Gcc std: : unorder_map 实现慢吗? 如果慢,原因是什么?

我们正在用 C + + 开发一个高性能的关键软件。在这里,我们需要一个并发的散列映射并实现它。因此,我们编写了一个基准来计算,与 std::unordered_map相比,并发散列映射的速度要慢多少。

但是,std::unordered_map似乎是难以置信的慢... 所以这是我们的微基准测试(对于并发映射,我们产生了一个新的线程,以确保锁不会被优化掉,并注意到我从来没有插入0,因为我也基准与 google::dense_hash_map,它需要一个空值) :

boost::random::mt19937 rng;
boost::random::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::min(), std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max());
std::vector<uint64_t> vec(SIZE);
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
uint64_t val = 0;
while (val == 0) {
val = dist(rng);
vec[i] = val;
std::unordered_map<int, long double> map;
auto begin = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
map[vec[i]] = 0.0;
auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end - begin);
std::cout << "inserts: " << elapsed.count() << std::endl;
std::random_shuffle(vec.begin(), vec.end());
begin = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
long double val;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
val = map[vec[i]];
end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end - begin);
std::cout << "get: " << elapsed.count() << std::endl;

(编辑: 整个源代码可以在这里找到: http://pastebin.com/vPqf7eya)


inserts: 35126
get    : 2959

对于 google::dense_map:

inserts: 3653
get    : 816

对于我们手工支持的并发 map (它执行锁定,尽管基准测试是单线程的——但是在一个单独的产生线程中) :

inserts: 5213
get    : 2594

如果我在不支持 pthread 的情况下编译基准测试程序,并在主线程中运行所有程序,我会得到以下手工支持的并发映射的结果:

inserts: 4441
get    : 1180


g++-4.7 -O3 -DNDEBUG -I/tmp/benchmap/sparsehash-2.0.2/src/ -std=c++11 -pthread main.cc

因此,特别是插入的 std::unordered_map似乎是非常昂贵的-35秒对其他地图3-5秒。此外,查找时间似乎相当高。

My question: why is this? I read another question on stackoverflow where someone asks, why std::tr1::unordered_map is slower than his own implementation. There the highest rated answer states, that the std::tr1::unordered_map needs to implement a more complicated interface. But I can not see this argument: we use a bucket approach in our concurrent_map, std::unordered_map uses a bucket-approach too (google::dense_hash_map does not, but than std::unordered_map should be at least as fast than our hand backed concurrency-safe version?). Apart from that I can not see anything in the interface that force a feature which makes the hash map perform badly...

所以我的问题是: std::unordered_map看起来很慢是真的吗?如果没有: 出了什么问题?如果是: 原因是什么。

我的主要问题是: 为什么在 std::unordered_map中插入一个值如此昂贵(即使我们在开始时预留了足够的空间,它也不会表现得更好——所以重新散列似乎不是问题) ?


First of all: yes the presented benchmark is not flawless - this is because we played around a lot with it and it is just a hack (for example the uint64 distribution to generate ints would in practice not be a good idea, exclude 0 in a loop is kind of stupid etc...).

目前大多数注释都解释说,通过预先为 unorder _ map 分配足够的空间,可以使它运行得更快。在我们的应用程序中,这是不可能的: 我们正在开发一个数据库管理系统,需要一个散列映射来在事务期间存储一些数据(例如锁定信息)。因此,这个映射可以是从1(用户只进行一次插入并提交)到数十亿条目(如果发生完整的表扫描)的所有内容。在这里预分配足够的空间是不可能的(而且在开始时分配很多空间会消耗太多的内存)。

此外,我很抱歉,我没有说清楚我的问题: 我对快速制作 unorder _ map 并不感兴趣(使用谷歌密集散列映射对我们来说很好) ,我只是不明白这种巨大的性能差异来自何处。它不能仅仅是预分配(即使有足够的预分配内存,稠密映射也比无序映射快一个数量级,我们的手工支持并发映射以大小为64的数组开始——所以比无序映射小)。

那么 std::unordered_map表现如此糟糕的原因是什么呢?或者换一种问法: 是否可以编写一个 std::unordered_map接口的实现,它是标准的符合规范的,并且(几乎)和 Google 稠密散列映射一样快?或者标准中有什么东西迫使实现者选择一种低效的方式来实现它?


