在 macOS 上打印可执行文件的 rpath

我想用 install_name_tool改变一个可执行文件的 Rpath,但是我现在不知道 Rpath是什么。install_name_tool要求在命令行上给出旧的和新的 Rpath。我可以使用什么命令来打印在 macOS 下的可执行文件的 Rpath

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First of all, understand that an executable doesn't contain a single rpath entry, but an array of one or more entries.

Second, you can use otool to list an image's rpath entries. Using otool -l, you'll get output like the following, at the very end of which are the rpath entries:

Load command 34
cmdsize 88
name /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit (offset 24)
time stamp 2 Wed Dec 31 19:00:02 1969
current version 1038.32.0
compatibility version 45.0.0

Load command 35
cmdsize 40
path @loader_path/../Frameworks (offset 12)

Look for the LC_RPATH commands and note the path under the path entry.

EDIT: regarding what @loader_path is: it's a generic and dynamic way to refer to the Mach-O object that wants to do the loading of the framework.

While this is a rather contrived example, I think it should get the point across. Let's say we have an app MyApp.app that uses a framework MyFramework.framework. We'll also say that to function properly, I require that my app is installed in the /Applications and nowhere else. So the structure of said app and framework would be the following:

/Applications/MyApp.app/Contents/MacOS/MyApp (executable) /Applications/MyApp.app/Contents/Frameworks/MyFramework.framework/MyFramework (Mach-O dylib)

If we were to run otool -L (note the capital L) on the executable it would show the following regarding MyFramework:


Note that because the MyFramework.framework uses an @rpath install name/path, we'll need to have runtime search path entries that will be substituted in place of @rpath at runtime. Now, I could have a single rpath entry of:


That would work, and at runtime the two parts would be put together:

/Applications/MyApp.app/Contents/Frameworks + /MyFramework.framework/Versions/A/MyFramework ==


Obviously, hard-coding a path like this is not ideal, as simply moving the app to a different folder or renaming the app itself would cause linking to fail.

@loader_path is simply a dynamic way to refer to the app's executable wherever it may exist on the filesystem. In this particular case, at runtime it will be filled in with the path to the running executable: /Applications/MyApp.app/Contents/MacOS/MyApp. Then we can say that to find the MyFramework.framework, you simply go up a directory and over to Frameworks.


Here's a solution that parses the output of otool -l with awk and prints the RPATHs found, one per line.


otool -l \
/System/Library/CoreServices/UAUPlugins/InternationalAccountUpdater.bundle/Contents/MacOS/InternationalAccountUpdater \
/System/Library/CoreServices/UAUPlugins/DockUpdater.bundle/Contents/MacOS/DockUpdater \
| awk '
/^[^ ]/ {f = 0}
$2 == "LC_RPATH" && $1 == "cmd" {f = 1}
f && gsub(/^ *path | \(offset [0-9]+\)$/, "") == 2



remark: given the output format of otool -l, there's no way to prevent a multi-line RPATH from breaking the code. I added a little safeguard with the 2 == gsub(...) which should filter out most of them.

Defining a shell function for it:

lsrpath() {
otool -l "$@" |
awk '
/^[^ ]/ {f = 0}
$2 == "LC_RPATH" && $1 == "cmd" {f = 1}
f && gsub(/^ *path | \(offset [0-9]+\)$/, "") == 2

Now you can use it like this:

lsrpath somebinary.exe somelib.so somelib.dylib | sort -u

I just use otool command

otool -l <my executable>

It prints out the rpath field. No need for any long scripts.

I found that I can print the install name of a shared library on macOS using

otool -D mylib

Moreover, I can set the install name directly without reference to the old install name by passing the -id flag to install_name_tool:

install_name_tool -id @rpath/my/path mylib

You can use otool -l myexecutable, but this prints a lot of unnecessary information if you are interested only in the list of rpaths.

You can filter the output of otool -l to the relevant rpath entries by

otool -l myexecutable | grep RPATH -A2