I just answered a similar question here
IMHO, if your FTP server is able to communicate with Fabric please us Fabric. It is far better than doing raw ftp.
I have an FTP account from dotgeek.com so I am not sure if this will work for other FTP accounts.
from fabric.api import run, env, sudo, put
env.user = 'username'
env.hosts = ['ftp_host_name',] # such as ftp.google.com
def copy():
# assuming i have wong_8066.zip in the same directory as this script
put('wong_8066.zip', '/www/public/wong_8066.zip')
save the file as fabfile.py and run fab copy locally.
yeukhon@yeukhon-P5E-VM-DO:~$ fab copy2
[1.ai] Executing task 'copy2'
[1.ai] Login password:
[1.ai] put: wong_8066.zip -> /www/public/wong_8066.zip
Disconnecting from 1.ai... done.
Once again, if you don't want to input password all the time, just add
You can use the below function. I haven't tested it yet, but it should work fine. Remember the destination is a directory path where as source is complete file path.
import ftplib
import os
def uploadFileFTP(sourceFilePath, destinationDirectory, server, username, password):
myFTP = ftplib.FTP(server, username, password)
if destinationDirectory in [name for name, data in list(remote.mlsd())]:
print "Destination Directory does not exist. Creating it first"
# Changing Working Directory
if os.path.isfile(sourceFilePath):
fh = open(sourceFilePath, 'rb')
myFTP.storbinary('STOR %s' % f, fh)
print "Source File does not exist"
from ftplib import FTP
from pathlib import Path
file_path = Path('kitten.jpg')
with FTP('server.address.com', 'USER', 'PWD') as ftp, open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
ftp.storbinary(f'STOR {file_path.name}', file)