Convert seconds to hours, minutes, seconds

How can I convert seconds to hours, minutes and seconds?

show_time() {

show_time 36 # 00:00:36
show_time 1036 # 00:17:26
show_time 91925 # 25:32:05
116346 次浏览

convertsecs() {
printf "%02d:%02d:%02d\n" $h $m $s

echo $(convertsecs $TIME1)
echo $(convertsecs $TIME2)
echo $(convertsecs $TIME3)

For float seconds:

convertsecs() {
h=$(bc <<< "${1}/3600")
m=$(bc <<< "(${1}%3600)/60")
s=$(bc <<< "${1}%60")
printf "%02d:%02d:%05.2f\n" $h $m $s

I use the following function myself:

function show_time () {
echo "$day"d "$hour"h "$min"m "$sec"s

Note it counts days as well. Also, it shows a different result for your last number.

All above is for bash, disregarding there "#!/bin/sh" without any bashism will be:

convertsecs() {
h=`expr $1 / 3600`
m=`expr $1  % 3600 / 60`
s=`expr $1 % 60`
printf "%02d:%02d:%02d\n" $h $m $s

I couldn't get Vaulter's/chepner's code to work correctly. I think that the correct code is:

convertsecs() {
printf "02d:%02d:%02d\n $h $m $s
t=12345;printf %02d:%02d:%02d\\n $((t/3600)) $((t%3600/60)) $((t%60)) # POSIX
echo 12345|awk '{printf "%02d:%02d:%02d",$0/3600,$0%3600/60,$0%60}' # POSIX awk
date -d @12345 +%T # GNU date
date -r 12345 +%T # OS X's date

If others were searching for how to do the reverse:

IFS=: read h m s<<<03:25:45;echo $((h*3600+m*60+s)) # POSIX
echo 03:25:45|awk -F: '{print 3600*$1+60*$2+$3}' # POSIX awk

The simplest way I know of:

printf '%dh:%dm:%ds\n' $((secs/3600)) $((secs%3600/60)) $((secs%60))

Note - if you want days then just add other unit and divide by 86400.

Use date, converted to UTC:

$ date -d@36 -u +%H:%M:%S
$ date -d@1036 -u +%H:%M:%S
$ date -d@12345 -u +%H:%M:%S

The limitation is the hours will loop at 23, but that doesn't matter for most use cases where you want a one-liner.

On macOS, run brew install coreutils and replace date with gdate

For us lazy people: ready-made script available at :


function displaytime {
local T=$1
local D=$((T/60/60/24))
local H=$((T/60/60%24))
local M=$((T/60%60))
local S=$((T%60))
[[ $D > 0 ]] && printf '%d days ' $D
[[ $H > 0 ]] && printf '%d hours ' $H
[[ $M > 0 ]] && printf '%d minutes ' $M
[[ $D > 0 || $H > 0 || $M > 0 ]] && printf 'and '
printf '%d seconds\n' $S

displaytime $1

Basically just another spin on the other solutions, but has the added bonus of suppressing empty time units (f.e. 10 seconds instead of 0 hours 0 minutes 10 seconds). Couldn't quite track down the original source of the function, occurs in multiple git repos..

In one line :

show_time () {

if [ $1 -lt 86400 ]; then
date -d@${1} -u '+%Hh:%Mmn:%Ss';
echo "$(($1/86400)) days $(date -d@$(($1%86400)) -u '+%Hh:%Mmn:%Ss')" ;

Add days if exist.

Simple one-liner

$ secs=236521
$ printf '%dh:%dm:%ds\n' $((secs/3600)) $((secs%3600/60)) $((secs%60))

With leading zeroes

$ secs=236521
$ printf '%02dh:%02dm:%02ds\n' $((secs/3600)) $((secs%3600/60)) $((secs%60))

With days

$ secs=236521
$ printf '%dd:%dh:%dm:%ds\n' $((secs/86400)) $((secs%86400/3600)) $((secs%3600/60)) \

With nanoseconds

$ secs=21218.6474912
$ printf '%02dh:%02dm:%02fs\n' $(echo -e "$secs/3600\n$secs%3600/60\n$secs%60"| bc)

Based on but edit got rejected.

