){
result += "D";
num -= 500;
}else if(num >= 400){
result += "CD";
num -= 400;
}else if(num >= 100){
result += "C";
num -= 100;
}else if(num >= 90){
result += "XC";
num -= 90;
}else if(num >= 50){
result += "L";
num -= 50;
}else if(num >= 40){
result += "XL";
num -= 40;
else if(num >= 10){
result += "X";
num -= 10;
}else if(num >= 9){
result += "IX";
num -= 9;
else if(num >= 5){
result += "V";
num -= 5;
}else if(num >= 4){
result += "IV";
num -= 4;
}else if(num >= 1){
result += "I";
num -= 1;


return result;


public class ToRoman

public static String toRoman(int number)
StringBuilder br = new StringBuilder("");
return br.toString();

public static void main(String [] args)
private static String toRoman(int n) {
String[] romanNumerals = { "M",  "CM", "D", "CD", "C", "XC", "L",  "X", "IX", "V", "I" };
int[] romanNumeralNums = {  1000, 900, 500,  400 , 100,  90,  50,   10,    9,   5,   1 };
String finalRomanNum = "";

for (int i = 0; i < romanNumeralNums.length; i ++) {
int currentNum = n /romanNumeralNums[i];
if (currentNum==0) {

for (int j = 0; j < currentNum; j++) {
finalRomanNum +=romanNumerals[i];

n = n%romanNumeralNums[i];
return finalRomanNum;

为了跟上技术的发展,这里有一个使用流和自定义 Collector 的 Java8版本,它消除了循环或 if 语句的需要:

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.stream.Collector;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;

public class RomanNumeral {

public static void main(String arg[]) {
IntStream.range(1, 4000).forEach(value -> System.out.println( Arrays.stream(Mark.values()).collect(new MarkCollector<Mark>(value)).toString()));

enum Mark {
M(1000), CM(900), D(500), CD(400), C(100), XC(90), L(50), XL(40), X(10), IX(9), V(5), IV(4), I(1);

private final int value;

private Mark(int value) { this.value = value; }

public int value() { return value; }

static class MarkCollector<T extends Mark> implements Collector<T, StringBuilder, StringBuilder> {

private final int[] valueholder = new int[1];

MarkCollector(int value) { valueholder[0] = value; }

public Supplier<StringBuilder> supplier() { return () -> StringBuilder::new; }

public BiConsumer<StringBuilder, T> accumulator() {
return (builder, mark) -> {
builder.append(String.join("", Collections.nCopies(valueholder[0] / mark.value(), mark.name())));
valueholder[0] = valueholder[0] % mark.value();

public BinaryOperator<StringBuilder> combiner() { return null; }

public Function<StringBuilder, StringBuilder> finisher() { return Function.identity(); }

public Set<Characteristics> characteristics() { return Collections.singleton(Characteristics.IDENTITY_FINISH); }

我自己喜欢使用 责任链模式。我认为这对于这个场景很有意义。

public abstract class NumberChainOfResponsibility {
protected NumberChainOfResponsibility next;
protected int decimalValue;
protected String romanNumeralValue;

public NumberChainOfResponsibility() {

public String convert(int decimal) {
int remainder = decimal;
StringBuilder numerals = new StringBuilder();
while (remainder != 0) {
if (remainder >= this.decimalValue) {
remainder -= this.decimalValue;
} else {
remainder = 0;
return numerals.toString();



public class Cor1000 extends NumberChainOfResponsibility {
public Cor1000() {
this.decimalValue = 1000;
this.romanNumeralValue = "M";
this.next = new Cor900();


public class Cor1 extends NumberChainOfResponsibility {
public Cor1() {
this.decimalValue = 1;
this.romanNumeralValue = "I";
this.next = null;


public class Converter {
private static int MAX_VALUE = 5000;
private static int MIN_VALUE = 0;
private static String ERROR_TOO_BIG = "Value is too big!";
private static String ERROR_TOO_SMALL = "Value is too small!";

public String convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(int decimal) {
Cor1000 startingCor = new Cor1000();
if (decimal >= MAX_VALUE)
if (decimal <= MIN_VALUE)

String numeralsWithoutConversion = startingCor.convert(decimal);
return numeralsWithoutConversion;

以及客户机代码(在我的例子中是 JUnit 测试)。

public void assertConversionWorks() {
Assert.assertEquals("MMMMCMXCIX", converter.convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(4999));
Assert.assertEquals("CMXCIX", converter.convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(999));
Assert.assertEquals("CMLXXXIX", converter.convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(989));
Assert.assertEquals("DCXXVI", converter.convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(626));
Assert.assertEquals("DCXXIV", converter.convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(624));
Assert.assertEquals("CDXCVIII", converter.convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(498));
Assert.assertEquals("CXXIII", converter.convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(123));
Assert.assertEquals("XCIX", converter.convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(99));
Assert.assertEquals("LI", converter.convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(51));
Assert.assertEquals("XLIX", converter.convertThisIntToRomanNumerals(49));