通过分析,我发现大量的时间被用于整数除法。std::unordered_map使用质数表示数组大小,而其他实现使用2的幂。为什么 std::unordered_map使用素数?如果散列不好,要表现得更好吗?对于好的散列,它没有什么区别。


以下是 std::map的数据:

inserts: 16462
get    : 16978

为什么插入到 std::map比插入到 std::unordered_map快... 我的意思是什么?std::map的局部性更差(树 vs 数组) ,需要进行更多的分配(每次插入 vs 每次 rehash + 每次冲突加上 ~ 1) ,最重要的是: 具有另一个算法复杂度(O (logn) vs O (1)) !

32994 次浏览

I am guessing that you have not properly sized your unordered_map, as Ylisar suggested. When chains grow too long in unordered_map, the g++ implementation will automatically rehash to a larger hash table, and this would be a big drag on performance. If I remember correctly, unordered_map defaults to (smallest prime larger than) 100.

I didn't have chrono on my system, so I timed with times().

template <typename TEST>
void time_test (TEST t, const char *m) {
struct tms start;
struct tms finish;
long ticks_per_second;

ticks_per_second = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
std::cout << "elapsed: "
<< ((finish.tms_utime - start.tms_utime
+ finish.tms_stime - start.tms_stime)
/ (1.0 * ticks_per_second))
<< " " << m << std::endl;

I used a SIZE of 10000000, and had to change things a bit for my version of boost. Also note, I pre-sized the hash table to match SIZE/DEPTH, where DEPTH is an estimate of the length of the bucket chain due to hash collisions.

Edit: Howard points out to me in comments that the max load factor for unordered_map is 1. So, the DEPTH controls how many times the code will rehash.

#define SIZE 10000000
#define DEPTH 3
std::vector<uint64_t> vec(SIZE);
boost::mt19937 rng;
boost::uniform_int<uint64_t> dist(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::min(),
std::unordered_map<int, long double> map(SIZE/DEPTH);

test_insert () {
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
map[vec[i]] = 0.0;

test_get () {
long double val;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
val = map[vec[i]];

int main () {
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
uint64_t val = 0;
while (val == 0) {
val = dist(rng);
vec[i] = val;
time_test(test_insert, "inserts");
std::random_shuffle(vec.begin(), vec.end());
time_test(test_insert, "get");


I modified the code so that I could change out DEPTH more easily.

#ifndef DEPTH
#define DEPTH 10000000

So, by default, the worst size for the hash table is chosen.

elapsed: 7.12 inserts, elapsed: 2.32 get, -DDEPTH=10000000
elapsed: 6.99 inserts, elapsed: 2.58 get, -DDEPTH=1000000
elapsed: 8.94 inserts, elapsed: 2.18 get, -DDEPTH=100000
elapsed: 5.23 inserts, elapsed: 2.41 get, -DDEPTH=10000
elapsed: 5.35 inserts, elapsed: 2.55 get, -DDEPTH=1000
elapsed: 6.29 inserts, elapsed: 2.05 get, -DDEPTH=100
elapsed: 6.76 inserts, elapsed: 2.03 get, -DDEPTH=10
elapsed: 2.86 inserts, elapsed: 2.29 get, -DDEPTH=1

My conclusion is that there is not much significant performance difference for any initial hash table size other than making it equal to the entire expected number of unique insertions. Also, I don't see the order of magnitude performance difference that you are observing.

I found the reason: it is a Problem of gcc-4.7!!

With gcc-4.7

inserts: 37728
get    : 2985

With gcc-4.6

inserts: 2531
get    : 1565

So std::unordered_map in gcc-4.7 is broken (or my installation, which is an installation of gcc-4.7.0 on Ubuntu - and another installation which is gcc 4.7.1 on debian testing).

I will submit a bug report.. until then: DO NOT use std::unordered_map with gcc 4.7!

I have run your code using a 64 bit / AMD / 4 cores (2.1GHz) computer and it gave me the following results:

MinGW-W64 4.9.2:

Using std::unordered_map:

inserts: 9280
get: 3302

Using std::map:

inserts: 23946
get: 24824

VC 2015 with all the optimization flags I know:

Using std::unordered_map:

inserts: 7289
get: 1908

Using std::map:

inserts: 19222
get: 19711

I have not tested the code using GCC but I think it may be comparable to the performance of VC, so if that is true, then GCC 4.9 std::unordered_map it's still broken.


So yes, as someone said in the comments, there is no reason to think that the performance of GCC 4.9.x would be comparable to VC performance. When I have the change I will be testing the code on GCC.

My answer is just to establish some kind of knowledge base to other answers.