This is old post ovbioius -- but, for those who might are looking for the actual time elapsed but in military format (00:05:15:22 - instead of 0:5:15:22 )

day=`seq -w 00 $day | tail -n 1`
hour=`seq -w 00 $hour | tail -n 1`
min=`seq -w 00 $min | tail -n 1`
sec=`seq -w 00 $sec | tail -n 1`
printf "$day:$hour:$min:$sec"
exit 0

on MacOSX 10.13 Slight edit from @eMPee584 's code to get it all in one GO (put the function in some .bashrc like file and source it, use it as myuptime. For non-Mac OS, replace the T formula by one that gives the seconds since last boot.

myuptime ()
local T=$(($(date +%s)-$(sysctl -n kern.boottime | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/,//g')));
local D=$((T/60/60/24));
local H=$((T/60/60%24));
local M=$((T/60%60));
local S=$((T%60));
printf '%s' "UpTime: ";
[[ $D > 0 ]] && printf '%d days ' $D;
[[ $H > 0 ]] && printf '%d hours ' $H;
[[ $M > 0 ]] && printf '%d minutes ' $M;
[[ $D > 0 || $H > 0 || $M > 0 ]] && printf '%d seconds\n' $S

Using dc:

$ echo '12345.678' | dc -e '?1~r60~r60~r[[0]P]szn[:]ndZ2>zn[:]ndZ2>zn[[.]n]sad0=ap'

The expression ?1~r60~r60~rn[:]nn[:]nn[[.]n]sad0=ap does the following:

?   read a line from stdin
1   push one
~   pop two values, divide, push the quotient followed by the remainder
r   reverse the top two values on the stack
60  push sixty
~   pop two values, divide, push the quotient followed by the remainder
r   reverse the top two values on the stack
60  push sixty
~   pop two values, divide, push the quotient followed by the remainder
r   reverse the top two values on the stack
[   interpret everything until the closing ] as a string
[0]   push the literal string '0' to the stack
n     pop the top value from the stack and print it with no newline
]   end of string, push the whole thing to the stack
sz  pop the top value (the string above) and store it in register z
n   pop the top value from the stack and print it with no newline
[:] push the literal string ':' to the stack
n   pop the top value from the stack and print it with no newline
d   duplicate the top value on the stack
Z   pop the top value from the stack and push the number of digits it has
2   push two
>z  pop the top two values and executes register z if the original top-of-stack is greater
n   pop the top value from the stack and print it with no newline
[:] push the literal string ':' to the stack
n   pop the top value from the stack and print it with no newline
d   duplicate the top value on the stack
Z   pop the top value from the stack and push the number of digits it has
2   push two
>z  pop the top two values and executes register z if the original top-of-stack is greater
n   pop the top value from the stack and print it with no newline
[   interpret everything until the closing ] as a string
[.]   push the literal string '.' to the stack
n     pop the top value from the stack and print it with no newline
]   end of string, push the whole thing to the stack
sa  pop the top value (the string above) and store it in register a
d   duplicate the top value on the stack
0   push zero
=a  pop two values and execute register a if they are equal
p   pop the top value and print it with a newline

An example execution with the stack state after each operation:

    : <empty stack>
?   : 12345.678
1   : 1, 12345.678
~   : .678, 12345
r   : 12345, .678  # stack is now seconds, fractional seconds
60  : 60, 12345, .678
~   : 45, 205, .678
r   : 205, 45, .678  # stack is now minutes, seconds, fractional seconds
60  : 60, 205, 45, .678
~   : 25, 3, 45, .678
r   : 3, 25, 45, .678  # stack is now hours, minutes, seconds, fractional seconds

[[0]n]  : [0]n, 3, 25, 45, .678
sz  : 3, 25, 45, .678  # '[0]n' stored in register z

n   : 25, 45, .678  # accumulated stdout: '3'
[:] : :, 25, 45, .678
n   : 25, 45, .678  # accumulated stdout: '3:'
d   : 25, 25, 45, .678
Z   : 2, 25, 45, .678
2   : 2, 2, 25, 45, .678
>z  : 25, 45, .678  # not greater, so register z is not executed
n   : 45, .678  # accumulated stdout: '3:25'
[:] : :, 45, .678
n   : 45, .678  # accumulated stdout: '3:25:'
d   : 45, 45, .678
Z   : 2, 45, 45, .678
2   : 2, 2, 45, .678
>z  : 45, .678  # not greater, so register z is not executed
n   : .678  # accumulated stdout: '3:25:45'

