function decodeEntities(encodedString) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = encodedString;
return div.textContent;
// Shows an alert
decodeEntities('<img src="nonexistent_image" onerror="alert(1337)">')
const decodeHTMLEntities = text => {
// Create a new element or use one from cache, to save some element creation overhead
const el = decodeHTMLEntities.__cache_data_element
= decodeHTMLEntities.__cache_data_element
|| document.createElement('div');
const enc = text
// Prevent any mixup of existing pattern in text
.replace(/⪪/g, '⪪#')
// Encode entities in special format. This will prevent native element encoder to replace any amp characters
.replace(/&([a-z1-8]{2,31}|#x[0-9a-f]+|#\d+);/gi, '⪪$1⪫');
// Encode any HTML tags in the text to prevent script injection
el.textContent = enc;
// Decode entities from special format, back to their original HTML entities format
el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML
.replace(/⪪([a-z1-8]{2,31}|#x[0-9a-f]+|#\d+)⪫/gi, '&$1;')
.replace(/⪪#/g, '⪪');
// Get the decoded HTML entities
const dec = el.textContent;
// Clear the element content, in order to preserve a bit of memory (in case the text is big)
el.textContent = '';
return dec;
// Example
// Prints: <script>alert('∳∳∳∳⪪#x02233⪫');</script>