如何在可取消的异步/等待中处理 TransactionScope?

我正在尝试使用新的异步/等待特性来异步处理数据库。由于有些请求可能很长,我希望能够取消它们。我遇到的问题是,TransactionScope显然具有线程亲和性,而且似乎在取消任务时,它的 Dispose()在错误的线程上运行。

具体来说,当调用 .TestTx()时,我会得到以下 AggregateException,其中包含 task.Wait ()上的 InvalidOperationException:

"A TransactionScope must be disposed on the same thread that it was created."


public void TestTx () {
var cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource ();
var task = TestTxAsync ( cancellation.Token );
cancellation.Cancel ();
task.Wait ();

private async Task TestTxAsync ( CancellationToken cancellationToken ) {
using ( var scope = new TransactionScope () ) {
using ( var connection = new SqlConnection ( m_ConnectionString ) ) {
await connection.OpenAsync ( cancellationToken );
//using ( var command = new SqlCommand ( ... , connection ) ) {
//  await command.ExecuteReaderAsync ();
//  ...

UPDATE: 注释掉的部分是为了显示在连接打开时有一些事情需要做ーー异步ーー但是不需要这些代码来重现问题。

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Yep, you have to keep you transactionscope on a single thread. Since you are creating the transactionscope before the async action, and use it in the async action, the transactionscope is not used in a single thread. The TransactionScope was not designed to be used like that.

A simple solution I think would be to move the creation of the TransactionScope object and the Connection object into the async action.


Since the async action is inside the SqlConnection object, we cannot alter that. What we can do, is enlist the connection in the transaction scope. I would create the connection object in an async fashion, and then create the transaction scope, and enlist the transaction.

SqlConnection connection = null;
// TODO: Get the connection object in an async fashion
using (var scope = new TransactionScope()) {
// ...
// Do something with the connection/transaction.
// Do not use async since the transactionscope cannot be used/disposed outside the
// thread where it was created.
// ...

The problem stems from the fact that I was prototyping the code in a console application, which I did not reflect in the question.

The way async/await continues to execute the code after await is dependent on the presence of SynchronizationContext.Current, and console application don't have one by default, which means the continuation gets executed using the current TaskScheduler, which is a ThreadPool, so it (potentially?) executes on a different thread.

Thus one simply needs to have a SynchronizationContext that will ensure TransactionScope is disposed on the same thread it was created. WinForms and WPF applications will have it by default, while console applications can either use a custom one, or borrow DispatcherSynchronizationContext from WPF.

Here are two great blog posts that explain the mechanics in detail:
Await, SynchronizationContext, and Console Apps
Await, SynchronizationContext, and Console Apps: Part 2

In .NET Framework 4.5.1, there is a set of new constructors for TransactionScope that take a TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption parameter.

According to the MSDN, it enables transaction flow across thread continuations.

My understanding is that it is meant to allow you to write code like this:

// transaction scope
using (var scope = new TransactionScope(... ,
// connection
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
// open connection asynchronously
await connection.OpenAsync();

using (var command = connection.CreateCommand())
command.CommandText = ...;

// run command asynchronously
using (var dataReader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync())
while (dataReader.Read())

I have not tried it yet, so I don't know if it will work.

I know this is an old thread, but if anyone has run into the problem System.InvalidOperationException : A TransactionScope must be disposed on the same thread that it was created.

The solution is to upgrade to .net 4.5.1 at a minimum and use a transaction like the following:

using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled))
//Run some code here, like calling an async method
await someAsnycMethod();

Now the transaction is shared between methods. Take a look at the link below. It provide a simple example and more detail

For complete details, take a look at This

For targeting .NET Framework 4.6+, .NET Core 2.1+ or .NET Standard 2.0+

Consider using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient, which brings together the System.Data.SqlClient components of .NET Framework and .NET Core under one roof. Also useful if you'd like to use some of the newer SQL Server features.

Check out the repo or pull from nuget.

Add using statement after adding the package:

using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient;

Example using C# 8:

// transaction scope
using var scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled);

// connection
await using var connection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString);

// open connection asynchronously
await connection.OpenAsync();
await using var command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = "SELECT CategoryID, CategoryName FROM Categories;";

// run command asynchronously
await using var dataReader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync();

while (dataReader.Read())
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", dataReader.GetInt32(0), dataReader.GetString(1));
