signedArea = 0
for each point in points:
x1 = point[0]
y1 = point[1]
if point is last point
x2 = firstPoint[0]
y2 = firstPoint[1]
x2 = nextPoint[0]
y2 = nextPoint[1]
end if
signedArea += (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1)
end for
return signedArea / 2
/** Mixin to extend the behavior of the Google Maps JS API Polygon type
* to determine if a polygon path has clockwise of counter-clockwise winding order.
* Tested against v3.14 of the GMaps API.
* @author
* @license
* @version 1.0
* @mixin
* @param {(number|Array|google.maps.MVCArray)} [path] - an optional polygon path; defaults to the first path of the polygon
* @returns {boolean} true if the path is clockwise; false if the path is counter-clockwise
(function() {
var category = 'google.maps.Polygon.isPathClockwise';
// check that the GMaps API was already loaded
if (null == google || null == google.maps || null == google.maps.Polygon) {
console.error(category, 'Google Maps API not found');
if (typeof(google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeArea) !== 'function') {
console.error(category, 'Google Maps geometry library not found');
if (typeof(google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeSignedArea) !== 'function') {
console.error(category, 'Google Maps geometry library private function computeSignedArea() is missing; this may break this mixin');
function isPathClockwise(path) {
var self = this,
if (null === path)
throw new Error('Path is optional, but cannot be null');
// default to the first path
if (arguments.length === 0)
path = self.getPath();
// support for passing an index number to a path
if (typeof(path) === 'number')
path = self.getPaths().getAt(path);
if (!path instanceof Array && !path instanceof google.maps.MVCArray)
throw new Error('Path must be an Array or MVCArray');
// negative polygon areas have counter-clockwise paths
isCounterClockwise = (google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeSignedArea(path) < 0);
return (!isCounterClockwise);
if (typeof(google.maps.Polygon.prototype.isPathClockwise) !== 'function') {
google.maps.Polygon.prototype.isPathClockwise = isPathClockwise;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
namespace SolidworksAddinFramework.Geometry
public static class PlanePolygon
/// <summary>
/// Assumes that polygon is closed, ie first and last points are the same
/// </summary>
public static bool Orientation
(this IEnumerable<Vector3> polygon, Vector3 up)
var sum = polygon
.Buffer(2, 1) // from Interactive Extensions Nuget Pkg
.Where(b => b.Count == 2)
( Vector3.Zero
, (p, b) => p + Vector3.Cross(b[0], b[1])
return Vector3.Dot(up, sum) > 0;
namespace SolidworksAddinFramework.Spec.Geometry
public class PlanePolygonSpec
public void OrientationShouldWork()
var points = Sequences.LinSpace(0, Math.PI*2, 100)
.Select(t => new Vector3((float) Math.Cos(t), (float) Math.Sin(t), 0))
coords <- cbind(x = c(5,6,4,1,1),y = c(0,4,5,5,0))
a <- numeric()
for (i in 1:dim(coords)[1]){
q <- i + 1
if (i == (dim(coords)[1])) q <- 1
out <- ((coords[q,1]) - (coords[i,1])) * ((coords[q,2]) + (coords[i,2]))
a[q] <- out
} #end i loop
a <- sum(a) #-ve is anti-clockwise
b <- cbind(x = rev(coords[,1]), y = rev(coords[,2]))
if (a>0) coords <- b #reverses coords if polygon not traced in anti-clockwise direction
public static WindingOrder DetermineWindingOrder(IList<Vector2> vertices)
int nVerts = vertices.Count;
// If vertices duplicates first as last to represent closed polygon,
// skip last.
Vector2 lastV = vertices[nVerts - 1];
if (lastV.Equals(vertices[0]))
nVerts -= 1;
int iMinVertex = FindCornerVertex(vertices);
// Orientation matrix:
// [ 1 xa ya ]
// O = | 1 xb yb |
// [ 1 xc yc ]
Vector2 a = vertices[WrapAt(iMinVertex - 1, nVerts)];
Vector2 b = vertices[iMinVertex];
Vector2 c = vertices[WrapAt(iMinVertex + 1, nVerts)];
// determinant(O) = (xb*yc + xa*yb + ya*xc) - (ya*xb + yb*xc + xa*yc)
double detOrient = (b.X * c.Y + a.X * b.Y + a.Y * c.X) - (a.Y * b.X + b.Y * c.X + a.X * c.Y);
// TBD: check for "==0", in which case is not defined?
// Can that happen? Do we need to check other vertices / eliminate duplicate vertices?
WindingOrder result = detOrient > 0
? WindingOrder.Clockwise
: WindingOrder.CounterClockwise;
return result;
public enum WindingOrder
// Find vertex along one edge of bounding box.
// In this case, we find smallest y; in case of tie also smallest x.
private static int FindCornerVertex(IList<Vector2> vertices)
int iMinVertex = -1;
float minY = float.MaxValue;
float minXAtMinY = float.MaxValue;
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
Vector2 vert = vertices[i];
float y = vert.Y;
if (y > minY)
if (y == minY)
if (vert.X >= minXAtMinY)
// Minimum so far.
iMinVertex = i;
minY = y;
minXAtMinY = vert.X;
return iMinVertex;
// Return value in (0..n-1).
// Works for i in (-n..+infinity).
// If need to allow more negative values, need more complex formula.
private static int WrapAt(int i, int n)
// "+n": Moves (-n..) up to (0..).
return (i + n) % n;
def is_clockwise(points):
# points is your list (or array) of 2d points.
assert len(points) > 0
s = 0.0
for p1, p2 in zip(points, points[1:] + [points[0]]):
s += (p2[0] - p1[0]) * (p2[1] + p1[1])
return s > 0.0