R 中矩阵的逆



> c=rbind(c(1, -1/4), c(-1/4, 1))
> c
[,1]  [,2]
[1,]  1.00 -0.25
[2,] -0.25  1.00
> inv(c)
Error: could not find function "inv"
> solve(c)
[,1]      [,2]
[1,] 1.0666667 0.2666667
[2,] 0.2666667 1.0666667
> solve(c)*c
[,1]        [,2]
[1,]  1.06666667 -0.06666667
[2,] -0.06666667  1.06666667
> qr.solve(c)*c
[,1]        [,2]
[1,]  1.06666667 -0.06666667
[2,] -0.06666667  1.06666667


272094 次浏览

solve(c) does give the correct inverse. The issue with your code is that you are using the wrong operator for matrix multiplication. You should use solve(c) %*% c to invoke matrix multiplication in R.

R performs element by element multiplication when you invoke solve(c) * c.

You can use the function ginv() (Moore-Penrose generalized inverse) in the MASS package

Note that if you care about speed and do not need to worry about singularities, solve() should be preferred to ginv() because it is much faster, as you can check:

mat <- matrix(rnorm(1e6),nrow=1e3,ncol=1e3)

t0 <- proc.time()
inv0 <- ginv(mat)
proc.time() - t0

t1 <- proc.time()
inv1 <- solve(mat)
proc.time() - t1

Use solve(matrix) if the matrix is larger than 1820x1820. Using inv() from matlib or ginv() from MASS takes longer or will not solve at all because of RAM limits.