如何在 PHP 中替换 Microsoft 编码的引号

由于应用程序中的编码问题,我需要将 Microsoft Word 版本的单引号和双引号(“ ” ‘ ’)替换为常规引号(’和’)。我不需要他们是 HTML 实体,我不能改变我的数据库模式。

我有两个选项: 使用正则表达式或关联数组。


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考虑到你只想替换一些特定的和识别良好的字符,我会为 str_replace与一个阵列: 你显然不需要重炮正则表达式将带给你; -)

如果你遇到一些其他的特殊字符(该死的从 Microsoft Word 复制粘贴...) ,你可以随时将它们添加到数组中。

对于你的评论,我能给出的最佳答案可能是这个链接: 用 PHP 转换智能引用

相关代码 (引用那一页):

function convert_smart_quotes($string)
$search = array(chr(145),

$replace = array("'",

return str_replace($search, $replace, $string);

(我这台电脑上没有微软 Word 软件,所以我不能自己测试)

我不太记得我们在 (我不是那个需要处理这种投入的人)工作的时候用的是什么,但是都是同样的东西..。

你的 微软编码的引语可能是 印刷体引号。如果您知道要替换它们的字符串的编码,那么可以简单地用 str_replace替换它们。

下面是 UTF-8的一个示例,但使用 strtr的单个映射数组:

$quotes = array(
"\xC2\xAB"     => '"', // « (U+00AB) in UTF-8
"\xC2\xBB"     => '"', // » (U+00BB) in UTF-8
"\xE2\x80\x98" => "'", // ‘ (U+2018) in UTF-8
"\xE2\x80\x99" => "'", // ’ (U+2019) in UTF-8
"\xE2\x80\x9A" => "'", // ‚ (U+201A) in UTF-8
"\xE2\x80\x9B" => "'", // ‛ (U+201B) in UTF-8
"\xE2\x80\x9C" => '"', // “ (U+201C) in UTF-8
"\xE2\x80\x9D" => '"', // ” (U+201D) in UTF-8
"\xE2\x80\x9E" => '"', // „ (U+201E) in UTF-8
"\xE2\x80\x9F" => '"', // ‟ (U+201F) in UTF-8
"\xE2\x80\xB9" => "'", // ‹ (U+2039) in UTF-8
"\xE2\x80\xBA" => "'", // › (U+203A) in UTF-8
$str = strtr($str, $quotes);

如果需要其他编码,可以使用 mb_convert_encoding来转换密钥。


$text = str_replace(chr(130), ',', $text);    // Baseline single quote
$text = str_replace(chr(132), '"', $text);    // Baseline double quote
$text = str_replace(chr(133), '...', $text);  // Ellipsis
$text = str_replace(chr(145), "'", $text);    // Left single quote
$text = str_replace(chr(146), "'", $text);    // Right single quote
$text = str_replace(chr(147), '"', $text);    // Left double quote
$text = str_replace(chr(148), '"', $text);    // Right double quote

$text = mb_convert_encoding($text, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8');

我已经找到了这个问题的答案。在 php 中使用 iconv()函数只需要一行代码:

// replace Microsoft Word version of single  and double quotations marks (“ ” ‘ ’) with  regular quotes (' and ")
$output = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $input);

如果你像我一样带着大量破碎的 ASCII/Microsoft Word 字符来到这里,它们正在对你的 CMS 或 RTE 做奇怪的事情,而 iconv 不工作,那么这个疯狂的功能可能只适合你。

