function measureTextHeight(ctx, left, top, width, height) {
// Draw the text in the specified area;
ctx.translate(left, top + Math.round(height * 0.8));
ctx.mozDrawText('gM'); // This seems like tall text... Doesn't it?
// Get the pixel data from the canvas
var data = ctx.getImageData(left, top, width, height).data,
first = false,
last = false,
r = height,
c = 0;
// Find the last line with a non-white pixel
while(!last && r) {
for(c = 0; c < width; c++) {
if(data[r * width * 4 + c * 4 + 3]) {
last = r;
// Find the first line with a non-white pixel
while(r) {
for(c = 0; c < width; c++) {
if(data[r * width * 4 + c * 4 + 3]) {
first = r;
// If we've got it then return the height
if(first != r) return last - first;
// We screwed something up... What do you expect from free code?
return 0;
// Set the font
context.mozTextStyle = '32px Arial';
// Specify a context and a rect that is safe to draw in when calling measureTextHeight
var height = measureTextHeight(context, 0, 0, 50, 50);
var determineFontHeight = function(fontStyle) {
var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
var dummy = document.createElement("div");
var dummyText = document.createTextNode("M");
dummy.setAttribute("style", fontStyle);
var result = dummy.offsetHeight;
return result;
//A little test...
var exampleFamilies = ["Helvetica", "Verdana", "Times New Roman", "Courier New"];
var exampleSizes = [8, 10, 12, 16, 24, 36, 48, 96];
for(var i = 0; i < exampleFamilies.length; i++) {
var family = exampleFamilies[i];
for(var j = 0; j < exampleSizes.length; j++) {
var size = exampleSizes[j] + "pt";
var style = "font-family: " + family + "; font-size: " + size + ";";
var pixelHeight = determineFontHeight(style);
console.log(family + " " + size + " ==> " + pixelHeight + " pixels high.");
您必须确保在测量高度的 DOM 元素上获得正确的字体样式,但这非常简单; 实际上您应该使用
var canvas = /* ... */
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
var canvasFont = " ... ";
var fontHeight = determineFontHeight("font: " + canvasFont + ";");
context.font = canvasFont;
do your stuff with your font and its height here.
var font = '36pt Times';
var message = 'Big Text';
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
ctx.textBaseline = 'top'; // important!
ctx.font = font;
ctx.fillText(message, x, y);
// Canvas can tell us the width
var w = ctx.measureText(message).width;
// New function gets the other info we need
var h = getTextHeight(font);
testLine(ctx, x, y, w, 'red');
testLine(ctx, x, y + h.ascent, w, 'green');
testLine(ctx, x, y + h.height, w, 'blue');
function textHeight (text, font) {
var fontDraw = document.createElement("canvas");
var height = 100;
var width = 100;
// here we expect that font size will be less canvas geometry
fontDraw.setAttribute("height", height);
fontDraw.setAttribute("width", width);
var ctx = fontDraw.getContext('2d');
// black is default
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
ctx.font = font;
ctx.fillText(text/*'Eg'*/, 0, 0);
var pixels = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height).data;
// row numbers where we first find letter end where it ends
var start = -1;
var end = -1;
for (var row = 0; row < height; row++) {
for (var column = 0; column < width; column++) {
var index = (row * width + column) * 4;
// if pixel is not white (background color)
if (pixels[index] == 0) {
// we havent met white (font color) pixel
// on the row and the letters was detected
if (column == width - 1 && start != -1) {
end = row;
row = height;
else {
// we find top of letter
if (start == -1) {
start = row;
// ..letters body
document.body.appendChild(fontDraw); = 400; = 400; = "absolute";
return end - start;
function objOff(obj)
var currleft = currtop = 0;
if( obj.offsetParent )
{ do { currleft += obj.offsetLeft; currtop += obj.offsetTop; }
while( obj = obj.offsetParent ); }
else { currleft += obj.offsetLeft; currtop += obj.offsetTop; }
return [currleft,currtop];
function FontMetric(fontName,fontSize)
var text = document.createElement("span"); = fontName; = fontSize + "px";
text.innerHTML = "ABCjgq|";
// if you will use some weird fonts, like handwriting or symbols, then you need to edit this test string for chars that will have most extreme accend/descend values
var block = document.createElement("div"); = "inline-block"; = "1px"; = "0px";
var div = document.createElement("div");
// this test div must be visible otherwise offsetLeft/offsetTop will return 0
// but still let's try to avoid any potential glitches in various browsers
// by making it's height 0px, and overflow hidden = "0px"; = "hidden";
// I tried without adding it to body - won't work. So we gotta do this one.
