y = FunctionWithYield()
for x in y: print(x)
y = FunctionWithYield()
for x in y: print(x)
Store the generator results in a data structure on memory or disk which you can iterate over again:
y = list(FunctionWithYield())
for x in y: print(x)
# can iterate again:
for x in y: print(x)
The downside of option 1 is that it computes the values again. If that's CPU-intensive you end up calculating twice. On the other hand, the downside of 2 is the storage. The entire list of values will be stored on memory. If there are too many values, that can be unpractical.
So you have the classic memory vs. processing tradeoff. I can't imagine a way of rewinding the generator without either storing the values or calculating them again.
data = ... # Expensive computation
y = FunctionWithYield(data)
for x in y: print(x)
#here must be something to reset 'y'
# this is expensive - data = ... # Expensive computation
# y = FunctionWithYield(data)
for x in y: print(x)
class IterableAdapter:
def __init__(self, iterator_factory):
self.iterator_factory = iterator_factory
def __iter__(self):
return self.iterator_factory()
squares = IterableAdapter(lambda: (x * x for x in range(5)))
for x in squares: print(x)
for x in squares: print(x)
class InitializedFunctionWithYield(object):
def __init__(self):
# do expensive initialization
self.start = 5
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# do cheap iteration
for i in xrange(5):
yield self.start + i
y = InitializedFunctionWithYield()
for x in y():
print x
for x in y():
print x
class MyIterator(object):
def __init__(self):
def reset(self):
self.i = 5
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
i = self.i
if i > 0:
self.i -= 1
return i
raise StopIteration()
my_iterator = MyIterator()
for x in my_iterator:
print x
print 'resetting...'
for x in my_iterator:
print x
class GeneratorSplitter:
Split a generator object into multiple generators which will be sincronised. Each call to each of the sub generators will cause only one call in the input generator. This way multiple methods on threads can iterate the input generator , and the generator will cycled only once.
def __init__(self, gen):
self.gen = gen
self.consumers: List[GeneratorSplitter.InnerGen] = []
self.thread: threading.Thread = None
self.value = None
self.finished = False
self.exception = None
def GetConsumer(self):
# Returns a generator object.
cons = self.InnerGen(self)
return cons
def _Work(self):
for d in self.gen:
for cons in self.consumers:
self.value = d
for cons in self.consumers:
for cons in self.consumers:
self.finished = True
for cons in self.consumers:
except Exception as ex:
self.exception = ex
for cons in self.consumers:
def Start(self):
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._Work)
class InnerGen:
def __init__(self, parent: "GeneratorSplitter"):
self.parent: "GeneratorSplitter" = parent
self.readyToRead: threading.Event = threading.Event()
self.consumed: threading.Event = threading.Event()
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.parent.finished:
raise StopIteration()
if self.parent.exception:
raise self.parent.exception
val = self.parent.value
return val