to_app="The name of the app you want to migrate data to"
from_app="The name of the app you want to migrate data from"
collection="the collection you want to copy"
mongohq_url=`heroku config:get --app "$to_app" MONGOHQ_URL`
parts=(`echo $mongohq_url | sed "s_mongodb://heroku:__" | sed "s_[@/]_ _g"`)
to_token=${parts[0]}; to_url=${parts[1]}; to_db=${parts[2]}
mongohq_url=`heroku config:get --app "$from_app" MONGOHQ_URL`
parts=(`echo $mongohq_url | sed "s_mongodb://heroku:__" | sed "s_[@/]_ _g"`)
from_token=${parts[0]}; from_url=${parts[1]}; from_db=${parts[2]}
mongodump -h "$from_url" -u heroku -d "$from_db" -p"$from_token" -c "$collection" -o col_dump
mongorestore -h "$prod_url" -u heroku -d "$to_app" -p"$to_token" --dir col_dump/"$col_dump"/$collection".bson -c "$collection"
var db1 = connect('<ip_1>:<port_1>/<db_name_1>')
var db2 = connect('<ip_2>:<port_2>/<db_name_2>')
var _list = db1.getCollection('collection_to_copy_from').find({})