document.body.appendChild(div); = "baseline";
var bp = objOff(block);
var tp = objOff(text);
var taccent = bp[1] - tp[1]; = "bottom";
bp = objOff(block);
tp = objOff(text);
var theight = bp[1] - tp[1];
var tdescent = theight - taccent;
// now take it off :-)
// return text accent, descent and total height
return [taccent,theight,tdescent];
我刚刚测试了上面的代码,在 Mac 上最新的 Chrome,FF 和 Safari 上运行得很好。
编辑: 我也添加了字体大小,并用 webfont 代替 system font 进行了测试——非常棒。
function measureHeight(aFont, aSize, aChars, aOptions={}) {
// if you do pass aOptions.ctx, keep in mind that the ctx properties will be changed and not set back. so you should have a devoted canvas for this
// if you dont pass in a width to aOptions, it will return it to you in the return object
// the returned width is Math.ceil'ed
console.error('aChars: "' + aChars + '"');
var defaultOptions = {
width: undefined, // if you specify a width then i wont have to use measureText to get the width
canAndCtx: undefined, // set it to object {can:,ctx:} // if not provided, i will make one
range: 3
aOptions.range = aOptions.range || 3; // multiples the aSize by this much
if (aChars === '') {
// no characters, so obviously everything is 0
return {
relativeBot: 0,
relativeTop: 0,
height: 0,
width: 0
// otherwise i will get IndexSizeError: Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount error somewhere below
// validateOptionsObj(aOptions, defaultOptions); // not needed because all defaults are undefined
var can;
var ctx;
if (!aOptions.canAndCtx) {
can = document.createElement('canvas');;
can.mozOpaque = 'true'; // improved performanceo on firefox i guess
ctx = can.getContext('2d');
// = 'absolute';
// = 10000;
// = 0;
// = 0;
// document.body.appendChild(can);
} else {
can = aOptions.canAndCtx.can;
ctx = aOptions.canAndCtx.ctx;
var w = aOptions.width;
if (!w) {
ctx.textBaseline = 'alphabetic';
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
ctx.font = aFont;
w = ctx.measureText(aChars).width;
w = Math.ceil(w); // needed as i use w in the calc for the loop, it needs to be a whole number
// must set width/height, as it wont paint outside of the bounds
can.width = w;
can.height = aSize * aOptions.range;
ctx.font = aFont; // need to set the .font again, because after changing width/height it makes it forget for some reason
ctx.textBaseline = 'alphabetic';
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
console.log('w:', w);
var avgOfRange = (aOptions.range + 1) / 2;
var yBaseline = Math.ceil(aSize * avgOfRange);
console.log('yBaseline:', yBaseline);
ctx.fillText(aChars, 0, yBaseline);
var yEnd = aSize * aOptions.range;
var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, w, yEnd).data;
// console.log('data:', data)
var botBound = -1;
var topBound = -1;
// measureHeightY:
for (y=0; y<=yEnd; y++) {
for (var x = 0; x < w; x += 1) {
var n = 4 * (w * y + x);
var r = data[n];
var g = data[n + 1];
var b = data[n + 2];
// var a = data[n + 3];
if (r+g+b > 0) { // non black px found
if (topBound == -1) {
topBound = y;
botBound = y; // break measureHeightY; // dont break measureHeightY ever, keep going, we till yEnd. so we get proper height for strings like "`." or ":" or "!"
return {
relativeBot: botBound - yBaseline, // relative to baseline of 0 // bottom most row having non-black
relativeTop: topBound - yBaseline, // relative to baseline of 0 // top most row having non-black
height: (botBound - topBound) + 1,
width: w// EDIT: comma has been added to fix old broken code.
relativeBot、 relativeTop和 height是返回对象中的有用内容。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
function measureHeight(aFont, aSize, aChars, aOptions={}) {
// if you do pass aOptions.ctx, keep in mind that the ctx properties will be changed and not set back. so you should have a devoted canvas for this
// if you dont pass in a width to aOptions, it will return it to you in the return object
// the returned width is Math.ceil'ed
console.error('aChars: "' + aChars + '"');
var defaultOptions = {
width: undefined, // if you specify a width then i wont have to use measureText to get the width
canAndCtx: undefined, // set it to object {can:,ctx:} // if not provided, i will make one
range: 3
aOptions.range = aOptions.range || 3; // multiples the aSize by this much
if (aChars === '') {
// no characters, so obviously everything is 0
return {
relativeBot: 0,
relativeTop: 0,
height: 0,
width: 0
// otherwise i will get IndexSizeError: Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount error somewhere below
// validateOptionsObj(aOptions, defaultOptions); // not needed because all defaults are undefined
var can;
var ctx;
if (!aOptions.canAndCtx) {
can = document.createElement('canvas');;
can.mozOpaque = 'true'; // improved performanceo on firefox i guess
ctx = can.getContext('2d');
// = 'absolute';
// = 10000;
// = 0;
// = 0;
// document.body.appendChild(can);
} else {
can = aOptions.canAndCtx.can;
ctx = aOptions.canAndCtx.ctx;
var w = aOptions.width;
if (!w) {
ctx.textBaseline = 'alphabetic';
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
ctx.font = aFont;
w = ctx.measureText(aChars).width;
w = Math.ceil(w); // needed as i use w in the calc for the loop, it needs to be a whole number
// must set width/height, as it wont paint outside of the bounds
can.width = w;
can.height = aSize * aOptions.range;
ctx.font = aFont; // need to set the .font again, because after changing width/height it makes it forget for some reason
ctx.textBaseline = 'alphabetic';
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
console.log('w:', w);
var avgOfRange = (aOptions.range + 1) / 2;
var yBaseline = Math.ceil(aSize * avgOfRange);
console.log('yBaseline:', yBaseline);
ctx.fillText(aChars, 0, yBaseline);
var yEnd = aSize * aOptions.range;
var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, w, yEnd).data;
// console.log('data:', data)
var botBound = -1;
var topBound = -1;
// measureHeightY:
for (y=0; y<=yEnd; y++) {
for (var x = 0; x < w; x += 1) {
var n = 4 * (w * y + x);
var r = data[n];
var g = data[n + 1];
var b = data[n + 2];
// var a = data[n + 3];
if (r+g+b > 0) { // non black px found
if (topBound == -1) {
topBound = y;
botBound = y; // break measureHeightY; // dont break measureHeightY ever, keep going, we till yEnd. so we get proper height for strings like "`." or ":" or "!"
