UISegmentedControl change number of segments programmatically

Is there a way to change the number of segments programmatically?

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Yes, you can use

removeSegmentAtIndex:(NSUInteger) animated:(BOOL)


insertSegmentWithTitle:(NSString *) atIndex:(NSUInteger) animated:(BOOL)

To replace the segments entirely, you can use the following function:

- (void)setSegments:(NSArray *)segments
[segmentController removeAllSegments];

for (NSString *segment in segments) {
[segmentController insertSegmentWithTitle:segment atIndex:segmentController.numberOfSegments animated:NO];

Hope this helps.

For the sake of completeness (and because I ended up here looking for how to achieve the same thing in xib) here is how to do it in xib:

enter image description here

And here's a little Swift extension to replace current segmentedControl with array of new values

Swift 3

extension UISegmentedControl {
func replaceSegments(segments: Array<String>) {
for segment in segments {
self.insertSegmentWithTitle(segment, atIndex: self.numberOfSegments, animated: false)

Swift 4

extension UISegmentedControl {
func replaceSegments(segments: Array<String>) {
for segment in segments {
self.insertSegment(withTitle: segment, at: self.numberOfSegments, animated: false)

work for me, UIsegmentedControll contains two segments, i want add one in index 2, use this code in swift 2.2 use:

SEG_TipoFiltro.insertSegmentWithTitle("Title", atIndex: 2, animated: false)

Here is a Swift extension for replacing the segments with a sequence of strings. It’s similar to another answer given here except it can be used with any sequence, meaning you can also pass in slices, sets, etc.

extension UISegmentedControl {

/// Replace the current segments with new ones using a given sequence of string.
/// - parameter withTitles:     The titles for the new segments.
public func replaceSegments<T: Sequence>(withTitles: T) where T.Iterator.Element == String {
for title in withTitles {
insertSegment(withTitle: title, at: numberOfSegments, animated: false)

adding and deleting segments in swift4 using code

class ViewController: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet weak var segment1: UISegmentedControl!

override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

@IBAction func insert(_ sender: Any) {
segment1.insertSegment(withTitle: "\(segment1.numberOfSegments+1)", at: segment1.numberOfSegments, animated: true)

@IBAction func remove(_ sender: Any) {
segment1.removeSegment(at: segment1.numberOfSegments-1, animated: true)

Simple than u think : Swift 5.7

func setSegmentedControl() {
// [1] remove all segments

// [2] insert your segments by your model
["title1", "title2", "title3"].enumerated().forEach { index, title in
segmentedControl.insertSegment(withTitle: title, at: index, animated: false)

// [3] optional - select default segment
segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex = 0