在 Eclipse 中找不到 AVD 或 SDK 管理器

在使用 sdk 管理器更新我的 android sdk 工具和平台工具之后,似乎我遇到了一些问题。问题是,在更新之后,我发现 Eclipse 中 windows 下拉菜单中的 avd 或 sdk 选项不见了!而且,我找不到任何选项来创建一个 android 项目从文件-> 新的项目了。

我尝试从 eclipse 中删除 ADT,从“可用软件站点”中删除软件站点“ https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/”,然后使用 help-> install new software 从“ https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/”中重新安装 ADT。安装是成功的,但我仍然没有任何选择快捷方式到 SDK 管理器或在 Eclipse 中的 AVD,我也不能创建一个新的 android 项目。

顺便说一句,机器人的视角并没有消失,它们仍然存在。此外,我还可以从安装它们的目录中手动打开 avd 和 sdk 管理器。

有没有人能给我一个变通方案? 如果有人能帮忙的话,我将不胜感激。

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Try to reinstall ADT plugin on Eclipse. Check out this: Installing the Eclipse Plugin

Chances are that you may be running your eclipse using Java 1.5.

Latest Plugin requires that the JRE be 1.6 or higher.

You will have to use Eclipse that runs on JRE 1.6

Edit: I had run into same problems. If it is not JRE problem then you can debug this. Follow below procedure:

  1. Window -> show View -> other -> Plugin Development -> Plugin Registry
  2. In the plugin registry search for com.android.ide.eclipse.adt or any other plugin related to android (depending on your installation there maybe 7-8)
  3. Select , Right Click -> Diagnose. This will show the problem why the plugin was not loaded

I would suggest you to install the ADT plugin compatable with your Android SDK tools and try to install all the required plugins compatable with your Android SDK LIKE Android SDK tools Rev 20.0.3 Android SDK tools Rev 20.0.3 Android SDK Platform-tools Rev 14 Android 2.3.3(API 10) sdk platform rev 2 samples for sdk api 10 rev 1 ADT Plugin 20.0.3

I had similar problem after updating SDK from r20 to r21, but all I missed was the SDK/AVD Manager and running into this post while searching for the answer.

I managed to solve it by going to Window -> Customize Perspective, and under Command Groups Availability tab check the Android SDK and AVD Manager (not sure why it became unchecked because it was there before). I'm using Mac by the way, in case the menu option looks different.

I have solved this as follows:

  1. Window > Customize Perspective... (you will see Android and AVD Manager are disabled)

  2. Command Groups Availability > Android and AVD Manager > check

  3. Tool Bar Visibility > Android and AVD Manager > check

Well I feel silly, but my problem was that I was in the Debug perspective and they do not show up in that perspective. Switched back to the Java perspective and viola.

Window -> Custom Perspective -> Command Groups Availability -> Android SDK and AVD Manager check it

Unfortunately I ended up having to re-install eclipse. but first (In Linux)(not sure of folder in Windows) do:

sudo rm -R /usr/share/eclipse/