[[.]n]  : [.]n, .678
sa  : .678  # '[.]n' stored to register a
d   : .678, .678
0   : 0, .678, .678
=a  : .678  # not equal, so register a not executed
p   : <empty stack>  # accumulated stdout: '3:25:45.678\n'

In the case of 0 fractional seconds:

    : 3, 25, 45, 0  # starting just before we begin to print

n   : 25, 45, .678  # accumulated stdout: '3'
[:] : :, 25, 45, .678
n   : 25, 45, .678  # accumulated stdout: '3:'
d   : 25, 25, 45, .678
Z   : 2, 25, 45, .678
2   : 2, 2, 25, 45, .678
>z  : 25, 45, .678  # not greater, so register z is not executed
n   : 45, .678  # accumulated stdout: '3:25'
[:] : :, 45, .678
n   : 45, .678  # accumulated stdout: '3:25:'
d   : 45, 45, .678
Z   : 2, 45, 45, .678
2   : 2, 2, 45, .678
>z  : 45, .678  # not greater, so register z is not executed
n   : .678  # accumulated stdout: '3:25:45'

[[.]n]  : [.]n, 0
sa  : 0  # '[.]n' stored to register a
d   : 0, 0
0   : 0, 0, 0
=a  : 0  # equal, so register a executed
[.] : ., 0
n   : 0  # accumulated stdout: '3:35:45.'
p   : <empty stack>  # accumulated stdout: '3:25:45.0\n'

In case of a minutes value less than 10:

    : 3, 9, 45, 0  # starting just before we begin to print

n   : 9, 45, .678  # accumulated stdout: '3'
[:] : :, 9, 45, .678
n   : 9, 45, .678  # accumulated stdout: '3:'
d   : 9, 9, 45, .678
Z   : 1, 9, 45, .678
2   : 2, 1, 9, 45, .678
>z  : 9, 45, .678  # greater, so register z is executed
[0]   : 0, 9, 45, .678
n     : 9, 45, .678  # accumulated stdout: '3:0'
n   : 9, .678  # accumulated stdout: '3:09'
# ...and continues as above

EDIT: this had a bug where strings like 7:7:34.123 could be printed. I have modified it to print a leading zero if necessary.

EDIT 2: I realized that the handling of fractional seconds is redundant, and this simplified dc expression performs almost the same job:

$ echo '12345.678' | dc -e '?60~r60~r[[0]P]szn[:]ndZ2>zn[:]ndZ2>zp'
$ echo '12345.0' | dc -e '?60~r60~r[[0]P]szn[:]ndZ2>zn[:]ndZ2>zp'
$ echo '12345' | dc -e '?60~r60~r[[0]P]szn[:]ndZ2>zn[:]ndZ2>zp'

The downside of this is that different but equal inputs produce different outputs; any number of zeroes after the decimal point will be echoed verbatim in the output because of the fixed-point nature of dc.

Yet another version. Only handles full integers, doesn't pad with 0:

format_seconds() {
local sec tot r



if [[ "$sec" -gt "$tot" ]]; then
let tot+=$((sec%3600))

if [[ "$sec" -gt "$tot" ]]; then
let tot+=$((sec%86400))

if [[ "$sec" -gt "$tot" ]]; then

echo "$r"

$ format_seconds 59
$ format_seconds 60
$ format_seconds 61
$ format_seconds 3600
$ format_seconds 236521

A MacOS-specific answer which is using the OOTB /bin/date and does not require the GNU version of date:

# convert 195 seconds to MM:SS format, i.e. 03:15
/bin/date -ju -f "%s" 195 "+%M:%S"

## OUTPUT: 03:15

If you also want to have hours:

/bin/date -ju -f "%s" 3600 "+%H:%M:%S"
# OUTPUT: 01:00:00

NOTE: If you want to deal with hours then -u is required as it's forcing UTC time and without it you'll get wrong output unless you live in the UTC time zone:

-u      Display or set the date in UTC (Coordinated Universal) time.

For an explanation why -u is needed see this.

