Imports System.Math
'Input GPSLatitude is WGS84 Latitude,h is altitude above the WGS 84 ellipsoid
Public Function GetSphericalLatitude(ByVal GPSLatitude As Double, ByVal h As Double) As Double
Dim A As Double = 6378137 'semi-major axis
Dim f As Double = 1 / 298.257223563 '1/f Reciprocal of flattening
Dim e2 As Double = f * (2 - f)
Dim Rc As Double = A / (Sqrt(1 - e2 * (Sin(GPSLatitude * PI / 180) ^ 2)))
Dim p As Double = (Rc + h) * Cos(GPSLatitude * PI / 180)
Dim z As Double = (Rc * (1 - e2) + h) * Sin(GPSLatitude * PI / 180)
Dim r As Double = Sqrt(p ^ 2 + z ^ 2)
Dim SphericalLatitude As Double = Asin(z / r) * 180 / PI
Return SphericalLatitude
End Function
# Converting lat/long to cartesian
import numpy as np
def get_cartesian(lat=None,lon=None):
lat, lon = np.deg2rad(lat), np.deg2rad(lon)
R = 6371 # radius of the earth
x = R * np.cos(lat) * np.cos(lon)
y = R * np.cos(lat) * np.sin(lon)
z = R *np.sin(lat)
return x,y,z
# this function converts latitude,longitude and height above sea level
# to earthcentered xyx coordinates in wgs84, lat and lon in decimal degrees
# e.g. 52.724156(West and South are negative), heigth in meters
# for algoritm see
# for values of a and b see
from math import *
def latlonhtoxyzwgs84(lat,lon,h):
a=6378137.0 #radius a of earth in meters cfr WGS84
b=6356752.3 #radius b of earth in meters cfr WGS84
latr=lat/90*0.5*pi #latitude in radians
lonr=lon/180*pi #longituede in radians