return {
relativeBot: botBound - yBaseline, // relative to baseline of 0 // bottom most row having non-black
relativeTop: topBound - yBaseline, // relative to baseline of 0 // top most row having non-black
height: (botBound - topBound) + 1,
width: w
<body style="background-color:steelblue;">
<input type="button" value="reuse can" onClick="alert(measureHeight('40px serif', 40, 'rg', {canAndCtx:{can:document.getElementById('can'), ctx:document.getElementById('can').getContext('2d')}}).height)">
<input type="button" value="dont reuse can" onClick="alert(measureHeight('40px serif', 40, 'rg').height)">
<canvas id="can"></canvas>
<h1>This is a Heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="700" height="200" style="border:1px solid #d3d3d3;">
Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.</canvas>
var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
ctx.font = "100px Arial";
var txt = "Hello guys!"
var Hsup=ctx.measureText("H").width;
var Hbox=ctx.measureText("W").width;
var W=ctx.measureText(txt).width;
var W2=ctx.measureText(txt.substr(0, 9)).width;
ctx.fillText(txt, 10, 100);
ctx.rect(10,100, W, -Hsup);
ctx.rect(10,100+Hbox-Hsup, W2, -Hbox);
<p><strong>Note:</strong> The canvas tag is not supported in Internet
Explorer 8 and earlier versions.</p>
var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
ctx.font = "100px Arial";
var txt = "Hello guys!"
var wt = ctx.measureText(txt).width;
var height = wt / txt.length;
* Monkeypatch CanvasRenderingContext2D.measureText() to include actual height of the text
; (function (global) {
"use strict";
var _measureText = global.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.measureText;
global.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.measureText = function () {
var textMetrics = _measureText.apply(this, arguments);
var _getHeight = function (text) {
var $span = global.document.createElement("span");
var spanTextNode = global.document.createTextNode(text);
$span.setAttribute("style", `font: ${this.font}`);
var $div = global.document.createElement("div");
$div.setAttribute("style", "display: inline-block; width: 1px; height: 0; vertical-align: super;");
var $parentDiv = global.document.createElement("div");
var $body = global.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
var divRect = $div.getBoundingClientRect();
var spanRect = $span.getBoundingClientRect();
var result = {};
$ = "baseline";
result.ascent = -;
$ = "bottom";
result.height = -;
result.descent = result.height - result.ascent;
return result.height - result.descent;
var height = _getHeight(arguments[0]);
global.Object.defineProperty(textMetrics, "height", { value: height });
return textMetrics;
ctx.font = "bold 64px Verdana, sans-serif"; // Automatically considers it as part of height calculation
var textMetrics = ctx.measureText("Foobar");
var textHeight = textMetrics.height;
const text = 'Hello World';
const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
canvas.width = 500;
canvas.height = 200;
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
const fontSize = 100;
ctx.font = `${fontSize}px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif`;
// top is critical to the fillText() calculation
// you can use other positions, but you need to adjust the calculation
ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
const metrics = ctx.measureText(text);
const width = metrics.width;
const actualHeight = metrics.actualBoundingBoxAscent + metrics.actualBoundingBoxDescent;
// fallback to using fontSize if fontBoundingBoxAscent isn't available, like in Firefox. Should be close enough that you aren't more than a pixel off in most cases.
const fontHeight = (metrics.fontBoundingBoxAscent + metrics.fontBoundingBoxDescent) ?? fontSize;
ctx.fillStyle = '#00F'; // blue
ctx.fillRect((canvas.width / 2) - (width / 2), (canvas.height / 2) - (fontHeight / 2), width, fontHeight);
ctx.fillStyle = '#0F0'; // green
ctx.fillRect((canvas.width / 2) - (width / 2), (canvas.height / 2) - (actualHeight / 2), width, actualHeight);
// canvas.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2 gets you to the top of
// the green box. You have to add actualBoundingBoxAscent to shift
// it just right
ctx.fillStyle = '#F00'; // red
ctx.fillText(text, canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2 + metrics.actualBoundingBoxAscent);