将此函数保存到文件时,请确保编码为 UTF-8。

* fixMSWord
* Replace ASCII chars with UTF-8. Note there are ASCII characters that don't
* correctly map and will be replaced by spaces.
* @author      Robin Cafolla
* @date        2013-03-22
function fixMSWord($string) {
$map = Array(
'33' => '!', '34' => '"', '35' => '#', '36' => '$', '37' => '%', '38' => '&', '39' => "'", '40' => '(', '41' => ')', '42' => '*',
'43' => '+', '44' => ',', '45' => '-', '46' => '.', '47' => '/', '48' => '0', '49' => '1', '50' => '2', '51' => '3', '52' => '4',
'53' => '5', '54' => '6', '55' => '7', '56' => '8', '57' => '9', '58' => ':', '59' => ';', '60' => '<', '61' => '=', '62' => '>',
'63' => '?', '64' => '@', '65' => 'A', '66' => 'B', '67' => 'C', '68' => 'D', '69' => 'E', '70' => 'F', '71' => 'G', '72' => 'H',
'73' => 'I', '74' => 'J', '75' => 'K', '76' => 'L', '77' => 'M', '78' => 'N', '79' => 'O', '80' => 'P', '81' => 'Q', '82' => 'R',
'83' => 'S', '84' => 'T', '85' => 'U', '86' => 'V', '87' => 'W', '88' => 'X', '89' => 'Y', '90' => 'Z', '91' => '[', '92' => '\\',
'93' => ']', '94' => '^', '95' => '_', '96' => '`', '97' => 'a', '98' => 'b', '99' => 'c', '100'=> 'd', '101'=> 'e', '102'=> 'f',
'103'=> 'g', '104'=> 'h', '105'=> 'i', '106'=> 'j', '107'=> 'k', '108'=> 'l', '109'=> 'm', '110'=> 'n', '111'=> 'o', '112'=> 'p',
'113'=> 'q', '114'=> 'r', '115'=> 's', '116'=> 't', '117'=> 'u', '118'=> 'v', '119'=> 'w', '120'=> 'x', '121'=> 'y', '122'=> 'z',
'123'=> '{', '124'=> '|', '125'=> '}', '126'=> '~', '127'=> ' ', '128'=> '&#8364;', '129'=> ' ', '130'=> ',', '131'=> ' ', '132'=> '"',
'133'=> '.', '134'=> ' ', '135'=> ' ', '136'=> '^', '137'=> ' ', '138'=> ' ', '139'=> '<', '140'=> ' ', '141'=> ' ', '142'=> ' ',
'143'=> ' ', '144'=> ' ', '145'=> "'", '146'=> "'", '147'=> '"', '148'=> '"', '149'=> '.', '150'=> '-', '151'=> '-', '152'=> '~',
'153'=> ' ', '154'=> ' ', '155'=> '>', '156'=> ' ', '157'=> ' ', '158'=> ' ', '159'=> ' ', '160'=> ' ', '161'=> '¡', '162'=> '¢',
'163'=> '£', '164'=> '¤', '165'=> '¥', '166'=> '¦', '167'=> '§', '168'=> '¨', '169'=> '©', '170'=> 'ª', '171'=> '«', '172'=> '¬',
'173'=> '­', '174'=> '®', '175'=> '¯', '176'=> '°', '177'=> '±', '178'=> '²', '179'=> '³', '180'=> '´', '181'=> 'µ', '182'=> '¶',
'183'=> '·', '184'=> '¸', '185'=> '¹', '186'=> 'º', '187'=> '»', '188'=> '¼', '189'=> '½', '190'=> '¾', '191'=> '¿', '192'=> 'À',
'193'=> 'Á', '194'=> 'Â', '195'=> 'Ã', '196'=> 'Ä', '197'=> 'Å', '198'=> 'Æ', '199'=> 'Ç', '200'=> 'È', '201'=> 'É', '202'=> 'Ê',
'203'=> 'Ë', '204'=> 'Ì', '205'=> 'Í', '206'=> 'Î', '207'=> 'Ï', '208'=> 'Ð', '209'=> 'Ñ', '210'=> 'Ò', '211'=> 'Ó', '212'=> 'Ô',
'213'=> 'Õ', '214'=> 'Ö', '215'=> '×', '216'=> 'Ø', '217'=> 'Ù', '218'=> 'Ú', '219'=> 'Û', '220'=> 'Ü', '221'=> 'Ý', '222'=> 'Þ',
'223'=> 'ß', '224'=> 'à', '225'=> 'á', '226'=> 'â', '227'=> 'ã', '228'=> 'ä', '229'=> 'å', '230'=> 'æ', '231'=> 'ç', '232'=> 'è',
'233'=> 'é', '234'=> 'ê', '235'=> 'ë', '236'=> 'ì', '237'=> 'í', '238'=> 'î', '239'=> 'ï', '240'=> 'ð', '241'=> 'ñ', '242'=> 'ò',
'243'=> 'ó', '244'=> 'ô', '245'=> 'õ', '246'=> 'ö', '247'=> '÷', '248'=> 'ø', '249'=> 'ù', '250'=> 'ú', '251'=> 'û', '252'=> 'ü',
'253'=> 'ý', '254'=> 'þ', '255'=> 'ÿ'

