Is there a shortcut for selecting word under cursor in Sublime Text, Atom

Is there a shortcut or a command to select word under cursor in Sublime Text or Atom? I want a replacement for double-click. So I could press shortcut instead and get selection on a current word and start typing to replace it or get in quotes etc...

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command+d on OSX

control+d on Windows/Linux

You can find all the default keybindings by going to Preferences > Keybindings - Default and perusing the list.

You can add a key binding to select the word:

{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+w"], "command": "expand_selection", "args": {"to": "word"} }

Unlike the find_under_expand command (control+d by default) repeated presses won't add cursors at matching words.

I looked around for this and eventually came up with this, which I assigned to ctrl-F

you need to paste it into a new user plugin python file

import sublime, sublime_plugin

class find_under_cursor(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self):
view = self.window.active_view()
view.run_command("expand_selection", {"to": "word"})
self.window.run_command("show_panel", {"panel": "find", "reverse": False} )

With Vim bindings (Vintage or vintageous)

* - to find next
# - to find last
For both, all matches are highlighted

Without Vim bindings

For current file: CMD+E, CMD+F, Enter
CMD+E - copies the word under cursor
CMD+F - bring up find in local file dialogue
Enter - er you know what this means

Substitute CMD+F for CMD+SHIFT+F to find in all files in project (or whatever search range you specify)

install ExpandRegion if you want to expand the selection:

  • Expand selection to word
  • Expand selection to quotes (content only)
  • Expand selection to quotes (with quotes)
  • Expand selection to complete self closing tag
  • Expand selection to parent node content
  • Expand selection to complete node
  • Expand selection to parent node content

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