weak_ptr<Parent> parentWeakPtr_ = parentSharedPtr; // automatic conversion to weak from shared
shared_ptr<Parent> tempParentSharedPtr = parentWeakPtr_.lock(); // on the stack, from the weak ptr
if( !tempParentSharedPtr ) {
// yes, it may fail if the parent was freed since we stored weak_ptr
} else {
// do stuff
// tempParentSharedPtr is released when it goes out of scope
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
int main()
// OLD, problem with dangling pointer
// PROBLEM: ref will point to undefined data!
int* ptr = new int(10);
int* ref = ptr;
delete ptr;
// NEW
// SOLUTION: check expired() or lock() to determine if pointer is valid
// empty definition
std::shared_ptr<int> sptr;
// takes ownership of pointer
sptr.reset(new int);
*sptr = 10;
// get pointer to data without taking ownership
std::weak_ptr<int> weak1 = sptr;
// deletes managed object, acquires new pointer
sptr.reset(new int);
*sptr = 5;
// get pointer to new data without taking ownership
std::weak_ptr<int> weak2 = sptr;
// weak1 is expired!
if(auto tmp = weak1.lock())
std::cout << "weak1 value is " << *tmp << '\n';
std::cout << "weak1 is expired\n";
// weak2 points to new data (5)
if(auto tmp = weak2.lock())
std::cout << "weak2 value is " << *tmp << '\n';
std::cout << "weak2 is expired\n";
std::weak_ptr<X> weak_x{ shared_x };
... //do something that should remove all other copies of shared_x and hence destroy x
// Some sort of image; very expensive to create.
std::shared_ptr< Texture > texture;
// A Widget should be able to quickly get a handle to a Texture. On the
// other hand, I don't want to keep Textures around just because a widget
// may need it.
struct Widget {
std::weak_ptr< Texture > texture_handle;
void render() {
if (auto texture = texture_handle.get(); texture) {
// do stuff with texture. Warning: `texture`
// is now extending the lifetime because it
// is a std::shared_ptr< Texture >.
} else {
// gracefully degrade; there's no texture.
// Asking for trouble because a node owns the next node, and the next node owns
// the previous node: memory leak; no destructors automatically called.
struct Node {
std::shared_ptr< Node > next;
std::shared_ptr< Node > prev;
// Asking for trouble because a parent owns its children and children own their
// parents: memory leak; no destructors automatically called.
struct Node {
std::shared_ptr< Node > parent;
std::shared_ptr< Node > left_child;
std::shared_ptr< Node > right_child;
// Better: break dependencies using a std::weak_ptr (but not best way to do it;
// see Herb Sutter's talk).
struct Node {
std::shared_ptr< Node > next;
std::weak_ptr< Node > prev;
// Better: break dependencies using a std::weak_ptr (but not best way to do it;
// see Herb Sutter's talk).
struct Node {
std::weak_ptr< Node > parent;
std::shared_ptr< Node > left_child;
std::shared_ptr< Node > right_child;
Herb Sutter的演讲非常精彩解释语言的最佳使用