在我的 Github 账户上可以看到整个例子。

首先将数字分解成小数因子,比如995 = 900 + 90 + 5,然后递归地转换每个因子

public class IntegerToRoman {
private Map<Integer, String> romanChars = new HashMap<>();

public IntegerToRoman() {
romanChars.put(1, "I");
romanChars.put(5, "V");
romanChars.put(10, "X");
romanChars.put(50, "L");
romanChars.put(100, "C");
romanChars.put(500, "D");
romanChars.put(1000, "M");
romanChars.put(5000, "V|");

public String intToRoman(int num) {
if (num == 0) {
return "";
int decimalFact = 0;
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = (int)Math.log10(num); i >= 0; i--) {
int divisor = (int) Math.pow(10, i);
decimalFact = num - num % divisor;
num = num % divisor;
return result.toString();

private String convertDecimalFact(int decimalFact){
if(decimalFact == 0){return "";}
int[] keyArray = romanChars.keySet().stream().mapToInt(key -> key)

for(int i =0 ; i+1<keyArray.length ; i++){
if( keyArray[i] <= decimalFact && decimalFact<= keyArray[i+1]  ){
int bigger1stDgt = getLeftMostNum(keyArray[i+1]);
int decimalFact1stDgt = getLeftMostNum(decimalFact);
return decimalFact1stDgt >= bigger1stDgt-1 ?
romanChars.get(keyArray[i])+intToRoman(decimalFact - keyArray[i]);
return "";

private int getLeftMostNum(int number) {
int oneDgt = Integer.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(number).toString()
.substring(0, 0 +1));
return oneDgt;
int twoDgts = Integer.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(number).toString()
.substring(0, 0 +2));
return twoDgts==10 ? twoDgts : oneDgt;

public static void main(String[] args) {

IntegerToRoman solution = new IntegerToRoman();
System.out.format(" Decimal 3 -> Roman %s \n ", solution.intToRoman(3));
System.out.format("Decimal 4 -> Roman %s \n ", solution.intToRoman(4));
System.out.format("Decimal 8 -> Roman %s \n ", solution.intToRoman(8));
System.out.format("Decimal 58 -> Roman %s \n ", solution.intToRoman(58));
System.out.format("Decimal 344 -> Roman %s \n ", solution.intToRoman(344));
System.out.format("Decimal 995 -> Roman %s \n ", solution.intToRoman(995));
System.out.format("Decimal 1994 -> Roman %s \n ", solution.intToRoman(1994));



十进制3-> 罗马三

十进制4-> 罗马四

十进制8-> 罗马八

十进制58-> 罗马 LVIII

十进制344-> 罗马 CCCXLIV

十进制995-> 罗马 CMXCV

1994年十进制-> 罗马 MCMXCIV



public class IntegerToRoman {
public static String intToRoman(int number) {
String[] thousands = {"", "M", "MM", "MMM"};
String[] hundreds = {"", "C", "CC", "CCC", "CD", "D", "DC", "DCC", "DCCC", "CM"};
String[] tens = {"", "X", "XX", "XXX", "XL", "L", "LX", "LXX", "LXXX", "XC"};
String[] units = {"", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX"};

return thousands[number / 1000]
+ hundreds[(number % 1000) / 100]
+ tens[(number % 100) / 10]
+ units[number % 10];

public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] numbers = {1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 14, 17, 20, 25, 38, 49, 63, 72, 81, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 248, 253, 799, 1325, 1900, 2000, 2456, 1715};

final Instant startTimeIter = Instant.now();
for (int number : numbers) {
System.out.printf("%4d -> %8s\n", number, intToRoman(number));
final Instant endTimeIter = Instant.now();
System.out.printf("Elapsed time: %d ms\n\n", Duration.between(startTimeIter, endTimeIter).toMillis());


   1 ->        I
2 ->       II
3 ->      III
2456 ->  MMCDLVI
1715 ->   MDCCXV
Elapsed time: 66 ms


  • 我们只需要从左到右遍历整数
  • 并为每个数字取适当的数组值(千,百...)
  • 这种方法可以转换到 3000


public class RomanNumber {

private final static Supplier<TreeMap<Integer, String>> romanNumerals = () -> {
final TreeMap<Integer, String> map = new TreeMap<>();
map.put(1000, "M");
map.put(900, "CM");
map.put(500, "D");
map.put(400, "CD");
map.put(100, "C");
map.put(90, "XC");
map.put(50, "L");
map.put(40, "XL");
map.put(10, "X");
map.put(9, "IX");
map.put(5, "V");
map.put(4, "IV");
map.put(1, "I");
return map;

private static Function<TreeMap<Integer, String>, Function<Integer, String>> numeralConverter = map -> number -> Optional
.or(() -> Optional
.map(num -> map.get(num) + RomanNumber.numeralConverter.apply(map).apply(number - num))

public static Function<Integer, String> toRoman = numeralConverter.apply(romanNumerals.get());

我认为与其采用两个独立的数组,不如使用一个单独的数组。 此外,我建议 地图上的数组。阵列保证 O (1)的复杂性,以获得任何情况下的任何元素,如果我们知道的位置。
由于频繁的追加操作,我使用的是 StringBuilder而不是 绳子

class Solution {

public String intToRoman(int num) {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
RomanDataStore arr[]=new RomanDataStore[13];
arr[0]=new RomanDataStore(1000,"M");
arr[1]=new RomanDataStore(900, "CM");
arr[2]=new RomanDataStore(500, "D");
arr[3]=new RomanDataStore(400, "CD");
arr[4]=new RomanDataStore(100, "C");
arr[5]=new RomanDataStore(90, "XC");
arr[6]=new RomanDataStore(50, "L");
arr[7]=new RomanDataStore(40, "XL");
arr[8]=new RomanDataStore(10, "X");
arr[9]=new RomanDataStore(9, "IX");
arr[10]=new RomanDataStore(5, "V");
arr[11]=new RomanDataStore(4, "IV");
arr[12]=new RomanDataStore(1, "I");
int itr=0;
RomanDataStore temp=null;
for(int i=0;i<num/temp.val;i++){

return str.toString();


private class RomanDataStore{
private int val;
private String s;
RomanDataStore(int val, String s){