
我需要遍历 std::queue。 Www.cplusplus.com 表示:

默认情况下,如果没有为特定队列类指定容器类,则使用标准容器类模板 deque。

那么我是否可以找到队列的底层 deque 并对它进行迭代呢?

193927 次浏览

If you need to iterate over a queue then you need something more than a queue. The point of the standard container adapters is to provide a minimal interface. If you need to do iteration as well, why not just use a deque (or list) instead?

In short: No.

There is a hack, use vector as underlaid container, so queue::front will return valid reference, convert it to pointer an iterate until <= queue::back

If you need to iterate a queue ... queue isn't the container you need.
Why did you pick a queue?
Why don't you take a container that you can iterate over?

1.if you pick a queue then you say you want to wrap a container into a 'queue' interface: - front - back - push - pop - ...

if you also want to iterate, a queue has an incorrect interface. A queue is an adaptor that provides a restricted subset of the original container

2.The definition of a queue is a FIFO and by definition a FIFO is not iterable

While I agree with others that direct use of an iterable container is a preferred solution, I want to point out that the C++ standard guarantees enough support for a do-it-yourself solution in case you want it for whatever reason.

Namely, you can inherit from std::queue and use its protected member Container c; to access begin() and end() of the underlying container (provided that such methods exist there). Here is an example that works in VS 2010 and tested with ideone:

#include <queue>
#include <deque>
#include <iostream>

template<typename T, typename Container=std::deque<T> >
class iterable_queue : public std::queue<T,Container>
typedef typename Container::iterator iterator;
typedef typename Container::const_iterator const_iterator;

iterator begin() { return this->c.begin(); }
iterator end() { return this->c.end(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return this->c.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return this->c.end(); }

int main() {
iterable_queue<int> int_queue;
for(int i=0; i<10; ++i)
for(auto it=int_queue.begin(); it!=int_queue.end();++it)
std::cout << *it << "\n";
return 0;

std::queue is a container adaptor, and you can specify the container used (it defaults to use a deque). If you need functionality beyond that in the adaptor then just use a deque or another container directly.

Why not just make a copy of the queue that you want to iterate over, and remove items one at a time, printing them as you go? If you want to do more with the elements as you iterate, then a queue is the wrong data structure.

you can save the original queue to a temporary queue. Then you simply do your normal pop on the temporary queue to go through the original one, for example:

queue tmp_q = original_q; //copy the original queue to the temporary queue

while (!tmp_q.empty())
q_element = tmp_q.front();
std::cout << q_element <<"\n";

At the end, the tmp_q will be empty but the original queue is untouched.

I use something like this. Not very sophisticated but should work.

    queue<int> tem;

while(!q1.empty()) // q1 is your initial queue.
int u = q1.front();

// do what you need to do with this value.


int u = tem.front();
q1.push(u); // putting it back in our original queue.

It will work because when you pop something from q1, and push it into tem, it becomes the first element of tem. So, in the end tem becomes a replica of q1.

while Alexey Kukanov's answer may be more efficient, you can also iterate through a queue in a very natural manner, by popping each element from the front of the queue, then pushing it to the back:

#include <iostream>
#include <queue>

using namespace std;

int main() {
//populate queue
queue<int> q;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) q.push(i);

// iterate through queue
for (size_t i = 0; i < q.size(); ++i) {
int elem = std::move(q.front());
elem *= elem;

//print queue
while (!q.empty()) {
cout << q.front() << ' ';


0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81

One indirect solution can be to use std::deque instead. It supports all operations of queue and you can iterate over it just by using for(auto& x:qu). It's much more efficient than using a temporary copy of queue for iteration.