Scala 中的 val-mutable 与 var-immutable

Scala 中有没有关于在可变集合中使用 val 和在不可变集合中使用 var 的指导方针?或者您真的应该使用不可变的集合来实现 val 吗?

事实上,这两种类型的收藏给了我很多选择,而我通常没有这样的选择 知道如何做出选择。

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If you work with immutable collections and you need to "modify" them, for example, add elements to them in a loop, then you have to use vars because you need to store the resulting collection somewhere. If you only read from immutable collections, then use vals.

In general, make sure that you don't confuse references and objects. vals are immutable references (constant pointers in C). That is, when you use val x = new MutableFoo(), you'll be able to change the object that x points to, but you won't be able to change to which object x points. The opposite holds if you use var x = new ImmutableFoo(). Picking up my initial advice: if you don't need to change to which object a reference points, use vals.

Pretty common question, this one. The hard thing is finding the duplicates.

You should strive for referential transparency. What that means is that, if I have an expression "e", I could make a val x = e, and replace e with x. This is the property that mutability break. Whenever you need to make a design decision, maximize for referential transparency.

As a practical matter, a method-local var is the safest var that exists, since it doesn't escape the method. If the method is short, even better. If it isn't, try to reduce it by extracting other methods.

On the other hand, a mutable collection has the potential to escape, even if it doesn't. When changing code, you might then want to pass it to other methods, or return it. That's the kind of thing that breaks referential transparency.

On an object (a field), pretty much the same thing happens, but with more dire consequences. Either way the object will have state and, therefore, break referential transparency. But having a mutable collection means even the object itself might lose control of who's changing it.

I think the examples in this blog post will shed more light, as the question of which combo to use becomes even more important in concurrency scenarios: importance of immutability for concurrency. And while we're at it, note the preferred use of synchronised vs @volatile vs something like AtomicReference: three tools

The best way to answer this is with an example. Suppose we have some process simply collecting numbers for some reason. We wish to log these numbers, and will send the collection to another process to do this.

Of course, we are still collecting numbers after we send the collection to the logger. And let's say there is some overhead in the logging process that delays the actual logging. Hopefully you can see where this is going.

If we store this collection in a mutable val, (mutable because we are continuously adding to it), this means that the process doing the logging will be looking at the same object that's still being updated by our collection process. That collection may be updated at any time, and so when it's time to log we may not actually be logging the collection we sent.

If we use an immutable var, we send an immutable data structure to the logger. When we add more numbers to our collection, we will be replacing our var with a new immutable data structure. This doesn't mean collection sent to the logger is replaced! It's still referencing the collection it was sent. So our logger will indeed log the collection it received.

var immutable vs. val mutable

In addition to many excellent answers to this question. Here is a simple example, that illustrates potential dangers of val mutable:

Mutable objects can be modified inside methods, that take them as parameters, while reassignment is not allowed.

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

object MyObject {
def main(args: Array[String]) {

val a = ArrayBuffer(1,2,3,4)
println(a) // a has been modified here

def silly(a: ArrayBuffer[Int]): Unit = {
a += 10
println(s"length: ${a.length}")


length: 5
ArrayBuffer(1, 2, 3, 4, 10)

Something like this cannot happen with var immutable, because reassignment is not allowed:

object MyObject {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
var v = Vector(1,2,3,4)

def silly(v: Vector[Int]): Unit = {
v = v :+ 10 // This line is not valid
println(s"length of v: ${v.length}")

Results in:

error: reassignment to val

Since function parameters are treated as val this reassignment is not allowed.