$search = Array();
$replace = Array();

foreach ($map as $s => $r) {
$search[] = chr((int)$s);
$replace[] = $r;

return str_replace($search, $replace, $string);

除了 秋葵汤以外,前面的每一个答案都会损坏 Unicode 字符串:

echo convert_smart_quotes("This is Yi: ꑑ. Point ⒒ this breaks Yi. Yi broke–why? I need a longer––point. This makes Han 嗗 mad.");


This is Yi: ?''. Point ?'' this breaks Yi. Yi broke?"why? I need a longer?"?"point. This makes Han ?-- mad.


$output = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $input);


PHP 注意: iconv () : 在第1行 PHP shell 代码的输入字符串中检测到非法字符

您可以将其更改为 //IGNORE,这将删除字符,但不翻译它们。

这是替换用 CP1252编码的 Microsoft 引号的最佳方法。如果它们是 Unicode 格式的,你需要替换它们,使用 Gumbo 的回答:

function convert_cp1252_to_ascii($input, $default = '') {
if ($input === null || $input == '') {
return $default;

// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows-1252
// http://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP1252.TXT
$encoding = mb_detect_encoding($input, array('Windows-1252', 'ISO-8859-1'), true);
if ($encoding == 'ISO-8859-1' || $encoding == 'Windows-1252') {
* Use the search/replace arrays if a character needs to be replaced with
* something other than its Unicode equivalent.

$replace = array(
128 => "E",    // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/20AC/index.htm EURO SIGN
129 => "",     // UNDEFINED
130 => ",",    // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/201A/index.htm SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
131 => "f",    // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/0192/index.htm LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK
132 => ",,",   // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/201e/index.htm DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
133 => "...",  // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2026/index.htm HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS
134 => "t",    // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2020/index.htm DAGGER
135 => "T",    // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2021/index.htm DOUBLE DAGGER
136 => "^",    // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/02c6/index.htm MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
137 => "%",    // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2030/index.htm PER MILLE SIGN
138 => "S",    // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/0160/index.htm LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON
139 => "<",    // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2039/index.htm SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
140 => "OE",   // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/0152/index.htm LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE
141 => "",     // UNDEFINED
142 => "Z",    // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/017d/index.htm LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON
143 => "",     // UNDEFINED
144 => "",     // UNDEFINED
145 => "'",    // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2018/index.htm LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
146 => "'",    // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2019/index.htm RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
147 => "\"",   // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/201c/index.htm LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
148 => "\"",   // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/201d/index.htm RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
149 => "*",    // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2022/index.htm BULLET
150 => "-",    // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2013/index.htm EN DASH
151 => "--",   // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2014/index.htm EM DASH
152 => "~",    // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/02DC/index.htm SMALL TILDE
153 => "TM",   // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2122/index.htm TRADE MARK SIGN
154 => "s",    // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/0161/index.htm LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON
155 => ">",    // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/203A/index.htm SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
156 => "oe",   // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/0153/index.htm LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE
157 => "",     // UNDEFINED
158 => "z",    // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/017E/index.htm LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON
159 => "Y",    // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/0178/index.htm LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS

$find = array();
foreach (array_keys($replace) as $key) {
$find[] = chr($key);

$input = str_replace($find, array_values($replace), $input);
* Because ISO-8859-1 and CP1252 are identical except for 0x80 through 0x9F
* and control characters, always convert from Windows-1252 to UTF-8.
$input = iconv('Windows-1252', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $input);
return $input;

取自 这个答案,经过一些修改。如果你想控制你找到/替换的内容,使用这个函数。