
转换/包装一个“经典”异步方法的最佳方法是什么? 这个方法使用一个回调函数来返回一个(可等待的)任务?


public void GetStringFromUrl(string url, Action<string> onCompleted);


public Task<string> GetStringFromUrl(string url)
var t = new TaskCompletionSource<string>();

GetStringFromUrl(url, s => t.TrySetResult(s));

return t.Task;


有没有办法在任务本身中包装对 GetStringFromUrl (url,callback)的调用(也就是说,调用本身将在任务内部运行,而不是同步运行)

26323 次浏览

Your code is short, readable and efficient, so I don't understand why are you looking for alternatives, but I can't think of anything. I think your approach is reasonable.

I'm also not sure why do you think that the synchronous part is okay in the original version, but you want to avoid it in the Task-based one. If you think the synchronous part might take too long, fix it for both versions of the method.

But if you want to run it asynchronously (i.e. on the ThreadPool) only in the Task version, you can use Task.Run():

public Task<string> GetStringFromUrl(string url)
return Task.Run(() =>
var t = new TaskCompletionSource<string>();

GetStringFromUrl(url, s => t.TrySetResult(s));

return t.Task;

Your assumed implementation is perfectly fine for this assuming the callback only ever handles successful situations. What currently happens if an exception happens within the async underpinnings of the GetStringFromUrl implementation? There's no real way for them to propagate that to the Action callback... do they just swallow it and return you null or something?

The only thing I would recommend is using following the new convention of naming such async methods with the XXXAsync suffix.