将 git 更改推送到共享网络驱动器

一个四人小组如何使用 Git (特别是 用于 Windows 的 Github)将本地更改推送到共享网络驱动器?

现在(没有 Git) ,我们必须将文件从网络驱动器复制到本地计算机,编辑文件,然后将它们重新上传到共享网络驱动器。这是一个艰苦的过程,可能会导致很多错误,但是 Git 似乎可以帮助我们解决这个问题。

我们可以简单地在共享驱动器上安装 Git,然后从那里开始吗?

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Our team currently does exactly this. Every developer has the following:

  1. Git installed on their local machine
  2. Access to their own personal shared drive (L:)
  3. Access to a shared group drive (V:)

We have the "remote" repository (set up using init -bare) on the V: drive, and everyone has a clone on their personal L: drive. All changes are made to the L: drive and pushed up to the V: drive, which are then pulled down later by the other developers to their respective personal repositories on their L: drives. This works without any problems, and mitigates the need for a Git server.

You can add another remote pointing to your network drive (git remote)

Then you can push pull similar to what you do with github

Not sure if you found something that works for you or not, but I have a writeup on how to do that very thing on a windows network drive:


From a cmd prompt change to your mapped drive.

$ cd g:

Then cd into your soon to be git repository.

$ cd scripts

Then create an empty git repository. If you do not use the --bare option, you will have issues so don't leave that out.

$ git init --bare

Now if you don't have a local git repository yet, then you can clone your new repository wherever you like by navigating back to your local drive.

$ c:

$ cd work/scripts

$ git clone file://g:\scripts

When you clone, you automatically get a remote called "origin" and you can push to the server for safe keeping any time you make changes locally.

$ git push origin master

If you already have a git repository and you just want to push out to the shared drive then you can do this from within your local git dir.

$ git remote add origin file://g:\scripts

$ git push origin master