Straight forward through awk:

echo $SECONDS | awk '{printf "%d:%02d:%02d", $1/3600, ($1/60)%60, $1%60}'

My pure SecToString function:

sec2str() {
if [[ $1 == -v ]] ;then
local -n _result=$2
shift 2
local _result
local -a _elapsed
TZ=UTC printf -v _elapsed "%(%Y %j %H %M %S)T" $1
read -a _elapsed <<<"$_elapsed"
_elapsed=$((10#$_elapsed-1970)) _elapsed[1]=$((10#${_elapsed[1]}-1))
printf -v _elapsed " %dy %dd %.0fh %.0f' %.0f\"" ${_elapsed[@]}
_result=${_elapsed// 0?}
[[ ${_result@A} == _result=* ]] && echo "$_result"

In use:

sec2str 864001
 10d 1"
sec2str -v str 864001
echo "$str"
 10d 1"
for i in 36 1036 91925 23590 7227 38688848;do
sec2str -v str $i
printf "%11d -> %20s\n" $i "$str"
         36 ->                  36"
1036 ->              17' 16"
91925 ->         1d 1h 32' 5"
23590 ->           6h 33' 10"
7227 ->               2h 27"
38688848 ->    1y 82d 18h 54' 8"

Same but for µsec, obtained by ${EPOCHREALTIME/.}

I often use

process strong job

So Elapsed time in µsec in integer= $(( jobend - jobstart )).

musec2str () {
if [[ $1 == -v ]] ;then local -n _result=$2; shift 2
else local _result
local _elapsed=000000$1
printf -v _elapsed "%0.6f" ${_elapsed::-6}.${_elapsed:${#_elapsed}-6}
TZ=UTC printf -v _result "%(%Y %j %H %M %S)T" ${_elapsed%.*}
if shopt -q extglob; then _elapsed=${_elapsed%%*(0)}
else shopt -s extglob; _elapsed=${_elapsed%%*(0)}
shopt -u extglob
[ "$_elapsed" ] || unset _elapsed
_result=$((10#$_result-1970)) _result[1]=$((10#${_result[1]}-1))
printf -v _result "%dy %dd %.0fh %.0f' %.0fs" ${_result[@]}
printf -v _result "%s " ${_result[@]#0?}
[ "${_result#*s }" ] && {
[ "$_elapsed" ] && _result=${_result# }0
} || {
[ "$_elapsed" ] || _result=${_result%s }\"
_result=("${_result%s }${_elapsed}${_elapsed+\"}")
[[ ${_result@A} == declare\ -a\ _result=* ]] && echo "$_result"


musec2str -v str $(( jobend -jobstart ))
echo $str

for i in 14682081 38688848083836 3272661 12189780 23590528902 170295464 938372079
musec2str -v str $i
printf "%22u -> %32s\n" $i "$str"
              14682081 ->                       14.682081"
38688848083836 ->         1y 82d 18h 54' 8.083836"
3272661 ->                        3.272661"
12189780 ->                        12.18978"
23590528902 ->                6h 33' 10.528902"
170295464 ->                    2' 50.295464"
938372079 ->                   15' 38.372079"
read -r ut _ </proc/uptime
musec2str -v hUt $((${ut/./ * 10**6 + 10**4 * 10#}))
printf 'System is up from %s.\n' "$hUt"
System is up from 21d 21h 47' 20.1".

Note: In last sample, 2nd line could be written:

musec2str -v hUt ${ut/.}0000

For fun:

while read -r ut _ </proc/uptime ; musec2str -v hUt ${ut/.}0000;
! read -p $'\rSystem is up from '"$hUt " -rsn 1 -t .01 _;do :;done;echo

This will print uptime until you hit Any key.

This is my code for zshrc to show executed time of a command. It expect input as milliseconds, but easily can be converted to seconds:

ms_format() {
local s=(d h m s ms) d=(86400000 3600000 60000 1000 1) r= t=$1 i=0 v=
for i in {1..5}; do
v=$(( $t / ${d[i]} ))
[[ $v -gt 0 ]] && t=$(( $t - ($v * ${d[i]}) )) && r+="$v${s[i]} "
[[ -n $r && $2 == "round" ]] && print -P "$r" && return 0
print -P "$r"

To use, easy as that:

    $ ms_format 1024
# will print: 1s 24ms

You can use the option round, and then will show only the bigger value:

    $ ms_format 1024 "round"
# will print: 1s

To use second as input, you can do this: (100 seconds input):

    $ ms_format $(( 100 * 1000 ))
# will print: 1m 40s